Recent content by Xemnas

  1. Xemnas

    Boy or Girl?

    So, which would you rather be, boy or girl, and why? I wanna be a girl because I wanna, ahem, get to learn it better ;)
  2. Xemnas

    Post your Gamerscore!

    So, what's your current Gamerscore at the moment? Mine's 100-something, if that -_-
  3. Xemnas

    "I'll be back", I said . . . and I am >:D

    Yes, folks, after a 2-month wait, my comp is back on the net, and I'm loving every second of it! I'll be way more active on the Inferno now too, since with my PSP I couldn't open the drop-down menus.
  4. Xemnas

    Official 3.0 Updates & Announcements Thread

    At long last, after months of waiting, we finally have RPG Inferno 3.0! Unfortunately, we still have to build it up, which means more waiting, but believe me it'll be worth every nanosecond and then some! Any updates and announcements regarding the RPG will be posted here. Also, any questions...
  5. Xemnas


    You may not have noticed, but today is special, 'coz it's Nitz's birthday! 3 cheers for Nitz w00t! *brings out special birthday cake* Don't forget to give presents!
  6. Xemnas

    You know you've played too much RPG Inferno when . . .

    If you're anything remotely like me, you'll know when you've played WAAAAAAAY to much RPG Inferno. Maybe you skip sleep-time. Maybe you feel Kingdom Hearts's battle system is too fast-paced, or you just don't do anything else. Well, tell us how YOU know when YOU'VE played it too much. For...
  7. Xemnas

    User Lightning Hurt/Heal!

    Ever heard of a game called Hurt/Heal? If so, you can skip ahead a bit to the last dot point. If not, here are the rules: The contest is set up, with contestants registering to participate. Organisers can set either time-based or registrant limits; for this you'll have a week as of the exact...
  8. Xemnas

    What's that?

    Ummm, what's that "AWARDS" link for? I'm sure it wasn't there before. :?
  9. Xemnas

    If you had the Ultima Weapon keyblade, what would you do with it?

    Me? I'd wipe out with it anyone who got in my bad books. I'm not joking, I would, if I could. :mad:
  10. Xemnas

    Story/poetry review thread!

    Ok. If you reviewed a story or poem, post the review here. Don't close this, I'll just open it again. :D
  11. Xemnas

    In Coldest Winter (a KH poem)

    In coldest winter, In warmest summer, In brightest day, In blackest night, I am with you, And you are with me, And together we Can be forever free. In saddest sorrow, In happiest joy, In wettest rain, In driest drought, I complete you, And you complete me, And combined we Can achieve anything...
  12. Xemnas

    The Shoutbox Archive!

    The Shoutbox. Lots of funny stuff happens in it. So why not have an archive to store all those moments? Cool, eh? I just wish I had that "Unserious insults" episode somewhere . . .
  13. Xemnas

    The "Screw a clan name" sign-up!

    I'll just skip to the rules: Anyone can join No flaming/spamming etc. Leave me your RPG name in your post so I know who the heck you are Have fun! (isn't that why you join a clan?)
  14. Xemnas

    Writer's thread!

    This is a special thread where writers can chat it up about almost anything - the ups and downs, where inspiration comes from etc.