Online Gamers - 64% Females?!?!?


New member
Feb 7, 2006

Online Gamers Focus on Social Elements, 64% are Women

Nielsen Entertainment today released its third annual Active Gamer Benchmark Study, which shows that the social elements of video games are becoming an increasingly important part of the overall gaming experience. The research found that among the roughly 117 million Active Gamers in the U.S. in 2006, more than half (56 percent) play games online, and that 64 percent of all online gamers are women.

Moreover, while gaming has conventionally been thought of as a solitary experience, the new study reveals that Active Gamers spend upwards of five hours a week playing games socially, led by teenagers who are socially involved in gaming about seven hours per week.

The research also shows that although teenagers continue to comprise the largest percentage (40 percent) of Active Gamers, more than 15 million of these gamers (almost 13 percent) are now 45 years or older. While women make up nearly two-thirds of all online gamers, men still outnumber women in the overall video game universe by more than two-to-one.