The Legendary Saviour DevilsCry The Legendary Saviour wrote on DevilsCry's profile. Aug 5, 2009 Yeah what would I do without you?!
DevilsCry The Legendary Saviour DevilsCry wrote on The Legendary Saviour's profile. Aug 4, 2009 Ah good thing i told you the game came out then! Otherwise you might have noticed it a year later haha
Ah good thing i told you the game came out then! Otherwise you might have noticed it a year later haha
The Legendary Saviour DevilsCry The Legendary Saviour wrote on DevilsCry's profile. Aug 3, 2009 Im playing the special edition right now Counting the days till Tekken..still sooo many das to go sigh.
Im playing the special edition right now Counting the days till Tekken..still sooo many das to go sigh.
DevilsCry The Legendary Saviour DevilsCry wrote on The Legendary Saviour's profile. Aug 3, 2009 Actually.. it came out at least a month ago =p T6 is going to be awesome!
The Legendary Saviour DevilsCry The Legendary Saviour wrote on DevilsCry's profile. Jul 18, 2009 Nooo I havent, its not released yet, is it?! Have you seen, Tekken 6 is supposed to be released end of october!!
Nooo I havent, its not released yet, is it?! Have you seen, Tekken 6 is supposed to be released end of october!!
DevilsCry The Legendary Saviour DevilsCry wrote on The Legendary Saviour's profile. Jul 14, 2009 Let me guess, did you get the new Monkey Island?!
The Legendary Saviour DevilsCry The Legendary Saviour wrote on DevilsCry's profile. Jun 25, 2009 Working in germany? Omg how cool is that?!
DevilsCry The Legendary Saviour DevilsCry wrote on The Legendary Saviour's profile. Jun 23, 2009 Guess what! I'll be in Germany sometime next month!
The Legendary Saviour DevilsCry The Legendary Saviour wrote on DevilsCry's profile. Jun 22, 2009 Devils!?!! <3 Dont work too much!
The Legendary Saviour DevilsCry The Legendary Saviour wrote on DevilsCry's profile. Jun 15, 2009 Aww I miss talking to you, any chance that you are ever gonna be on during the eves?
DevilsCry The Legendary Saviour DevilsCry wrote on The Legendary Saviour's profile. Jun 13, 2009 Sorry! I didn't know if you would be online, work send me off to other cities this week x_x
The Legendary Saviour DevilsCry The Legendary Saviour wrote on DevilsCry's profile. Jun 10, 2009 hey I missed you during the last 2 days on msn!
Nitz Aaura Nitz wrote on Aaura's profile. May 21, 2009 done.. it was set to NEVER expire, but it's reversed now
Aaura Nitz Aaura wrote on Nitz's profile. May 21, 2009 so when is this infraction gonna go away dae dosnt agree with it, and crue is being a lil kid
Keyblader92 seddy Keyblader92 wrote on seddy's profile. May 17, 2009 Heya Seddy. How's everything going?