Pirates of the Caribbean: Journey to the Ends of the Earth


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Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Once Will's rowing time was up, Pintel took his oar. Now that they were out in open sea...Will was a little anxious. He was also pretty scared at the thought that at any one moment, the Kraken could come and kill them all with only one tentacle. But the Kraken didn't come for a while so Will calmed down a little. THe fact that they only had one gun with a limited supply of shots and powder wasn't helping the crew ease up. Each man of course did have his sword, but all knew that the Kraken could destroy them in an instant. Most of the men were upset that there was no rum on board. Will looked out toward the horizon waiting for land to appear. Any land. He was so nervous he wanted to land anywhere and call it safe. They had a map of the nearby area with them and looked at it. Apparently, going to Tortuga was going to ba a little longer at sea than they had hoped. Will looked back up at the horizon. Nothing. They had limited food on board the small boat and would surely die of starvation if they didn't see land by 3 days. Come lunch time all the men got a small peice of bread. Elizabeth hardly ate any and none could blame her. The bread was terrible. But it was all they had so they tried to over come. After Pintel and Ragetti's turns were up they passed the oars onto the next two men. The boat was quite until Pintel finally spoke up. "How we gonna get a ship once we get to Tortuga?" "We're to commandeer one." said Will remembering that nautical term Jack told him when they first met. "And wat about the crew?" asked Pintel. "Anyone we can get" said Will. The parrot and the monkey fought a little while but soon after they calmed down and enjoyed the long voyage.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
After a few hours at sea and a few rowing rotations, it started getting darker. Now this could be good or bad. They can't be seen, which MAY be good, or they may not be able to see. They lit a lantern and Will volunteered to be the look out. Pintel and Cotton took their spots rowing. Will felt a little better that he wasn't the only one awake. At least he could hold a conversation with them, well, at least one of them. "So how we gonna save ol' Jack?" asked Pintel. "I don't know" said Will. He pointed to Barbossa and said "I'm sure he knows how". Will and Pintel continued talking for a while and Cotton just looked at them wishing he could talk. After about an hour, Pintel and Cotton's rowing time was over. Pintel was about to wake up Ragetti and the short guy (name please) until he saw Will at the front of the boat. "I bet ol' Ragetti o'er here can keep a look out. You can go to bed, boy" he said. Will just shook his head. He looked out to the horizon once again. It was dark but he thought he could see something. He grabbed Barbossa's telescope and looked out there. The light of the rising sun helped a little and Will knew exactly what he was looking at. "LAND HO!!!" he shouted as he stood up. The whole crew awoke to see. "We should be their by mid-day tomorrow" said Will. The crew cheered and went back to sleep. Will told them a rowing crew wouldn't be necessary. All the crew went to sleep except for him. His eyes stayed glued to the water. But his eyelids kept getting heavier and heavier. All of a sudden, he woke up and found that he had fallen asleep for about an hour. They had drifted a little farther from the land but they could still get there before sun fall. He looked up and saw that the sky was lighter than before and the sun had risen more. He woke up Ragetti and Mr. Short (wats his name???) and told them to man the oars. After about half an hour, the crew woke up and oar rotation switched. They were closer now to the land now. Will looked at every crew member and saw that they were all anxious to get to land. Even Elizabeth lost her zombie-likeness. They were going to survive. They had to, just long enough to reach the beach.......

EdIt: ooc: after a little bit of research i finally learned the midget's name. His name is Marty
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New member
Jul 5, 2006
"Well, it seems the boy did something... but can ya tell me where we be going?" Barbossa glared at him. "Ya better not be leading us into some anti pirate country or somethin, less ya want to be killed."


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Will glared at Barbossa. "According to the map it's Tortuga.....i think. But even if it was a pirate-hating town, no one would acctually believe that pirates would sail the ocean in just a long boat. And we need supplies" he said. Will kept looking out at the land to see if he could spot anything that looked like Tortuga. It got a little brighter out but Will couldn't see the town at all. Marty and Cotton took the next rowing rotation. The whole crew looked out to see the land. THey only had a single peice of bread left so they waited to see how long they could last and if they could make it to the beach without getting hungry. THe crew had nearly forgotten about the Kraken. THey felt like they hadn't been on land in years. They were so excited to land. They couldn't wait to be on a real ship with a real crew and real weapons waith real food and of course real rum. But Will knew that even with a ship, they would still need to save Jack with Davy Jones and the Kraken on their tail.

Will looked out again and now he could see the faint shape of a town. He wasn't sure which town, but he knew they'd be safe once they got there. He just wanted to get out of the boat and out of the water. He just wanted to live and save his father. But then, Will remembered something. He decided he should share it with the crew. "Tia Dalma told me that in exactly one month, Davy Jones can step on land once again." he said. "We mustn't stay too long on land." And at that, he got quiet and waited to land on the beach.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Will took Cotton's spot at the oars and looked at the land. "Hmmm.....we should make berth in a few hours.....by sun fall maybe." replied Will. He looked at the town. He looked to see if there was anything to let him know where they were going. Nothing. Though things became clearer as they rowed closer they still couldn't identify where they were landing. Will rowed hard, staring hard at the town. All of a sudden, Will saw something that made him realize where they were going. "Rum!!!" he said. "What?" said Marty. "The sign on that building says rum! That town is Tortuga!" replied Will. The crew cheered and laughed that they were landing in the right town. Elizabeth was now jumping up and down and laughing and cheering too. But Will soon stopped cheering. He looked behind them and saw a ship. The Royal Navy. It was a few miles behind them and no doubt they could reach the town first, but Will knew he'd be arrested if they found him. They all would be. So Will made haste to row faster than ever before. They had to reach the town and hide. Will rowed and rowed constantly looking back. "We need to make it before sun fall!" he said. "A royal nnavy ship is right behind us and she'll ram us without even presenting a target. Row!" And so they rowed in hopes of reaching Tortuga before they were arrested.


High Prophet of Blue
Aug 4, 2006
In my own little world where I rule over all
Norrington stared at Becket for a while waiting for him to say something to him. "So what you're saying is that in exchange for the heart of Davy Jones you want to become Commador again?"

"Yes." Norrington said in return.

"Hm. Very well. I will grant you the position on one more condition."

"What would that be?"

"You must find Jack Sparrow and his pirate crew. Bring them here so they can be delt with in the proper manor."

"Will do." Norrington said as he started to walk out the door.
"Oh. And I will be going with you. Now that we have propper leaverage." He smiled.

(This will lead on into something else that will happen later in the story.)


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Will looked at the navy ship gaining on them. He suddenly got an idea. "EVERYONE" he said. "Use your swords to row us away from them!" He took out his sword and started rowing. Everyone did. He looked out at Tortuga and realized that they were going to make it before sun down. He looked back at the ship and hoped they could make it before they were clapped in irons.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Will took his sword out and looked at it. It wasn't rusting. He knew that Barbossa was making up any excuse so that he didn't have to row. He expected as much from him. He looked back at the ship and saw it was still gaining, and it would ram them in half an hour. He looked at Tortuga and saw that they'd be there in about an hour. They wouldn't make it. They all knew that. Then, nature suddenly gave them a little bit of hope. As Will felt a strong breeze coming against the direction they were traveling, he looked back at the ship once more. He saw that this specific ship couldn't sail against the wind. "We're going to make it!" he said. "Feel the wind, we will make it!" And Will was right, in a matter of minutes they were so close to Tortuga and the navy ship was far behind them. They would reach Tortuga in a matter of minutes. And so, the crew rowed faster, not because they were scared that the ship will gain on them, but because they were excited to get to land. They were safe.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
As Will and Pintel pulled the boat on the beach, they could hear the constant sounds of people screaming, gun fire, sword fights and occasional slaps from women. Will looked out at the ship and realized that they would already be out of Tortuga when the ship got to the dock. "Alright men!" he said. "We don't have much time! That British Navy ship will land here in less than an hour! We need only a ship, food, weapons, and a crew. Gibbs and Elizabeth will get people to sign up to be crew members, Pintel and Ragetti will look for food, water, and weapons, and the rest of you are with me. We'll go to commandeer a ship." The team split up. Will took his crew of 3 and himself off to the docks in search of a boat. Pintel and Ragetti plundered food stores and blacksmiths. Gibbs and Elizabeth went to the bar with a sign up sheet. And as Will spotted a big powerful ship, all he could think of was that they were heading back into open sea. And as much as he didn't want to run into Davy Jones again, he also wanted more than anything to find him for one big reason. His father.


New member
Aoi wonders though the streets of Tougha, The wind blew though her hair as if it knew she was Bored as Blarg. Then Aoi spoted a Ship docked at the Peir. "Hmm, I bet I can find some good Maps on that ship." Siad Aoi as she ran towards the ship.

No one was standing garud on the ship, so Aoi snucked on the ship bellow deck.