well, some peopledo have that problem, in which they just cant stand not having sex one night, so they do it with many different people but once they get married, they cant get un-addicted to it.....its like smoking
um...no offense to your mom Riddlin, but that's complete bull**** >.>
You dun go to hell for sex before marriage -.- You dun even go there for sex. Marriage is just a recent act that was created in the past millennium or so. No one before the time of Jesus was cursed for having sex before marriage because it was only symbolic in the past. If anyone says that you'll go to hell just for losing it before you got a ring on your finger, then they're simply blindly following a religion that is only suppose to be a guide, not a controlling cult >_>
Wow....way to take a joke.........
well i mean that was true way back when. catholic rules and what not. glad i left that. but i mean to belive that today, you must be a devout catholic, or just somone whos scared of having sex
i like where ur goin with that mormon stuffjk.
but you do have a point, theres alot of underage sex going around, but what do you consider underage? under 18?
Thats the main issue.. I know of tons of people who've screwed their lives up.. can you imagin.. getting out of high school. and you find out your g.f is having your kid... Your soo owned now.. since you have to go out.. find a job.. pay for a home.. unless your parents let your g.f stay over.. pay for diapers.. etc.. Your life is gone.. you can't even go to college now...Under eighteen means your basically still a minor, what logical sense does it make...consent age is seventeen, but you must decide if your responsible enough to screw around with chances of having a child that you can't take care of and end up wrapping this around your mind in an outbreak of denial...now wouldn't that suck? Thats what I thought.
Case and Point.
Sex Class said:Sex is good, but it only rele works in marriage. To illustrate wht, lets talk more about the covenant.
1. Sex confirms the covenant and reaffirms the covenant.
2. Marriage is a sign of our covenant w/ J-sus Chr-st.
a. sex begins a marriage
b.sex continues a marriage
c. sex points to the commitment of one flesh
Can sex do these things with someone who is not ur spouse?
Yes! But it is based on a lie or a false expectation
Sex is inherently marital-the proper reponse to premarried sex is to get married with that person
Pure and Holy Sex is in a marriage