Recent content by Nyte

  1. Nyte

    Cool Pics of Nyte

    It's time I had a phot thread. So, here I am!!
  2. Nyte

    XBOX 360 Ninja Gaiden 2

    For anyone that know this series you this game is simply..dare I say 'Badass!'. Theres a big improvment on graphics and the gameplay in a bloody symphany of Ninja skills at it best. Ups: Great storyline- ryu out to save the world from fiends again and the black spider is tryin' to stop him...
  3. Nyte

    Nyte's Notebook

    This is really simple. This thread is my notebook, I plan to write any song or poem I can think of here random or not. (Mostly random) Post comment if you'd like I don't mind, and if you think you can do better PLEASE let me know. lol!!! It's the..N-Y to the Teezy E I ride rough like X...