realm of sadness

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
small talk jabbers on around me.
no one hears my bitter cry for someone to understand.
instead, it merely echoes in the hole you left in my heart.
on and on drones empty nothingness,
with no meaning.
its nothing but incoherent mumble
lost somewhere in the space between us.
it slowly, gently tears me apart.
excruciating pain envelops me,
and I feel nothing but pain.

I am nothing but pain.

It denies logic or reason,
and burns off tenderness,
and a thousand days of laughter: gone.
My heart feels this lingering need for someone.
and so I cling, with all my soul,
to what I knew, but have forgotten.
and at the same time…
life is still waiting for me.
waiting for me to understand
what is beyond the pain.
I’m searching for my sanity
inside this realm of sadness,
unrecognizable happiness withdraws,
obscured with my illusion of sadness,
hanging over my heart.
hiding my soul,
and forgetting all beauty.
I’m lost inside of a world
I have created for myself.
hope is all that navigates me,
through this dominion of fear and loss.
and this hope wavers more with every blow.
my hope falters, and I can only wonder how far it is to fall.