Recent content by Demon_Eyes Kyo

  1. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    XBOX 360 Red Faction: Guerilla

    I got a demo disc with the demo for it on it, and i pre-ordered it, It comes out tomorrow and it's really a badass game. If you haven't seen anything about it think about a game that has the controls of Saints Row (mostly) The destructible environments of Battlefield: Bad Company, vehicles and...
  2. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    Book Untitled (thinking about Wandering Flame?)

    Yeah so this is just a book I started writing a few weeks ago just for the hell of it. I'm only into writing the first Chapter but I have the Prelude written and typed up. So just tell me what you think and be honest. And for now names of characters/etc are not final yet Prologue...
  3. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    Instances of Me

    Two different poems written one night then the next. Part 1 As I create these instances of me different places where I can exist all alone yet never alone. Look, there is me standing next to me and as more mes emerge from inside me I feel lost. I cant find the way back to the day where the...
  4. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    XBOX 360 FABLE 2

    looks to be quit kick ass and it comes ou tonight whos gettin it? I especially like how they re-did the character creation and the fact that you can get a pet and that they put in new weapon types. Also the game is set in the same world only like some number of hundred years later, so it'll be...
  5. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    The End of it All

    You are one of the chosen. One that shall take your place in history on the day the world ends. Will you be a destroyer? Or choose the path of life and bring re-birth to the land? For 1 thousand years the destroyers and healers, two races of the heavens, have waged war aggainst eachother. The...
  6. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    *POOF* and he magically returns...

    wahoo! the one, the only, DEMON EYES KYO hath returned from his period of no internet!
  7. Demon_Eyes Kyo


    Memories pour over like water rushing over a waterfall. Of me, of you, of us together. I look back on these memories and ask myself, "Why, why did I let you go? I should have said something, should have cried out." But I didn't, I was too scared, Too caught up in my own greif. And now...
  8. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    Samurai Deeper Kyo

    Great manga, I love it (even though I've only read 8 chapters). Just wanting to know what anyone else thinks of it.
  9. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    Lil L.O.V.E.

    A great song that I love. Felt like sharin it. Mariah Carey is sooo hot!
  10. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    "Don" of the dead.

    We've all seen movies about people trying to escape Zombie invasions. Ever what would happen if you yourself were turned into a ZOmbie, but could still think like a human, and didn't need to feast on brains? Story: The year is 2130 A.D. In the country of Transylvania a chemist is experimenting...
  11. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    Well the movie came out yesterday. I went to see it, and it was pretty good considering that the book was 900something pages and they had to cut out about half of it. (well not really, but they left out alot). In my opinion it's the best movie of all 5 they've made so far. So if any of you...
  12. Demon_Eyes Kyo


    Well I decided to post this, in our hour of need. The fact is we need ideas for getting these forums new, more active members, and we need ways to get the existing members who come here more active, so start letting the ideas flow. For one thing, we'll need a way to keep already existing...
  13. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    My best work

    Well I just made this thread to show off some of my great and fabulous art that i have done over the past while. I've only got one right now, but I'll come back and edit this post or just make a new post when I get new ones, so make sure you check back frequently! Oh, and I would aprreciate any...
  14. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    Starcraft: BroodWar

    Well, Starcraft BroodWar is the expansion pack for SC1 and it picks up right after what happens in the final Protoss mission of the original. Just wondering if anyone's played it, what they think of it, and how they like the new units that were introduced. (Dark Templars rule!) I personally...
  15. Demon_Eyes Kyo

    Bye Bye for a bit

    Yeah, I'm not going to be here from tommorow until next week because Im going camping with my family in South Dakota. I'll make sure to tell everone I'm back when I do get back, so everyone have fun while I'm gone.