MGS4 on it's way to 360!!

Dr. Tendou

New member
May 17, 2007
South Carolina
So what reason is there to buy a PS3 now?

I have been waiting for many months to finally say this, and today is the day. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will not be PS3 exclusive after all. It has been confirmed that it will make its way to the Xbox 360 in 2008.

There is no true date set for the release at this point, but November of 2008 has been mentioned. This is not set in stone as Konami is because working with Microsoft to bring the date forward as much as possible. MGS4 for the 360 will also come with exclusive content and gameplay that will not be in the PS3 version of the game. Some of there are VR missions as well as Snake Tales or Snake in the Valley, (depending on where you live) which will let you go on objective based missions, some of which are very lengthy. These are the first two bonuses to emerge so far but be ready to expect even more.

Konami is also in talks with Nintendo to bring a MGS game to the Wii. MGS4 would obviously have to be slimmed down if it in fact is the game though. We already know that Snake will be a playable character in Super Smash Bros. so this along with the 360 news, doesn't come as much of a surprise.

On a personal note. HAHAHAHA! Hey Sony fanboys! At least you all have a Blu-Ray player for the next year or two until that fails as well.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
I dunno.. if it's coming out for 360.. then who cares about ps3. I hate to say it, but ps3 and 360 are almost the same.. only slight features set them apart.. what's the major difference.. PRICE... and mabye certain games..

I'm glad it;s coming out for 360.. because I might look forward in getting one soon.


New member
Jan 12, 2006
I have been waiting for many months to finally say this, and today is the day. [Cease and Desist] will not be a [Rhymes with "Bony"] exclusive. It has been confirmed that it will make its way to the [Another console] in 2008.

There is no true date set for the release at this point, but November of 2008 has been mentioned. This is not set in stone as [Who knew legal departments worked on holidays, and that a game with no embargo, could make them work so fast]

If one were really smart they could search around and find contracts that bind, lets say, a game developer and publisher, to another company that makes consoles. If you were lucky, you might notice that the contract had a clearly stated term of exclusivity. If I were a betting man, I would guess that term to be more than 364 days and less than 367. (Precaution for Leap year) I am just guessing this of course. I assume that companies make contracts like this and they have to become public record when financial transactions are involved. Call me crazy, but I would bet that you could find out things by checking this.

I also need to state that the phone conversation I had discussing, let's say, Petal Rear Squalid Door apparently didn't actually happen. I thought that it did but other people seem to be telling me different.

[Editor's note: The opinions expressed about [another company] and the [Console they make] belong to Ron Workman and Ron Workman only. He's a loose cannon and a Page Ranking nightmare.]
Dear Internet Matlocks,

You cracked the case; good work. I understand that going to every [Logging] industry event, [----edited----], speaking to someone at [insert company here] and knowing this has been in the works for months, could not possibly make me as qualified as the forum post you made from your

A. Dorm room

B. Mom's basement

C. Cell block

We all know that [another company] would never give up an exclusive. I mean what's next? [insert 3 games that were lost and we were lied to about] Nooo waaay! They would never lose an exclusive. Every [3 letters] game was a [another company] exclusive at one point. I can't imagine them coming out with [3 letters] on another console. I mean ... they have never done that have they?

Next time I am with [Peter Parker], [Madonna], or [Phil Collins] in person, I will be sure to remind them to approve things through you, Internet Matlocks, before they make any decisions.

2 things:

#1 The "Snake Tales" was a joke BTW.

#2 I decided to be nice and respectfully make changes to this post. I did refuse to pull it completely because our community is more important to me. Hypothetically, this would be my first lawsuit of 2007. I was hoping to make it a full year but it looks bleak. I hope you enjoyed it.

ah did any of you actually read that?

tell me, where in that link you posted says that MGS4 is comming to the 360?

and another thing, that seems like a noname site to me

i'm calling BS on this


New member
Jan 25, 2006
MGS5. How is that going to work? At the end of the game Snake has mere months left to live. Raiden is now a family man and the Patriots are no more. The story is wrapped up with nothing left to add. If I was Kojima I would be going into other games and perhaps remaking Metal Gear 1 and 2 (NOT Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2).

Also MGS4 can not go on the Xbox. The system could not handle it due to the fact the program has almost filled up the blu ray disc. 360 would need 5+ discs and in this age gamers will not accept that (unlike 10 years ago with multi disc final fantasy games on ps1).


New member
Jan 25, 2006
Thanks for spoiling the story :p

I haven;t played MGS4 yet :p

I so need a PS3 now!

Maybe MGS5 could be based on a new character or a character that was in MGS4?

Sorry but spoiler rights end 3 months after a games initial release :p