
My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada

Dear Professor ___________________, my grade in ______________________ should be risen from

_______ to _________ because:

__ There must be some mistake somewhere.
__ I actually studied for this exam.
__ I was not well at the time of the examination.
__ My mind always goes blank during an examination.
__ This mark ruined my prospect of getting a scholarship/job/a life/a place in medical school.
__ This is the only course in which I received a poor grade.
__ This mark grieved my mother (or father) whose pride I am.
__ I knew the right answer but I wrote down the wrong answer by mistake.
__ I was unable to study due to the pressing demands of fraternity or sorority activities/political
demonstrations/sports events/jail/family crisis/roommate suicide/gambling debts/litigation/Weltschmerz.
__ Conditions in the room were not conducive to concentration.
__ The examination was unfair and unfairly distributed over the subject matter.
__ I have to work after school and nights; therefore I should be given a break.
__ I am married and have a family; therefore I should be given a break.
__ I am alone in the world; therefore I should be given a break.
__ I was under stress; there should be given a break.
__ I no speak English good - give me break.
__ I would have done much better if I had taken the examination given to one of the other sections.
__ The person I got the notes from had neglected to write down several key points and I should not be
penalized for his/her laxity.
__ Several people around me copied from my paper during the examination yet they received higher marks
than I did. Surely this is not fair.
__ The questions were ambiguous, and therefore my answers should be graded according to the reasonable
interpretations I made of your questions.
__ Many of the questions could not be answered with straight facts; they were mattes of opinion. I should not
be penalized jut because my opinions differ form those of the instructor.
__ I know many of the people in the class who do not work as hard as I do and who got a better grade. I am
recognized among my classmates as a good and conscientious student; you just ask any of them.
__ I circled the right answer on the question booklet, as you can now see, but when transferring the
information to the answer sheet I inadvertently marked the wrong blanks. Of course a University
student should not be penalized for petty clerical errors.
__ I have studied this subject from the broad philosophical viewpoint and therefore was unable to answer your
detailed-oriented technical questions.
__ I am philosophically orientated to the realm of ideas; I respond to the sweep and scope of the great
intellects. My work is beyond the interest in petty detail and parrot like memorizing of those who are
merely students.
__ At the time of the examination I was suffering from a severe case of cognitive dissonance and was
incapable of coping with the stress of the hour.
__ It is not a higher mark I seek; I care nothing about marks; I think marks are wicked and I disapprove of
them. However, this pernicious system of which I am a victim requires marks for achieving success,
and therefore I seek a higher mark.
__ Check, money order, or motel room key enclosed.

signed _______________________

Think my teacher will raise my grades, if I send the form in like he asked? :ban::evil:mellow:love:


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
LOL!! Oh yeah! Especially after reading the last line. hahaha. Don't forget to actually put some money! Lol. Give him 1 euro, he'll be sooo excited with foreign money. oooo, so shiny, LOL!

Now this is the best excuse "__ I am philosophically orientated to the realm of ideas; I respond to the sweep and scope of the great
intellects. My work is beyond the interest in petty detail and parrot like memorizing of those who are
merely students." lol, I love it!