Quality Staff Needed


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Hey all.

For those that haven't read my blog... well we are revamping Gamerz-Place. A new skin.. new system on the forum, as well as a WEBSITE.

As you know, ALL of this takes lots of work.
I'm at a point, where I know it's not possible to finish it all myself, at least not on time.

So I am looking for some MAJOR staff additions and/or replacements.

I bet your asking, "what do you need help with"

Well... Here are a few positions open. As more spots open up, they will be posted here and updated in this thread.


Forum Jobs:

  • RPG Admins - Creating and Managing the RPG system. Fixing bugs, and taking up members suggestions. Running tournaments within the forum and organizing them all.

  • Admin Advisor - Advising the admins with decision for the forum. Creating new ideas and organizing a process to implement them within the forum. Helping with suggestions and changes needed.

  • Admin - Running and managing the forum. In charge of all script and design issues.

  • Super Mod - Watching over the WHOLE forum. Checking threads and posts for spam. Must keep the forum in order and assign infractions/banning for rule breakers.

  • Mod - Watching over the certain section of the forum. Checking threads and posts for spam. Must keep the forum in order and assign infractions/banning for rule breakers.

  • Marketing Team - In charge of getting GP's forum name out there. Will provide links to GP and promote GP.

Website Jobs:

  • Game Reviewers - Posting game reviews for games you've played. Must be posting at least 1 review per a week. Can post reviews on all and any games.

  • Download Managers - In charge of updating the site and uploading new patches out for games. Uploading gaming wallpapers and pics.

  • News Posters - Posting gaming news. Must be posting 3 articles per a week. News on anything related to gaming. Console, Games, etc.. etc...

  • Admin Advisor - Advising the admins on the website and making reccomendations/suggestions/changes.

  • Admin - Running and Managing the website. Is in charge of all scripting, management issues.

  • Game Previews - Creating preview articles for games to be released in the near future. Keeping members up to date on new stuff coming to the gaming world. Must create atleast 2 Previews per a week.

  • Marketing Team - In charge of getting GP's website name out there. Will provide links to GP and promote GP.

Please apply to the jobs you KNOW you can do. DO NOT apply for a job, that you have no background or experience in at all. Your application will be deleted!!!

Send all applications to me (Nitz) via PM.

If your going to send in 1 paragraph, please don't waste my time. I've had applications with 2 sentances before... I will simply delete it and you'll lose your chance at writing a proper application.

Include the below in the application:

  • Full Name
  • Country of Residence
  • Job your applying for
  • Age
  • Experience for the job your applying towards
  • Time spent on GP and/or the internet
  • Why do you want the job?
  • What goals do you wish to achieve with this job?
  • Your 2nd choice for a job here, if the 1st isn't given to you
  • Your hobbies
  • A brief description about your self
  • Anything else you wish to add to your resume/application
Again.. I'm sure this thread will be updated, so be sure to check it out daily.


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