The Dark Angel's Vengeance

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
The Dark Angel smiled; his eyes of charcoal blazing
As he crushed the trembling messenger’s skull with a
Horned foot; the blood spreading across the onyx hall;
An innocent victim who would bring no more tales
Of deceit and disloyalty to his master.

The Dark Angel dreamed, and the townspeople
Screamed in terror, as the Vulture-men swooped
Down upon their children; tearing them apart with
Razor sharp talons and feasting on their sweet
And tender flesh.

The Dark Angel laughed, and the buildings
Cried out in despair, as giant boulders rolled
From the mountain-side; crushing all in their path;
Obliterating a vibrant community.
And the Trolls s****ered at a good days work
Performed for their master.

The Dark Angel’s bride, escaping on horseback
With her warrior lover, looked back in horror and
Feeling regret at the destruction she had brought
Upon her home town; her betrayal and lust sowing
The seeds of death and agony, for the people she
Had known since childhood.

The Dark Angel roared, and the warrior froze
As the earth ahead opened up into a chasm, and
Multitudes of groping demonic hands,
Pulled the terrified horses into the abyss.

And the foolish warrior died slowly as the
Dark Angel ripped the soul from his pain wracked
Body and cast it into the pit of Hell.
Where the assorted demonic minions enjoyed
Another feast of souls.

The Dark Angel smiled again, as he cradled
His sorrowful bride; now re-united once more.

To do with as he pleased.