Ranking system input :IMPORTANT:


The King Of Bandits
So with the update of the forums comes many changes as all of you have noticed. One of these changes is that we plan to begin using the Ranking system in the future.

Now if you have no idea what i am talking about then listen closely. Many of you have custom user titles. When the ranking system comes online that will be replaced by the title of whatever group you are in judging by how many posts you have. Example: if you have 10 posts you could be a newbie but if you have 100 post you would be a commoner or something.

I am here to ask your opinions on what you would like the ranking system to be based around. Basically i am just asking what theme you would like the titles to be based around (like KH or FF or any other game that you have in mind), or if you have a completely originally theme and name for each group then go ahead and post it.

We need your input for this one members, after all if you leave it up to the Admins who knows what will happen. so post your ideas, and in a few days we will start a pole for everyone to vote on and the winner of that pole in the end will be the theme for the ranking system titles.


New member
Apr 21, 2006
The World That Never Was
But being able to buy your own usertitle through vBplaza kind of defeats the purpose of having the system in the first place. And I'm sure most people are happy with the custom titles they have already.


The King Of Bandits
Yes i know that. I am very aware that most people are happy with the ones they have. But that defeats the whole purpose of having a ranking system when you can just change your title whenever you want. Yea it is great, but it would be even more great if you had to work a little to get it. Like for example if only VIP members were allowed to change their User title freely or something.

When you get so many posts and such, you gain the ability to change your user title freely, this means that when you get all that you can look back at the other members and say to yourself " I have done what they have not" It's to put everyone on an equal level. Plus i don't even know if we will have the option to change your custom user title with all the coming updates and such.

So all in all what i am trying to say is this: we are going to start using the user title ranking system soon most likely, so we need to know what type of theme you would want for it, since your the ones dealing with it the least we could do is design it how you wanted.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
I haven't exactly set the VIP but it will NOT only matter on posts anymore. Now it will look at how long you have been REGISTERED with GP, Certain REPUTATION you have earned and a certain amount of POSTS that you've made.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
It really depends.. I'd say mabye a full week before everything is setup and ready. The only thing that won't be done, is the RPG 3.0, because that will take a few weeks to test and build up. Other than that stuff like arcades and forum organization/warn system etc.. all Should be done under a weeks worth of time. :)


New member
Apr 21, 2006
The World That Never Was
Can't wait to see how long any new Inferno admins actually do their job when we get 3.0 xD

Back to usertitles, IMO it should just be a general game theme, we are Gamerz-Place after all.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Can't wait to see how long any new Inferno admins actually do their job when we get 3.0 xD

Back to usertitles, IMO it should just be a general game theme, we are Gamerz-Place after all.
Well.. once the RPG is finished.. the RPG admins won't have much to do LMAO!! Once it's all built.. all they have to do is workout bugs and any suggestions members have... otherwise once the RPG is made, it will take a LONG time to finish too.. :p many worlds and journeys ;)

LOL! YOH means.. the usertitle part..Right now you can BUY it in vbPLAZA, but I think we will have to change the requirements for the number of points needed to aquire a custome title.. unless your a GP Donator... :p

YOH means like how the vB changes your custom title area. When new members register, it will show GP NOOBIE.. then say after.. umm im just picking a random number...say 100 posts the custom title changes to GP Regular or GP addict etc.. that's what he's going after right now :p He's looking for suggestions for titles.. and mabye at what posts limits..


The King Of Bandits
your staff so your safe XD.

Anyway yea Nitz got the point. I agree with 1000 posts being the limit. I don't have a problem with that. Thats how it was on every other forum i have been on. As for the other requirements like time you have been here and rep and stuff, i don't know i am going to have to ask once again the rest of the members, the ones who havent posted yet. we need input!!!