Dating culture is dead - instead, young New Zealand women are regularly getting drunk and cruising around in packs looking for men to have sex with.
That's one of the findings of a TVNZ Sunday investigation into the sexual behaviour of New Zealand women. The programme makers did the story after Kiwi women last year topped the Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global Survey as the world's most promiscuous.
They are reported to have an average of 20 sexual partners, double that of their Australian and British counterparts and almost three times the global average of seven.
ON THE TOWN: Young Kiwi women have an average of 20 sexual partners.
TVNZ Sunday correspondent Janet McIntyre said there was anecdotal evidence from the five women on the show that the Durex survey findings were valid.
"There's a new kind of mating ritual sex is the point of entry into the relationship."
If the first-up sex wasn't any good women weren't prepared to waste their time progressing the relationship.
"There's no dating culture any more." In candid interviews about their sexual experiences some of the women who are all in their twenties felt empowered by having sex and wanted to celebrate and enjoy it.
McIntyre said all the women who had experienced one-night stands had been affected by alcohol, a term described by at least one expert in a report as "getting pissed and hooking up".
Men are also feeling the impact from the new sexual tactics being employed by women.
The Sunday Star-Times' Being a Bloke survey last year found that 29% of the 5000 men surveyed felt they had been pressured into having sex or had had sex unwillingly.
New Zealand... my next stop for my vacation trip