Anyone want my points?

Sephiroth X

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Well I really don't need em. But I think one of you would enjoy them more then me. To make it fair I would just like you to answer on question the most creative or funniest gets it.

"Whats the deal with airline food?!"

(Lame I know I couldn't think of a question)

Hope I get replies ^^


The King Of Bandits
well when you figure in the secruity these days, the war in iraq and everything, you find out that people are using the ariline bathrooms more often. I think its a pyramid scheme for the waste company, they are in cahoots with the arilines and are making big giant crap bombs to drop down on any country we are at war on and give them herpes or something : D. In the end i think airline food has products in it that make you have to use the bathroom more often, that way the stewardis can yell at you for getting up to use the bathroom right after take off, ultimatly resulting in more jobs for the waste company and the airline stewardess's. And when you finaly do land in iraq or japan or whatever country you were going to you can jump off the plane with a smile, knowing you dont have herpes and if you did, you just helped spread it to 1 million iraqis. Dont you feel special? : D

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
It is there to make sure that you are fed but vomit at the same time....that way when you get on the plane and eat the horrible toxic waste on a plate that they call "airline food" you get sick and they get to nurse you back to health the whole way to whatever destination you are going....then you think "Hey! They helped me when I ate that horrible toxic waste on a plate that they call "airline food." I want to ride with that Airline again. It ends up in a continuos cycle of Vomiting and riding airplanes..
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Sephiroth X

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Jing said:
well when you figure in the secruity these days, the war in iraq and everything, you find out that people are using the ariline bathrooms more often. I think its a pyramid scheme for the waste company, they are in cahoots with the arilines and are making big giant crap bombs to drop down on any country we are at war on and give them herpes or something : D. In the end i think airline food has products in it that make you have to use the bathroom more often, that way the stewardis can yell at you for getting up to use the bathroom right after take off, ultimatly resulting in more jobs for the waste company and the airline stewardess's. And when you finaly do land in iraq or japan or whatever country you were going to you can jump off the plane with a smile, knowing you dont have herpes and if you did, you just helped spread it to 1 million iraqis. Dont you feel special? : D


That is a good one. How do you come up with this stuff LOL.

It is there to make sure that you are fed but vomit at the same time....that way when you get on the plane and eat the horrible toxic waste on a plate that they call "airline food" you get sick and they get to nurse you back to health the whole way to whatever destination you are going....then you think "Hey! They helped me when I ate that horrible toxic waste on a plate that they call "airline food." I want to ride with that Airline again. It ends up in a continuos cycle of Vomiting and riding airplanes..

LOL LOL this one is an awesome one to lol. Clasic responses.

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