~Naruto: The Demon Within~ (Poem)

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
Is looking at me a problem?
When I glare is it a sin
as the demon inside has all my power
and emotions deep within?

Is it that a real demon's inside me?
Is there no one by my side?
Do you really think the Hokage cared
After all the times I cried?

Did Iruka Sensei realy care for me?
Was Sasuke really my friend?
Did Sakura even love me back
After the things I wanted to send?

I am a ninja, I won't run away
I will be the strongest of them all
No matter what happens, I will prove to you
That I will never ever fall!

I'm the next Hokage
For I will never back down
I know I'll succeed! Believe it now!
Even if I am the class clown!

Killing these people was not all my fault!
Don't blame me I wasn't even a year old!
I never payed attention to a story like that
It's that story that's always been told.

In this story there lived a demon fox
It was true about 12 years ago
It's name Kyuubi killed Kohona the whole time
With the death and blood of them show

Then the Hokage with strong mind and heart
Stopped Kyuumi and cursed him into me
It chose me at that time because I was a newborn
My name known Naruto Uzamaki



New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Aww, I remember that when I watched the first and second episode of Naruto I felt like crying. I was so sad. And you revived that feeling with this poem.

I love how you put his thoughts into a poem and it's really good. It's one of my favs from you.

It's sad and beautiful.

Thank you!

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
.:.Haku's - Regrets.:.

I'm sorry father, I didn't know my own strength.
I shouldn't have done what I did
I'm sorry mother, I could never be
Your precious, NORMAL kid.
I apoligize to all of you
Whom I had no choice but to kill.
I truely beleive it was all for the best
To take lives by that one person's will.
Forgive me please, Zabuza, sir,
For failing like a fool
Now I'm worthless as a weapon.
I am just... a broken tool.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Awwww, Haku!!! His story was so sad.

I loved your poem, thank you for making one for Haku and it's just perfect. So sad. *cries*.

"Now I'm worthless as a weapon.
I am just... a broken tool."

*cries some more*

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
Why Am I So Different

They all hate me
They all do
They're all the same
I'm just
No one understands,
Then again,
No one wants to.
No one will be near me
They're all the same
But I'm not.
That's why they hate me:
I'm different.
What is this
Monster in me
That drives them all
It's me...
I'm different.
But I won't let it stand in
The way of
My dreams.
I can do it,
I know I can.
I can do it because I am
They're all the same,
They all hate me,
But that's their problem,
Cause I won't back down!
I'm not cruel,
I'm not mean,
I'm just....

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
Naruto (The Night Before Christmas)

It was Christmas Eve, and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

Exept for three kids,setting up the tree,
one sat on the floor ,sipping her tea.

They sat in a room,close to the fire.
They had fixed up the room, causing them to tire.

The christmas tree glowed, in the warm fire light,
the ornaments shined a red, green or white.

"I can't hang these up!", Naruto said with a groan,
the other two watched as he fixed it on his own.

"Naruto, you dolt...", Sasuke spitefully spat.
"You don't use the string, you hang popcorn with that."

"It would already be done,if you offered to help.",
Naruto exclaimed with a small squeaky yelp.

Sasuke rose from his place on the floor,
and helped Naruto, with the Christmas decor.

"Will those two ever be friends?",
Sakura spoke while fixing her new camera lens.

The was a bright flash, and a camera click,
"Smile," she said, that move was not slick.

The flash blinded the boys, making them slip,
"Oops", she said, while bitting her lip.

They fell to the floor, with a very loud crash.
She strode to the kitchen, in was more of a dash.

The young boys stood up, rubbing their heads.
The bumps would certainly keep those two in beds.

Sakura came out with the milk and cookies.
By the way Sasuke and Naruto set up the decorations, you could tell they were rookies.

"Hey guys, we should get to bed." Sakura said.
Sasuke and Naruto nodded their head.

The three young children headed to their rooms.
In the small, cozy house, where Chritsmas Spirit loomed,
something landed, on roof with a thunderous thump.
Naruto awoke and whispered, "What was that bump?".

He rose from the bed, stiffling a yawn.
Stumbling of the matress, he lacked the grace of a swan.

He turned a corner,tiredly scratching his back.
There he saw, Saint Nicholas himself, unloading his sack.

He placed the gifts beneath the tree with lovily care.
The last toy he set down, was a fuzzy brown bear.

"Santa, what are you doing", Naruto slurred.
Santa didn't think one of the children would stirr.

"Why, I bringing you kids gifts.", he said with a jolly voice.
"This is the season of cheer and rejoice."

Naruto smiled, still half sleep.
His eyes looks towards the present heap.

"Did I get something this year?", Naruto's smile swelled.
Santa chuckled, "Can't you tell?Now child, it's time to go to sleep.
Wait till morning to see your presents,so don't you peep."

The young shinobi smiled, went up to his room,
and wrapped the blanket around himself, like a baby in the womb.

The next morning the birds chirped and sung.
The children awoke, looking at what Santa had brung.

Naruto smiled while stacking his gifts on his closet shelf.
He knew he got the best gift, seeing Saint Nicholas himself.