The dream topic


New member
Feb 2, 2006
I was having some really damn weird dreams last night. :weird: First, I was at some big house with banana plants. I say plants because they weren't all trees. I don't know how, but somehow, I ended up on a pirate ship and had to take it through town... on a damn road. :eyepop: :pirate: Yes, I specifically remember "driving" a big pirate ship past the library downtown. After I got the ship where I was supposed to take it, I was sent to get a very old steam locomotive (train). It was a train that somehow appeared out of nowhere after about a hundred years (I think it had something to do with the episode of Star Trek I watched last night right before bed. Click the spoiler to find out about the episode.)[spoiler](It was set in a mirror universe where there is no federation and the Terran Empire conquers what they can. They found a ship, the Defiant, from the regular universe and also 100 years in the future, but it was being restored by another race. :alien: Of course, they took control of the ship from the aliens. See how that is connected to the train? For that matter, the pirate ship is connected too.)[/spoiler] I took the train to where I was supposed to take it... and then I don't really remember anything after that.

Post stuff about your dreams, ask questions, and other stuff like that. I will post some other dreams I've had if this topic does well. :weird:


New member
Feb 7, 2006
The most recent dream I've had that I remember was a weird love story type dream o_O It really gave me this vibe of the scene in FF8 ( note : didn't beat this game ) where Laguna was in that bar/club and that girl was there? It gave me that vibe but it went a lil somethin like this.

First, I remember waking up in this blue shirt I have, a collar shirt striped with different shades of blue, and a pair of my ralph lauren jeans..And there was this girl, my age or so, I'm guessing by looks, she had dark black hair, and looked really italian. She was doing this type of dance recital thing and I went, and her mom and I started hittin it off, and she got mad about that, and I spent the whole dream looking for her to apologize. It was being locked in a gigantic school or something o_o;; and I couldn't find her...I dont remember finding her. My mom woke me up that morning to help her take the vent cover off the vent, cause she isn't tall enough to do it, but it was a weird dream. It's like this girl I had only met but..the dream made me feel somethin <_<


New member
Feb 7, 2006
Yeah, but with who...-_- The last girl I talked to I ended up losing interest in, her name was Summer, and she wasnt really my type. Then I got this girl Leann's number but she's 19 and I'm 16, and she was feelin that but I really wasn't <_<; I'd rather date a girl my own age


New member
Feb 7, 2006
I JUST remembered something that happened in my dream last night o_O I had a REALLY long dream, like an entire story played out before me >_>. But anyway, this one part I Remember, I was at my window, and the back of my LCD panel monitor faces the window, right? And a hand broke through the window, and started grabbing for shit. They jerked the monitor and speakers out the window, and got the keyboard and mouse too, all in two swipes, seemingly o_O It was insane how easily it appeared he did it. It's like something you can imagine that couldnt possibly happen in reality <_< Well anyway, I was like " aw hell no " when he started reaching in again, and I grabbed his hand, and it wasnt one of those dreams where you're in control, it was more like a movie. I Woulda fucked dudes shit up way worse but all I did was snap all four of the fingers on his hand backwards at strange angles ( it was cool hearing them crack even though it was a dream XD ) and then he got free from my grip and took off running. When I got outside, my stuff was right there on the ground. Then, I heard something behind me, and I turned around...and I can't remember anything after turning around o_O I'm not sure if thats where I woke up or not.

edit : I was just reading this post and it made me think of this other dream I had, it's been a while, but it's just a strange thing I thought I'd share, it was a gangster-ish dream at first, it looked to be set in the hood in california, and I was with my friend patric irl, and we went to some guys store and we were gonna steal shit and he saw that so he was like " Steal all you fuckin want, I'm about to tortch the place for insurance money. " so we got a lot of stuff and when we went outside the store, the dream kinda..shifted, and I was in the same location except buildings were much taller and there were no street lights anymore. I had a pistol in my hand where the food and stuff had been in the bag, and on it there was a 4-leaf clover, except colored like the windows logo XD the window with the 4 panes of glass that are multicolored? It was like that. I used that gun to fight it till the death with some zombies. was a coo dream.


New member
Feb 2, 2006
Interesting dreams, Chris. If only a real store would let you steal all the crap you want! :haha:
Let me post a dream I remember from when I was like... 6. It's probably my most memorable dream of all time so far.

I was outside at my grandma's place. Something wasn't right, so I looked around. The freaking garage was driving away! :eyepop: I looks at the spot where the garage was supposed to be. Yep... it really drove away. I ran inside to the kitchen. My mom was there talking to all the people she works with at the post office, so I told her that the garage drove away. After I told her, my grandfather and dad walked into the kitchen. I explained to them that the garage drove away. They said that they could probably get it back. So, they took a plastic grocery store bag outside and I followed. They put the bag up in the tree in the yard and said that the bag would capture the garage. They were right. When the garage drove by, the plastic bag somehow sucked it in. After that, they took the bag over to where the garage used to be and dumped it out. The garage was back where it belonged. :haha: They told me that if the garage drove away again they could catch it the same way.


New member
Feb 2, 2006
I think the garage ran him over.

Anyway, here's a dream I had about two weeks ago. I was being chased by some girl (don't know who). She caught me and I don't know what happened. Later in the dream, I was somewhere else and the same girl was there. She had a freakin uzi and she started shooting at me, hitting me once below my ribcage. I fired back one time and she was down. Later in the dream, I remember that I had a scar where she shot me and that the bullet was still inside my body. Soon after that, I woke up. :weird:

Sometimes, I think I'd be afraid to find out what these dreams mean! They probably don't really mean anything, but they're damn weird. And that's what makes them great. The weird dreams are usually the better ones! :haha:


i used to have many dreams as a lil kid but now im growing up they seem to be less frequent now . i can remember one from when i was little that used to creep me out

my uncle paddy died , he was an irish sailor and had never been taught to swim since he come from a poor part of liverpool . My grandmothers sister mary was his wife , anyways he was on a trip in france when he went to board a ship fell in and drowned . after i was told that story by my mum i was like wow my uncle is a sailor anyways after that i started to have dreams about me going to a beach somewhere with my parents and i look out to sea and theres this boat randomly floating out in the see with some sailor waving to me . i used to have it all the time and then it just stopped just like that .

weird as fuck


New member
Feb 7, 2006
You always dream, every night, just as frequently as you did when you were younger, it's just that you don't remember the dreams you have. And yeah, everyone seems to have atleast one kinda weird dream that they have continuously and then it just stops randomly...that's what I like about dreaming >_> There are vitamins and stuff you can buy to help you remember your dreams better, though ^_^;


New member
Feb 2, 2006
This is really weird.... I have talked to people online that claim they never, EVER remember their dreams. :weird:


New member
Feb 2, 2006
Yeah.... I find it hard to believe that they've never remembered a dream in their lives.
Anyway, now I am waiting to have a weird dream to post here. Maybe when I go to sleep in a few minutes, I will have one. :crazy: