

New member
Apr 30, 2006
Chapter 1: Late for school

Jen stepped into a room smelling the atrocious scent of decay and torture; she took another step into the dark room and stumbled over something with a clunk. She flicked on her flashlight quickly and shined it towards what she stumbled over and held her hand over her mouth hacking trying not to puke from the sight of the beheaded carcass with barbed wire rapped around it. She scurried forward some so she wasn’t close to the body and she shined the flashlight with a shaking hand across the room. What she saw made her gag again, bodies hanging from the ceiling and some pinned to the walls by nails. She saw the blood dripping from the wounds indicating that the bodies were fresh and new. Jen closed her eyes holding back tears; she didn’t know where she was or why she was there. All she could remember was walking out of her house to go to school.


“Jen! Time for school” a voice yelled from down the steps, she ran down the steps noticing that it was 8:50 and she was 40 minutes late. She stopped and gave her dad a hug, she didn’t have a mom, and grabbed 3 breakfast bar as she ran out. Jen was glad because it was the last day before spring break and she didn’t have any homework for 2 weeks and she had to dissect a frog. She had her backpack on witch contained a pocket knife, goggles, a breathing mask and the usual books, notepads, pens and pencils, and a flashlight becouse of the mysteriouse blackouts in the city.

Jen heard rustling from behind her and thought it was just a squirrel or something. Than all of a sudden she heard footsteps and she saw in the corner of her eye a tall man in a long trench coat with a hat. She started to speed up, breathing hard. She could smell a foul odor coming from the man. She sped up even more and the man sped up too. Than all of a sudden he turned the corner and she calmed down and sat on the curb trying catching her breath and wondering why she was so afraid of the man. Have I seen him somewhere before? She thought to her self than all of a sudden she remembered the news, the hundreds of murders that had happened in a streak to visitors to Quiet Banks, Georgia.

She felt a presence near her, like somebody was watching her. “Hello little girl” she heard as the man covered her mouth and picked her up off the ground pulling her off to the side of a house. The man was wheasing a little and spoke again “you’re a very pretty girl you know” he said as he began to kiss her cheek “to bad I have to get rid of you before you could be a woman” he heard a whimper from the once paralyzed girl, “or maybe, I could make you a woman first” she whimpered again and fainted.


She was relieved she was still a virgin and that the man left her undefiled, but she was horrified of what he would do to her now. All of a sudden she heard clanks of metal from the room she had come from, and she saw a tiny, tiny man with bear trap like things clenched to his legs, she stared at the little man crying but staying quite, noticing the little man’s head had a chunk missing and he was pale white and had cuts and scars every were and moved in a jittery motion. All of a sudden the man ran towards her and the flashlight went out as the man disappeared into thin air.

She sat up breathing hard and tried to stand up but couldn’t, not until she heard the groans of the bodies nailed to the wall behind her. She stood up and began to ran, she turned to see if she was imagining the groans and all of a sudden felt an impact to her head and every thing went black, dark hazy black.
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I do need an artist for this fan-fic of mine, I need some one who can draw demented things, such as the tiny man with bear trapped legs, and more to come.

Also, post your thoughts on the story, I will be getting a beta to edit it later