

New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Many people might remember Styx from many of the RPs i've joined. This is the story of his life before being banished on earth.

Chapter 1: The beginning.

The River Styx flowed through the underworld, the black water creating a sense of fear and darkness, and striking passerbys with terror. A woman, not too old, and yet not too young, at that moment was sitting on the bank. She screamed out in pain for she was in labor, and a wanted woman at the same time. In the east, her father, Hades ruled over his half of the underworld. In the west, her master, The Overlord, who was the most terrifying thing this woman had ever saw. No one had ever seen his face. Darkness always seemed to fill the room when he came, and a chill was sent down everyone's spine who stood in his presence. The crimson aura that flowed throughout his half made oblivion become better than death. The lava pits that were throughout his half screamed with the thousand burning souls who perished there. The screams were similar to that of the woman. And she felt the underworld shake as a baby was born. She heard the souls gasp in fright, the lava pits spewing out fire. And she knew, born now was a child with great power. She held the baby in her arms and smiled at him. The one thing that gave her joy in a long time was resting in her arms, sleeping solemnly. She wanted to name him a name that would be remembered. A name that would fear all who heard it. She looked beside her at the river, and imediately after she whispered, "Styx". Then, she sensed it. The dark underworld seemed to get darker. The chill that went down her spine, and the crimson aura that appeared, moving towards her. She stood up and turned to run, but she couldn't move, and in a second, she dropped to the ground, dead. The Overlord walked towards the dead body that lay on the ground and pushed it into the river, releasing a soul as the body slowly disappeared. He looked down at the baby and smiled. But twas not a sweet smile. It was a smile of darkness and evil. "Perhaps, you can be of use to me...Styx"


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
(Still Chapter 1)
---Years Later---

Styx rode on his chariot, the skeletons of horses going at top speed. They stopped as they came to Hades' Chamber. Styx hopped off and snapped his fingers, the horses disappearing. He ran up the steps to Hades' Throne and bowed before him. "Well?" asked Hades. Styx looked up and dug something out of his pocket. It was a stone that glowed with a dark radiance and aura. Hades smiled as Styx tossed it to him. "Eccelent. Now, if you will, there are a few people on the list for today..." said Hades while clutching the stone. Styx nodded and left. He snapped his fingers once outside and the chariot once again appeared. He grabbed the reins as the horses flew up towards earth. The land split in two and the horses and chariot came flying out of the trough, the earth closing behind them. Styx got off and snapped his fingers, then took out his sword, the Sword of the Dead. He thrust his sword into the ground and said, "Eye of the Dead" He shut his eyes and reopened them, as then he saw his target. A man, 80 or so, sitting on a porch drinking tea. And it was his time. Styx took the sword out of the ground and went off to where he saw the man. He walked around to the back of the house and thrust his sword into the ground once more, this time saying "Time of the Dead". Time instantly stopped, and Styx found that killing people while time was frozen was a lot more effective than when time was running. He walked over to the man and put his hand on the man's forehead. He snapped his fingers and time started again, the man falling over, dead. Styx put the man on his shoulder and snapped his fingers. The earth split once again, the horse chariot coming up from the ground. Styx put the man in the chariot as the horses began to run down to the deepest corner of Hades' half. The Fates' Death Chamber. Styx lowered the man to the ground and looked at the tallest Fate. "There you go. And my payment?" The Fate gave Styx a pouch filled with gold coins. Styx smiled. He got back in the chariot as he put some of the gold coins in his pocket. The horses flew off once again to Hades' throne room. Styx tossed Hades the pouch. "There ya go. All the money's in it this time." Hades frowned. "It better be. Ok i suppose you can have the rest of the day off." Styx bowed before him and ran down the stairs, hopping into his chariot as it took off once more for earth.


New member
Jul 13, 2007
0 have some awsome writing talent, I'll keep reading your stories if you read mine! :D its called Hide-row and I'd love some constructive critisim from a wonderful writer like yourself


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Aww, wow. I love it, not surprising though. I know your writing skills quite well ^^.

I was always curious about Styx because you seemed to have all his background tyhought out. I love that you are giving us the opportunity to really know him and his story, keep it up.