Kingdom Hearts 3: Dark Nothings

"I ..." she began but she was soon interupted by loud shriek.

Her first instinct was to run to the scream, the call for help. She looked at the man then at the direction where the scream was at. She didn't know whether to fight or go after the girl. Her pride or reputation, which was she going to choose over the other was a hard thing for to choose over the other.

"I...can't fight you." she jumped, she dashed towards the entraance and exit boor of this district and headed over to the third district immediantly as if her life depended on it. The students, the students. That was all that was on her mind. She couldn't think of anything else now. The stranger from earlier crossed her mind a few times as she dashed and dashed through the street and towards the center of the district where a tiny group of students were bunched up together, surrounded by a countless amount of nobodies from all different classes.

"Damn...I'm out numbered." she spun her staff around and placed it behind her back, with her free hand she took a potion out of her little bag which was hanging freely on her rope belt. She drank the potion to revitalize her energy from all that running but she knew that wouldn't be enough.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis threw up his arms and was surrouned by a oval cloud of darkness. When he stepped out of the cloud, he was in the middle of a group of students. He summoned back Heaven and Hell. They were real Keyblades and ones he controlled. Many of the Organization had been interrested in all the weapons he seemed to use.
Joxis stared down at the students, his long, white-blonde hair swaying gently in the slight breeze. He smiled at the students. It was a warm, but insensiere smile. He brought down the two Keyblades and flash! two students fell to the ground, dead.
It appeared that was when the others realised he was not their friend. They back away from him, the ones who had not summoned their Keyblades yet did so. Joxis prefered it that way. The more keychains he could collect. Five of the children swarmed in towards Joxis, apparently the bravest. Joxis diflected their attacks with a swift movement and took them out one-by-one, almost lovingly. Two of the students lost their heads altogether and began to attack their peers in a desire to escape.
Joxis continued to slay students and the street ran red. It was no use for any of them. If they tried to escape him, they'd run into the Nobodies and meet their doom there. Very few Keyblader students would have enough power to take down two or three Nobodies, much less an army. Joxis just smiled and brought Hell down on another child's skull.
Hoshi stood there watching the students get killed, one by one. Her anger was starting to boil. She didn't want any blood to be shed. She saw one of the key-chains of one of the student's fall off the their keyblade, landing into her hands. she looked at it for a long time. She couldn't stand there any longer. She put the key-chain away. It was time she got serious.

Inverted flare force." she called out as she pulled out a card, tossing it into the air then shooting a light from the tip of her keyblade staff at it, a firey explosion had jumped out from the card. The color was midnight blue instead of the usual red pigment. The embers were wildly dancing in the air. They danced their way around her, around the students, the fire had made a circular like wall around that district. It was turned into a firey ring.

"No one gets out, no one gets in." She was dead serious when she clapped her hands together to finish the wall. The wall started to make the fire rise even higher than the buildings. She saw that fire finally stopped when it looked like it was able to actually touch the sky.



Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis looked at the wall and smiled. Fire. She was going to use a basic element against him? He had been worried she'd use a complex element such as nature on him. But fire? He would have laughed it he had a heart.

The Keyblade in his left hand, Hell, began to glow. He looked at it and then at Hoshi and his smiled widened. "Your dark emotions strengthen Hell. Anger, hatred, greed, ect." Joxis lifted Heaven slightly. "Heaven on the other hand feeds of light emotions. Courage, kindness, mercy. Either way, one of my keyblades is going to gain more power from fighting you."

Joxis summoned the Keychains off of the Keyblades of the fallen. He attached them to his back and suddenly there was a mass of activity behind him. The bandages were swerving and weaving themselves. Finally, 28 bandaged hands rose up from his back, each one carrying a different Keyblade. Each Keyblade was a perfect replica of the ones of the fallen.
"Heaven and Hell are my original Keyblades from before I became a Nobody. All the rest may be replicas but I wouldn't underestimate them. Each one holds the power of a true Keyblade. Each one is deadly."
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One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
His hand brushed along the nearby wall as he walked down the once bright alley. It now sustained the same dark properties as the focused beams crashing down on the once quiet Traverse Town. Each step he took a new dark patch emerged from the exact spot he touched, then spreading out like the plague. The wall that bristled against his hand was soon starting to emit the charcoal colors as it branched off onto the sun spots that were left. In a matter of minutes, the wall was completely engulfed in the dark abyss that spewed from his hand, completing in the ransformation of the alley. His head whisped around to see the accomplishment that he had made and as his eyes set the site on the masterpiece, a small smirk appeared on the his face.

The pride and joy of turning something into a creature of the darkness made him happy such were his ways. Ocer the course of the years, this has been one of his hobbies. The radiant and pleasant feeling that he got from doing this vile act made him only feel stronger inside. It has been his way since the beginning of his creation. The superior feeling as he crushed the insignificant things below him. It is not only inanimate objects, but rather objects as a whole. People, buildings, walkways, anything he could set his eyes on he was willing to do so. This is only part of his mission though, this dark enhanced realm. The other is far greater.....

As he turned his head back around, he began to move out into the cold desolate streets of the Traverse Town. The only thing that seemed to be active was the heartless that crawled around in search of the hearts of others. His head glanced up to see the building that he was looking for, the academy of keybladers. Noticing multiple young 'bladers outside trying to slay the heartless, a small laugh could be heard under his breath. The thoughts soon surged...

Pathetic. A simple minded fool taught these keybladers. What a disgrace. However, soon it will be all over. Everything will be gone in this insignificant town and thus make it mine. The anxiety I feel to get this done is a magnificent one.

Glancing down at his hands, he could see the shaking intesity of it. He was ready...

This shall be over...
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"Fire is not such a easy element to understand. I never quite understood why Teacher Donald said it was hard to learn. Now I know." she did a few motions with her hands, making another layer of fire, this time the fire was burning green and black. What exactly was she up to?

Hoshi walked towards him grinning rather pleasantly. Everyone knew she was a random nut ball but who in the worlds smiles when they are in the face of danger; Hoshi would, she was idiotic enough to do such a thing. Hoshi looked at hre blade and at the man. She held the keyblade high and kept it in that position.

"myhtc dryd ryja talahtat. fydan dryd ryc tneat yfyo femm tyhla drnuikr dra hekrd. fedr dra hekrd dra mekrd femm pa cdumah yfyo, samdehk edcamv ehdu dra sasuneac uv dra vena uv dra rammc yht rayjahc." she began speaking a foreign language. The flames began dancing faster and faster; the flames were getting closer and closer, shortening the distance that was set upon them when they were summoned by Hoshi.

Taking out another card with her right hand, she threw it into the air quickly and shot the keyblade's light at it. It wouldn't listen to her, the card was not working. She looked at the card's illustration, she saw a heart with chains binded around it. A gasp escaped her lips, she knew what she had to do. "tecdyhd mekrd, lryehc uv rubac yht tnaysc. sasuneac cuuh du pa vunkuddah huf nacinvyla fedr drec haf raynd." she said those words over and over.

Distant light, chains of hopes and dreams. memories soon to be forgotten now resurface with this new heart.

After she whispered the last words, a heart came out from the card. She looked at it and was amazed. This was the first time she attempted to make a heart. She didn't know if it would last for a long time or was just a temportary thing. Nevertheless she placed her attention on the enemy. She commanded the heart to go to him and into his body.

'I just hope this works.' She had whispered mentally as the heart entered the nobody's body.

OOC: She was speaking Al bhed for the spells just so you know :3.



Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: I recognized the Al Bhed. ~_o

IC: Joxis looked strangely at the heart as it sank into his body. Again his body ached and his head pounded. Memories swam back to him. It was as though he could remember two different lives. Suddenly, his cruel, emotionless face changed. It had a puzzled expression on it. He looked up and spotted Hoshi.
His face seemed to explode with the smile he put on it. "Arlene!" Joxis called in a cheery voice. "Arlene! What have you done to your hair, friend? And where are we? This hardly looks like our happy castle."
Joxis looked about him and the more he looked, the more his expression changed to worry. "Arlene? Where are the others? Where's Even or Lenzo or even your husband?"
Joxis looked at his hands that were filled with the hilts of Heaven and Hell. His eyes widened and he saw the flames. His mind put together that something wasn't right. "Arlene... What's going on? Where are we?"
His looked changed to fury at the fire. More memories were swarming towards him. He was recalling his original world. The destruction of it. Voices filled his head yet again.

"We're being attacked!... Meteor Crush!... It's getting closer... Run... We must... (Screaming)... The village is on fire!... Open attacks!... We're losing men too fast... Soji!"

Joxis fell to his knees clutching his head. He began talking to thin air. Talking to people he had known in past. Talking to people who would never return. "Even... Can't you figure out what's wrong with me? Why does my head hurt?"
Suddenly, Joxis felt the heart inside him fade away. His memories collapsed inwards and vanished once again. His face lost its emotion. Cold and cruel once again, he slayed a student as he got back to his feet. He raised Heaven and Hell and then brought them down violently. The fire followed the motion and was suddenly extenguished. "I never liked fire..."

Heavenly Damnation

New member
Apr 22, 2006
In your iMAGiNATiON.
A pair of liqiud green eyes peered out of the shadows, that held no emotion, just innocence and confusion. A girl stepped out of the shadows with short white hair and bangs. Her outfit consisted of a tiny top and a skirt, on her head was a black hat that was pointed and had a face. Behind the girl were two tiny black wings, that weren't attached to her back, just floating. The girl looked as though she was about 16, still young and naive. She sighed and walked down the street, eyes looking at the people around, who payed no attention to her, as though she were invisible to their eyes.

Her steps were silent, she had learned to stay out of other peoples way and stay quiet. No one understood her, for why should they, there was nothing special about her, except that...she was a Nobody. She had no heart, no emotion whatsoever, for new not how to show it, how could you show emotion without a heart? The girl had traveled far in search for a heart, but yet she was unsuccessful. Pure determination was the only thing that drove her to continue on.

The girls name was Sarina, the Nobody, searching for a heart.... to be a somebody. Why am I here? I should just give up...No, I have searched to long to give up. I will become a Somebody, not matter what the cost. Rino was getting frustrated and decided to have a little fun. In her right hand a ball of lightning showed up, after she spoke an ancient word, "Galadaina" She tossed it un in the air a few times, then threw it behind her, making it hit a lampost and exploding it. "Nothing is fun around here..." Her voice was quiet, yet mischevious.

As she continued on, hear eyes caught the sounds of people fighting and talking, and her pace quickened. Up ahead her bright green eyes spotted a girl and a guy, so she hid in the shadows, going closer to them. The scene she saw intregued her, the girl made a heart and it went into the guy, who must've been a nobody like herself, but it disappeared. This is extrodinary...I will wait until they finish, to make my move. A smirk crossed her young face, hands going into a fist.

OOC: Sorry it took so long for me to post here... :/ I hope it's ok.
OOC: It's okay, a lot of other people didn't post yet. ._.

IC: "Sadly, I never liked it either. Not my thing, it was more of Axel's thing to play with." her image started to morph; actually change into something, someone else. What was happening?

A soft sad giggle could be heard as she walked towards him. "I prefer lighting and thunder." Her voice had changed, she was now wearing the same black cloak that all of the Organization members wore. Her hair was no longer a dark violet color; it was a bright and vibrant blond. Her smile was only a smile of pure pleasure. Her eyes had sorrow, torture and joy sparkling in it.

"Who said I was dead?" Larxene laughed. She was faking her laughter yet it seemed so real. She was known to be the apathetic princess of sarcasm. Larxene had stopped laughing and looked at Joix, one of her so called ex-comrades from the Organization. The blond haired girl whom was no longer Hoshi got closer to Joix, she got closer and closer. She then stopped when she was in front of his face.

"Isn't it nice to know I am not dead? Now I want to kill you because of that!" She sounded awfully cheerful about it, she raised her hand, holding onto her daggers. She was prepared to electrify him to the fact where he would look like Organization barbeque served as extra crispy with no sauce. She striked but nothing happened. She took a few steps back and was shaking. Larxene was trembling all over.

"Give me back my body." Hoshi's voice was still there. The two fought over the body mentally. Hoshi looked like she was loosing but it wasn't like that at all. The spell she had casted earlier to give Joix a heart had a side effect. A side effect Hoshi was ready for.

"Yhqeado aqbmuceuh" Hoshi managed to mumble out from Larxene's mouth. Her image, Larxene's image started to dissolve. Larxene whispered something only Hoshi could hear. tears fell from her eye sockets for a brief moment as she saw images pass through her head but she snapped back to reality.

Just for a moment Hoshi thought she saw her mother for that tiny moment but it was gone and Hoshi was transformed back to regular self.
"I can't kill you." she did not want to look into Joix's eyes. "Kill me now." She was completely serious about those last three words. She took her keyblade, aiming it at her heart. "Either you do it or I'll do it for you." What did Larxene say to her, what did she see in Larxene's mind that made her this way. Hoshi closed her eyes before making her final move. She quicklt spun around and aimed her keyblade and aimed it at the shadows that surrounded them.

"As if I'd let you or anyone kill me. Now, who ever is hiding reveal yourself. Don't act like I can't sense your waves." Being a high class witch she was in touch with the things around her, in touch with nature, in touch with the invisible waves that surround everyone. She had detected something wrong earlier when she had turned back to herself hence the images in her mind. They were not something from Larxene, they were the images of the many waves that were disrupted.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis had just smiled at Larxene the whole time. He did not care for such a traitor. In fact, he despised everything about her. How could she have turned on her own kind and joined that flower-loving fool? Joxis would have gladly slain Larxene but it wasn't Larxene's body. He would not kill one who didn't control their own actions.
Joxis did not even change his features at her threat to kill herself. It was her body and Joxis couldn't care less what she did with it. He was more focused on the newcomer. He could smell their presence, but there was no emotion in it. There was a being, but no heart.
It must be another complex Nobody. I didn't think they had sent any others from base here. It's not like I need any help. Everything is running smoothly.
"Strike Raid!" Joxis called, throwing the Keyblade in his right hand, Heaven, towards the shadows. Heaven spun like a deadly disk and crashed into the wall. It exploded and bathed the shadows in a light that did not fade.
Joxis walked forward as Heaven returned to his hand. He pushed Hoshi out of the way and walked up to the figure huddled there. It was only a female and it wasn't someone from the Organization. There were only 4 females left in the Organization. Joxis glared down at her despite the fact he wasn't really angry. He could not feel anger. Instead, he brought Hell up over his head and poised to strike, but thought better of it for some reason and stepped backward to where he had been.


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
The sheer magnitude of the building was impressive, it stood at a towering 5 stories high. The outer edges were carved with stone and the design seemed to be much like that of ancient Rome. Two pillars ascended the front of the building, holding it up. In between the two massive pillars were two keyblades crossed in the middle, the shafts of which touched. On either side of the keyblades, two well known figures appeared holding the hilts in their hands. Sora and what seemed to be Riku. As he glanced around the rest of the perimeter, he could see the heartless were being crushed by the sheer empowerment of the keyblade wielders. The very sight disgusted him as he saw the heartless being crushed by such a weak force, thus proving that his companions were useless. Raising his righ hand into the air, he held it above his head for a split second before snapping his fingers. Immedietly the heartless vanished, leaving the wielders standing and looking to see where they dispersed too. As the wielders searched the scene, they finally set eyes upon the mysterious figure. Each seemed to have a smile on their face as they lifted their keyblades and walked over to the man, eager for battle.

"So, you are these heartless' leader? If so, prepare your fate and suffer your consequences," One of the courageous students shouted at the unknown stranger. The student's eyes seemed to be filled with excitement and he soon dropped the keyblade down, ready for a fight. The comrades that followed him here did the same, leaving the situation very unpleasant.

"I guess you can say that. However, you shouldn't challange me. There is much you do not know, and thus all of you may die here," The figure replied with intensity in his voice

"Is that so? Well, have at you then!" The boy shouted as he charge at the man with the keyblade overhead. Swinging rapidly down at the ground, the boy soon realized the error of his ways. The unknown moved his body to the side so the keyblade smacked hard against the cold hard stone. Soon enough, the boy tried swinging horizontally to his the unknown, but proved to be fatal. Immedietly, the unknown bent backwards and the keyblade soared over him with great speed, yet his hands seemed to morph into a light crimson flame. When he finsiehd swinging, the student realized he had missed again, but when he tried to get back into a defensive stance, it was too late. The stranger rised with great speeds and thrusted his hands square into the students head, melting it from the outside in. Ind ue time, the student fell over, blood spewing illuimnating the pavement.

"Now, you know. Too bad you all won't live to remember this name, Azh," Az said as he disappeared into mid-air. The screaming echoes could be hear all over Traverse Town as the children were slaughtered one by one.

Heavenly Damnation

New member
Apr 22, 2006
In your iMAGiNATiON.
Sarina giggled, almost evily, "Do you really think you could kill me?" Her liquid green eyes glistened in the shadows. She stepped out and showed herself, Incelent fools...hmpf, they aren't worth my energy, but I could surely take the girls heart. A smirk crossed her face, Mo-mo's right hand on her hip, "Oh, did you change your mind?" She saw the guy Nobody back off and shook her head, "So this is what the Organization has? Pathetic." Her fingers snapped, then in a flash of light a keyblade appeared, a Lightning elemental one. It's design was unique and great for fighting, either as just a weapon or key to lightning powers.

"I have one too. Meet Storm's Light, my keyblade." She tossed it in the air and jumped up to catch it, but did not fall down. Rina was floating in the air, hence the wings. "If you want to 'try' and kill me, go right ahead, but do not take me lightly." Sarina's image gave her the look of innocence, which made those who had come against her, go light against her and underestimate her. "Looks can be descieving..." Her feet moved and she walked on air, towards the two. "Ah...a girl intouch with her surroundings a great skill, but then again, another inhabits your body. So sad..." She spoke with a sweet voice, but giggled. "And you sir, a Nobody in the Organization, to weak to work alone? I work alone and don't follow orders. That is your weakness..."


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis smirked at the girl. "You are trying to stir emotions in me. Don't you realize I can't feel them?" Joxis leaned backwards against the wall, leaving Heaven and Hell to float in front of him. "I retracted my attack because I scanned you. You're too weak. I can't underestimate either." Joxis tapped the side of his face, right next to his red eyes.
Something had changed about them though. It appeared he had decided to reveal another of his abilities. The pupils, instead of being black as they had been earlier, had turned violet so they contrasted with the red exterior. "These give me insight greater than what you could imagine."
Joxis smirked without emotions and stood up. His Keyblades followed close to him in case the situation demanded he used them. He walked up to the girl and gave her a poke in the forhead with his pale finger. She fell backwards to the ground, but continued to glare at him.
Joxis snapped his fingers and several Nobodies appeared in front of him. They were tall and lanky and wrapped in white bandages. They swayed back and forth, giving off an impressive display of balance and waited for orders.
"You think I am following someone's command by doing this? The whole attack on this place was organized and followed through by me." Joxis smirked again, but no emotion was behind it. Joxis reached behind him and pulled out a Keyblade. It appeared to be of the lightning element. He held it out in front of him and laughed, humorlessly, "Meet Storm's Light, your Keyblade."
"Don't try to sound all sweet when you're nothin' but second class Nobody. You wouldn't understand why what happened earlier happened even I explained it to you." She spat at the girl. She disliked it when people tried to pretend they were all sugar and spice when all they were was just the spice and this girl was a big overdose of it.

"You want my heart do you not? Well you ain't gonna get it. Go find someone else who doesn't have things to attend to and sins to atone for. Which I doubt you ever find." She eyed the girl carefully. she looked at Joix. He did it again. He imitated the keyblade once more. What was his secret? She was getting rather tired with this.

She smelled something.
It had a horrible odor. This is what she hated about being too in touched with the things around her and the enviorments. She hated that her senses were increased, more advance. Her nose had picked up the seem of human blood. She was disgusted. Hoshi looked at the girl and then at Joix. "Did you bring anyone else from the Organization with you?" she asked him. She wanted to know if it was a Organization nobody or something else behind this. Maybe it's hearltess, perhaps it is. What she didn't know was she correct.


New member
May 2, 2006
Okayama at the moment
As he walked through the town, the boy was attacked again by more Heartless, all of which met the same fate the others did. He continued up the stairs of First District when he came across two keybladers.

"A-Are you with the Heartless?" One of the asked startledly.

"Out of my way." The boy replied coldly. He kept walking towards them without hesitation.

"N-No!" The other yelled out. "Not on your life!" Both keybladers began to charge at the boy.

"Fine," the boy started, "then how about on yours?" As the keybladers reached within ten feet of the boy, they were engulfed by white flames and disintegated. Not even a speck of dust remained of them. The boy continued to walk on and as he made his way up to the school, he came across Hoshi and Joxis, although he didn't know their names. Both of them glanced over at him, but he just kept walking forward.

"Move or die." The boy demanded of both of them.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Oh goody! I get to reveal another one of the qualities of Joxis! ^_^

Joxis let out another of his humorless, bark-like laughs. "If you think you can get me to move you better think otherwise Complete." (Joxis will refer to most people with hearts as "Completes" due to the fact that he envies them.) Joxis tossed back a lock of white-blonde hair and a single stand of bandage flew from behind it. It changed and formed a deathly sharp spike, much like the one he had impaled the people to the wall with.
The bandage flew straight but met some trouble. When it got within ten feet of the boy, a bright white flame surrounded the end. Joxis didn't worry. His bandages didn't burn. He drove the bandage deeper and it began to melt. He retracted it with false amusement. The others may not have known it, but Joxis was the Organization's top scientist. He exaimined the bandage.
"Interresting. It appears to be a tempermental heat. A complete defense that is inniciated in the subconcious instead of actually commanded. It's much like my bandage defense. It reacts when the subject is in danger. Although, I must admit it must be hot to melt these bandages." Joxis peeled the bandage and showed them something.
The bandages appeared to have veins running through them. "My bandages are made from a cloth polymer that is constructed of skin. But, these bandages are also double layered.There is a visible skin layer, and an invisible soul layer. If I had wanted to push it, I could have driven the soul layer into him, doing much more damage."
Joxis retracted the bandage and it returned to its hidding in his cloak. He grabbed Hell, which had been whirling near his left hand. Almost lovingly, he raised it into the air and let out a cry of "Strike Raid!" He threw Hell and it landed directly into the boy's right arm. With a flourish, Joxis resummoned his Keyblade and held it aloft. "You didn't expect heat to stop a Keyblade named Hell did you?"
OOC: I might not be on this week as much because of my finals and tutorial stuff after school. So I'll let Stryfe or SPLATT [PP] me. Just keep me in character. :D

Hoshi looked at the new guy, he was quite spunky. She didn't like that. Hoshi quickly drew out her cards and threw one on him and the other two.

she placed a temporary spell on them. She knew she didn't have much time on her hands. she quickly dashed towards the exit of the district which lead her to the first district.

I gotta' get the Deathguise here. She reached into her little bag and grabbed out a little communicator that looked like something used for toys. She pressed the first button and the blue button near the switch. She heard something and opened the first district's doors. There it was, her precious Gummi Ship. She stood there admiring it, she had not seen it for so long.

The young sixteen year old jumped on her ship, then she closed the entrance and exits of the ship. Hoshi ran over to the top front. She looked at the seats for a long time. It had been a long time since she last saw her friends. She let out a smile before sitting down in her seat and then starting the ship. She looked back at Traverse Town and said goodbye to it in her mind. She didn't want to get involved there. She already had a place she had to attend to months ago. She hoped she wasn't too late though.

"First, I have to visit..father." with those last words, she was off into the empty space.


New member
May 2, 2006
Okayama at the moment
The boy stopped to examine the power of the guy in front of him. It wasn't really too high. When the keyblade hit his right arm, he didn't even flinch. He was getting quite annoyed.

"I said move or die!" The boy repeated himself, after which he shot a small, but extremely hot burst of fire right past Joxis's ear, causing it to singe. The buildings behind Joxis now had singe holes caused by the shot and all of them soon caught on fire. "You think my flames are hot now!? I can raise my fire's heat to a point so high it'd make the sun's temperature seem like absolute zero!"

"As for your keyblade, it ain't as powerful as you think. Incase you didn't notice, I didn't even feel a thing." The boy pointed out. "You called that keyblade Hell, am I right? Compared to my control over fire, Hell might as well be the same as Antartica. I'm sure that keyblade you're holding feels at the least a little hot. Now move out of the way or you're a dead man." The boy then noticed that the other person that was there was gone.

Hmmm, that one seems gifted. He began to think. She managed to slip out of MY sight without me even noticing. Or...she has great control over the element of time? Ahh! Interesting.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis felt the time spell slip on and his bandages rejected it for him. He was surprised at their speed as he had planned to remove to the spell himself. He didn't stop the girl from leaving and hardly cared. Instead, he was mildly amused by the boy in front of him. Joxis released his senses and the pupils of his eyes became violet.
The boy's physical readout was pathetic. Joxis would have laughed if he could feel joy. The information was relayed to his brain and he looked it over while the boy was stuck in the time stop.
Physical abilities - 19%
Strength tone - 26%
Endurance scale - 48%
Speed and Agility - 29%
Mental Prowess - 0%
Elemental Prowess - 69%
Health Status - Normal
Mental Sanity - Normal

Joxis turned off his eyes with a smirk. This boy was a one trick show. All hehad going for him was the element of fire and even Joxis could control fire fairly well. Joxis noticed the boy had come out of the time stop and was shoulding something. A bright something flashed past his ear, but he took little notice. Instead, he pointed a Keyblade at the buildings, forcing the fire out.
"Listen, boy, if I were to fight you here it would result in your death." Joxis shifted his coat to make sure he was effectively hidden. "I've already analyzed your powers and you are far too weak to take on someone of my level. My attack on you was merely testing your subconcious control of the element and it failed. You were unable to prevent contact and thus, I could have aimed it anywhere. I'm not planning to actually get serious over a guy like you." Joxis tossed his hair aside with a smirk.
What child's play. Meeting Hoshi was one thing. I already knew I could overpower her from the tests we ran on her. This kid though? I expected a real test from him. All he's got on his side is fire. At least I won't have to waste my energy. This eye never fails to get a perfect readout. Even on hidden abilities. I'm lucky my old complete self obtained it.
"Now, if you don't mind, I've got a mission to complete." Joxis faded away inside an orb of sheer darkness. He reappeared not too far away, right outside the keyblade academy, but found that it was already broken into. Student's bodies lay dead around it.
Good. It looks like the heartless have already reached this point. Then, there's only one thing left to do.
Joxis disappeared again, this time reforming in the second district. There was the fountain in front of him. It had been sealed for almost 5 years now. Twirling Heaven, he pointed towards the bell tower. A beam flew from the end, smashing right into the tower. In a display of fire and sparks, the tower was destroyed and an ominous noise began to come from the fountain.
Joxis turned to see that the fountain was moving, changing. There appeared before him a solid wall on the other side. Joxis, ignoring it, rammed Hell deep into the wall's center. It began to crack, with odd chinks of light emminating from the cracks. Joxis withdrew the black Keyblad and a giant, glowing keyhole appeared where the wall should have been.
From his cloak, Joxis withdrew a small vial of black liquid. He trust his hand into the keyhole and turned the vial upside down, pouring the dark contents into the heart of the world. Soon, the glow became a darkness that sucked in all light. Joxis jumped back as the fountain ws crumbled up and sucked into the keyhole. The masonry and brick-made road began to crumble and fall into the hole also.
Joxis smiled and turned away. It was time to leave.


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
Glancing back upon the remains of the foolish keybladers, he could only let out but a bit of a chuckle. Turning his head back around, he began to ascend the great stairs into the acedmy dwelling. The black footsteps that were once visible seemed to have vanished upon touching this holy ground, but the messag ewas clear, he was not stopping. As he continued to walk up the staircase, a strange feeling soon shot through his mind. Whipsing around, he noticed the bodies of the keybladers were far less than what he had slain. It was if these very souls vanished without a trace. His eyes widened as he saw what had been the cause of this act. Looking closer to one of the younger students, he could see them descending into the ground, just melting into it. His eyes immedietly changed targets as he noticed the ground to turn a faint black, one that resembled the heartless aura.....

"So, it has been activated. This world is cursed, but by who? I was sent here to do it, by myself, no one else has the power for the heartless. Did the nobodies do this? Why would they help us though? Who or whatever it is did the job though, so now I must hurry," He stated to himself curiously. He flashed around, facing the magnificent keyblade academy. His legs started to pick up the speed and instead of walking like perviously, he started to break of into a slight sprint. The tunic he wore started to flap behind him at the rate of speed.

He always wanted to finish the job, making his determination always show. Even when he accomplishes the task, he may feel the urge to make the next one perfection. It was a great ability had, never wanting to give up even when the jobis completed....

Reaching the inner chamber of the academy, he tore the place up in search of what he was looking for. Throwing the shelves against the wall and opening the drwers, his search was meaningless. The object, the scroll, he was looking for seemed to no be located here. Extending his hand to the back wall of the academy, he snapped his fingers again. A small portal opened up, one which he walked through to return to his ship.

OOC: Bad Post. I may edit it later.