Debate Cellphone jamming principal forced to retreat at high school


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Is this awesome or what? :p :cry:


The battle between students and teachers over the use of cellphones in schools reached new heights in B.C. when a school principal installed an electronic jamming device to stop the ring tones, the chatter and the text messaging.

Steve Gray, the principal in Port Hardy Secondary School on the north coast of Vancouver Island, was frustrated that a cellphone ban in his school wasn't working.

"We banned them a couple of years ago and that doesn't seem to have stopped the problem," Gray told CBC News on Monday.

"When there are cellphones in use, there is a constant background of 'Please put your cellphone away. Please give me your cellphone,'" Gray told CBC News.

So about a month ago he went online and bought a device from China to jam the signals.
Electronic warfare

Last week the device, which Gray described as a little box with four antennas, arrived from China, and he plugged it into the wall in the school library.

"I thought we'd do a little experiment and see what happens," he said.
"It was astonishing how it worked.… Two-thirds of the school instantly shut down for cellphone use. The teachers were very happy. Students were wondering what was going on," he said.

"Many students said, 'Yeah, you have done the right thing,'" said Gray.
Many others, however, were irate, and on Thursday a group of students refused to return to class after lunch, claiming their rights had been taken away, said Grey.

The students informed the principal the jamming device was illegal in Canada, and Grey had to pull the plug.

Now he's back to the frustration of an ineffective cellphone ban.
"It's not easy to enforce, because, you know a cellphone in your pocket, it's impossible to know it's there, and it's always on, always ready to be used," he said.

Hyuuga Neji

New member
Apr 19, 2006
over there <^v>
I'm all for the jamming device if it weren't for the fact that i need my phone to get a ride after school
i could care less about texting and other stuff
but i kinda feel bad for the principal lol
he's all like "YES!! IT'S FIXED!!" then it's illeagal and he has to deal with the phones again