XBOX Summer of Arcade returns to Xbox 360


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
y after Microsoft left the stage at E3, news broke via Joystiq that Summer of Arcade would return for another year. Sadly, not all games have dates announced and there is no word on prices either.

The line-up includes:

  • 'Splosion Man
  • Shadow Complex
  • TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-shelled
  • Marvel vs. Capcom 2
  • Monkey Island Special Edition
  • Trials HD
Shadow Complex was just one of the many games announced during Microsoft's E3 conference. Created by the studio that made Gears of War and Unreal Tournament, Epic Games are taking a break from the first and third person shooters and instead going back to the golden era with a 2D side scroller. Chair Entertainment (creators of Undertow, also on Xbox Live Arcade), will be collaborating on the development.

The game features gorgeous 3D graphics and has been described as a mix between Contra and Super Metroid with both stealth and action scenes. Players will take control of a yet unnamed character that is on a camping trip with his spouse. When one of the couple's back packs falls off a ledge, the player's character goes to retrieve it when he discovers an underground cavern. While away, armoured soliders kidnap the player's other half which sets the game up for a rescue mission where the player must upgrade their weapons and armour to take the soldiers on.

Also confirmed for later this year was the classic N64 title Perfect Dark. The news broke last night via Microsoft's Major Nelson on Twitter.

"In the booth. Just saw Perfect Dark on XBLA running 1080p. It is coming to XBLA this winter. Free theme coming tomorrow!"

The news breaks months of speculation as eagle eyed gamers caught glimpse of Joanna Dark pictures on the NXE Dashboard at various Microsoft events. There has yet to be any mention of price.

Has anyone even got the arcade version? Unless it's dirt cheap again, I wouldn't get it.... ;\ :toilet: