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  1. Kissui Tensai

    The Meaning of Life?

    What is the meaning of life, the very thing that connects with existence. I often wonder what it is, this very thing that sustains us a individuals to the reality. As a wisemen known as Phoneix would say. "We live to eat, we eat to live, its called the basic conception of survival of the...
  2. Kissui Tensai

    Animations BOOYA!!!!

    My first attempt would be this one, it was hard to cut things out at first XD! My second attempt, Roxas takes like an hour to reach Sora, i improved on the timings =P My best yet, hahaha im getting the hang of it :D
  3. Kissui Tensai

    Sora and Kairi

    Meh these are some that i did a while back via this year and i wanted to see what you think of it. Comments, crituque, and areas of improvement are welcome Sora Kairi
  4. Kissui Tensai

    Rebirth vs ??? (Open Challenge)

    Yeah i was pretty much bored out of my eye sockets, i do love the enticing combat of an RP battle. I'll take on anyone who steps up to fight me >_>; So yeah, waiting on the challenger to come =P. Battle type: Power/Melee Location: To be decided by challenger. Rules: 1. no godmodding or...
  5. Kissui Tensai

    Rate the Location above you

    Just as the title implys, read the bottom location and rate it 0/10. It can be where you live or don't live, you get points for creativity =).
  6. Kissui Tensai

    The Broken Seal (Original RP)

    Long ago when the universe was still young there existed an angel that watched over it. Whenever there was a disturbance in the universe the angel would recreate it the way it saw fit and changed all of its inhabitants and life along with it and begun it anew. Now over time the angel was reborn...
  7. Kissui Tensai

    What do you think of my Kafei

    I drew this a while ago, its actually one of my most detailed drawings that i have. Hope you like it ^_^
  8. Kissui Tensai

    New to the forums

    Yes another new member, just want to say hi to everybody, im still adjusting but im getting there ^_^".