Search results

  1. Cruentus

    Music Mario Paint Videos

    haha one of my favorite things. mario pant. Post your fav vids here. YouTube - Thriller by Michael Jackson in Mario Paint Composer Thriller YouTube - Mario Paint - Through the Fire and Flames - Dragonforce Through the Fire and Flames YouTube - Bohemian Rhapsody Mario Paint Bohemian Rhapsody
  2. Cruentus

    GP Member Spotlight Thread

    Member Spotlight Thread I'll be running this little thread to make sure it all goes well. Basically, it's a get to know your fellow Gamerz-Place'ers with questions you ask them. The Members to be in the Spotlight will be chosen from the list of Members that want to be in the Spotlight One...
  3. Cruentus

    And How are you today?

    Here we can post how we are feeling at this certain point and time. Post here every day, once a week whenever, just make sure it isnt twice in the same day. Today and this morning is horrid. Currently I am very depressed because alot of things in the corse of 20 minutes just blew up. One moment...
  4. Cruentus

    Music Acenged Sevenfold

    Well we have so many movie things here I thought I'd make a few music ones. Here is the thread to discuss one of the greatest bands ever. AVENGED SEVENFOLD. YouTube - Synyster Gates Solo Here is an awsome Synyster Gates Solo EDIT: SORRY FOR THE TITLE I ****ED UP
  5. Cruentus

    Lalaith Stands for a birthday

  6. Cruentus

    CruCru's Art(Sig and Avy's)

    Well here I will post some of my sigs and avys. send me a PM if you need anything. im running Photoshop Gimp and paint.NET That's all for now
  7. Cruentus

    Random Chatbox Moments

    This was lost in the reset so I thought I'd restart it.
  8. Cruentus

    Movies Untraceable

    YouTube - Untraceable Trailer (Link to the Trailer) Plot Summary: Set in Portland, Oregon, the film involves a serial killer who rigs contraptions that kill his victims based on the number of hits received by a website ("") that features a live streaming video of the victim...
  9. Cruentus

    Movies Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

    This is the thread to discuss the movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom on the Crystal Skull YouTube - "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" TRAILER (Link to the Trailer) This movie stars Harrison Ford and Shia Lebeouf. It was written by Steven Spielburg and co produced by George...
  10. Cruentus

    Movies Han****

    This thread is to discuss the movie Hanc'ock YouTube - Hanc'ock (2008) Trailer 2 (Link to Hanc'ock trailer) This movie comes out July Second 2008. Starring Will Smith playing a lazy drunken super hero. I can't wait to see this movie because Will Smith is one of my favorite actors since the MIB...
  11. Cruentus

    Movies Tropic Thunder

    This is the thread to discuss the movie Tropic Thunder YouTube - Tropic Thunder Trailer (Link to the Trailer) Once again I dont know much about this movie aside from the fact Robert Downey Jr. and Ben Stiller are in it. To me that sounds like a pretty sweet duo. Also I hear it is going to be...
  12. Cruentus

    Movies The Happening

    This is a thread to discuss the movie The Happening YouTube - The Happening Trailer - M Night Shyamalan (Link to the Trailer) This movie is by M Night. Shyamalan. It looks like a very creepy and confusing movie. I have heard M. Night is very twisted in his work which makes these even better. I...
  13. Cruentus

    Movies You don't Mess with the Zohan

    This thread is to discuss the movie You Don't Mess With The Zohan YouTube - You Don't Mess With The Zohan - coming this summer (Link to the Trailer) This is for the movie You Don't Mess With th Zohan starring Adam Sandler. He plays an Israeli fighter who can do anything. He gets tired of the...
  14. Cruentus

    Movies The Dark Knight

    This is the thread do discuss the batman movie "The Dark Knight" YouTube - Batman - The Dark Knight Trailer HD (Link to The Dark Knight trailer) This movie is released in the US this summer. I can't wait to see this movie because im a ravid marvel fan. This is the sequel to Batman Begins. Also...
  15. Cruentus

    Movies Iron Man

    This thread is to discuss the awsome movie Iron Man YouTube - Official Iron Man Theatrical Trailer 2008 (link to the Iron Man Trailor) I read the comics not to long ago from my dads old stash. Also I have seen the old cartoon. What I loved most about this movie was Tony Starks sarcastic...
  16. Cruentus

    Cruentus's Ice-cream Parlour

    The shop front is friendly and colourful, yet strangely calming at the same time. It's plain white front with lightly stripped colourful plaster decorations make the shop stand out and carries the strange reminder of sweetie shops when younger – wandering in with handfuls of pennies, looking for...
  17. Cruentus

    Ten Little Girls

    Corridors that smelled slightly of stale plastic bombarded the eyes of passers-by (and it was busy, teaming with the life-blood of a school overpopulated, bored minds more caught up in this weeks latest gossip than learning, to the despair of many of a teacher) with a deep, strong blue...
  18. Cruentus

    The Meaning of Love.

    Yes I know love is the word you say to someone when you really like them but what is the meaning of it. Love is being tossed around like the word "the" nowadays. So does anybody acctually know the words true meaning? It gets tossed around so otfen I think the true meaning was lost. Now that...
  19. Cruentus

    Happy Birthday keldy14

    Happy birthday to keldy14
  20. Cruentus

    Random Shoutbox Moments

    Post your random shout box moments. They can be from any site. Decado: Yea just type /prune. Koloth: That would work? Decado:It should. Brian:/prune Brian: it didn't do anything >.< Koloth: lol Decado: Uhh Brian you have to be s-mod or higher lol.