Avlear is home to Mythical Creatures and kingdom of the dragons, time moves slowly there when 1 year passes on Avlear, 1,000 or even 2,000 years pass on other planets. After the Great Rift, witched cause all the Mytical Creatures of 3rd Earth to live in Avlear, A war broke out over the Mana Tree that breaths life into both worlds. The Mytical Creatures need mana to live, while the humans need Mana to help them work and evolve. Mankind was soon stepping into science and would not be needing mana, but they wanted mana to study and use for there own. The war for mana lasted for over 1,000s of years. Tripod was a young girl of 15,000 when she sighned up to fight in the war, to please her father. After the war was done Tripod was left behind and now trying to find her way home, it has been two years since the war was over and she's still lost on 3rd earth, but now the Human Govenrment has found out that Tripod is a Mytical Creature, and sent out A Speacial Unit of Army Called MI (mythical inveatagators) now Tripod is looking for home before she gets cought by the Government. Tripod had found out that Dragon's Gate should lead her straght back to Avlear, but she doesn't know who/ what it is or where it is?
No god mode
No power play
No taking over other peoples charaters
No killing
Have fun!:cow:
I need 3 other travelers with me and 4 for MI
No power play
No taking over other peoples charaters
No killing
Have fun!:cow:
I need 3 other travelers with me and 4 for MI
Charaters timplates should look like this:
Are you traveler or MI
History(why traveling to Avlear or why in MI)
Bio(if you want)
Here's Mine :Wave:
Name- Tripod Trigater
Age- 17,000 (but looks 17)
Traveler or MI- Traveler (duh!)
Wieght- 100pds
Gender- female
Race- Trigater
Weapon- her fist and Poe Hammer
Apperance- long white hair with two long black high lights in face ties hair in long white braded pony tail, wears silk dark blue vest, wrist ban with yen yang symbol on it, eye color (see personalty),black baggy long slik paints and dark blue boots with 1 ton wights in each shoe.
Bio- Born in the scecretive Trigate Clan and also curse with Mutliple Personalty (she only swich personalties wheh she sneeze), Tripod must learn how to balance light abd dark to find the bond between. She learn to fight with her fist and carry on the family's Dojo, she does this to please her father. When she was 15 she sighn up in the war between humans and mytical creatures, she was an under cover spy for the Mythical Creatures. After the war was over she was forgotten and left behind. Now she treavels trying to find her home Avlaer.
Personalites- She has mutiple personalies three if you count them (white, black and gray), she only swich personalties when she sneezes, the only way to figure out who she is, is to look at her eyes.
White Tripod (eyes blue)- when shes White Tripod she very shy, soft spoken and very nonviolent. She is also easily scared and runs at the first sight of trubble, but she loves to help out people and cheer them up when they're sad, also she hates to drink.
Black Tripod (eyes red)- When she's Black Tripod, she acts more like a boy, she gets very agresive and loves to start a fight. But she also helps out if she feels that some one is being bullied, also she loves to drink when she's like this.
Gray Tripod (eyes pink)- when she's Gray Tripod, she more withdrawn from every one, she only talkunless spoken to and she does what ever pops into her mind. But she is easy to be sadden and cry.
Abilities- Lift 3,000 times her own wighet, master of drunk fist (only when drunk) and can learn new things just by watching some one do it once.
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