Quiz What video game character are you?

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
Video game characters come in all shapes and sizes. Which video game character are you? Take this character quiz to find out which character you are. It's the video game quiz.

You're in the grocery store about to buy your favorite food. What is it?

* Ice cream

* Dots

* An apple

* A candy bar

* A Powerbar

* Chicken breasts ... hehe "breasts"

If someone walked up to you in a bar and punched you for no reason, what would you do?

* Freeze them

* Ask them on a date...I like it rough.

* Stomp on their head

* Shoot them

* Eat them

Your favorite pickup line is:

* Baby, I'm like Taco Bell...I'll spice up your night.

* See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I'm cute.

* What's your name?

* Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

* If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put 'U' and 'I' together.

It's vacation time...where are you going?

* Egypt

* Antarctica

* Vegas, baby!

* Wherever everyone else is going


* Outer space...hey, if a member of N Sync can try to do it, so can I

You have to dress up to go out, what are you wearing?

* Heavy metal armor

* A pinstripe suit

* Overalls

* Tight, small clothing...and a holstered gun

* Wearing? Oops!

Your arch enemy challenges you to a fight, so you bring:

* A huge sword

* Who needs a weapon when you have killer looks?

* Your mouth

* An iceball

* Sniper rifle

* Fireballs

Most of the famous video game characters are men, but some women video game characters know how to kick ass, too. Which gender makes for the best video game characters?

* I'm a man, and I like male video game characters

* I'm a woman and I like girl video game characters

* I'm a man but I think you can't beat a hot girl character in a video game.

* I'm a woman, but I prefer classic all-male video games.