
H-F Blade

New member
Jan 20, 2006
Discuss anything about your childhood here.

I remember back in 3rd grade, my teacher was really sexist against boys. Needless to say, I was a victim of such an atrocity. I remember one day she just randomly said I was "benched" for no ****ing reason. When you're benched you just sit on a damn bench during breaks not doing anything. Another time I was benched just for throwing away a kleenex. Another time me and a select few other guys were supposed to write a book report on some book for some stupid ass reason. I didn't do it obviously because there's no way that you can just randomly make a few people do extra work for no credit whatsoever. Things got ugly and my mom came in and spoke to my teacher. She finally left me alone.

The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
My school years sucked. Started in Grade 4 when I was forced to see a psychiatrist for no damn reason, tests proved that I was as normal as anyone else, so then she made my best friend at the time see one too. . .results came out the same as mine did.

She gave us Grade 6 work in Grade 4, my brain just couldn't cope with it, and yeah I threw some fits here and there because it was frustrating and I was just a kid and couldn't handle it.

Grade 5 I had an awesome teacher, he was like 300 pounds just about and near 7-feet tall, but he was strict as hell. Not because he disliked us, but because he had a troubled past and would be damned if we were going to have it tough too. Awesome teacher, just a little harsh sometimes he was.

Grade 6, 7, 8 were good teachers too.

Grade 9 though one teacher got me charged haha. My math teacher. Because I threatened that I was going to choke the life outta him if he didn't get off my case about work, of course I didn't mean it literally, but he still got me charged, soon my 16th birthday had rolled around shortly after and I just stopped going to school altogether, because teachers there and dip****s.

Greatest childhood memory though was in kindergarden when I played the piano with my feet and kicked over the giant dice. :p


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
For me the biggest thing and best thing was being care freee... I could do w.e and not worry about money... clothes... how I look.... what I do... it was a care free time for me... I didn't think about money... it wa slike I want that and would tlel my parents.... or jus basically going to school and being soo happy when recess time came or even lunch time....

I miss being a kid... and looking in the mirror each day and knowing..... those days are gone.... prolly never come back... all I got is photo's and videos left and my memory in my head. Other than that, those times were the best..... after that life is a lot tougher....


New member
Jan 14, 2006
I miss my dad, He's in Jail. They took him away while me and him was playing video games in the living room. While we were playin they broke down the door and took him away, I was only 7 when this happen. :(


New member
Apr 24, 2006
Luton ( England )
its okay miz i had to see a phychiatrist to ( mind my spelling ) in about year 5 of 5th grade whatever for no damn reason whatever i have on my mind id rather keep to myself but i was going through a pretty rough time my grandad had just died and i was a little bit depressed and not only that but i live with my mum and hardly ever see my dad and he was sending letters about how he loved me and wanted to see me but mum said it was all a load of crap and he was on drugs and all which he probably was but anyway i was pretty upset and i spoke to my friend about it and about 2 weeks later when i was all happy again here comes the teacher to drag me outta class to see some lady and talk to her about whats on my mind but luckily even in year 5 i was smart enough to keep my mouth shut i wouldnt tell her a thing then she got all irritated saying she couldnt help me if i didnt speak to her and then i lost it and started shouting at her telling her i wasnt stupid enough to tell her about my life so she can get social services involved and wreck my life...*sigh*
and i remember later that year i was the smartest in my class and the teacher there forced me to write some stupid book and then when i was done i had to sell it in school to make money for the school...i remember *last revolution" i called it dunno why just felt like it...when i think about it now it was crap to but everyone liked it then. and after that all that hard work she wanted a sequel and i lost it and screwed at her. after that she left and we didnt learn anything all year coz we always had supply teachers...damn my primary years sucked. LOTS!

but now im a happy popular 13 year old who has a great life ahead oh me.
but the only bad thing seems i have to be bad to be happy bad to be popular and in doing so i wont get lots outta life. i mean im not being that bad i just have a lot i need to sort out like im rude to teachers and stuff but im not really really bad and stuff. but right now i need a little bit of guidance in my life. well wish me luck!

and i agree with death night its only now im older i see that when i was a little kid it was probably the happiest days of my life...didnt it...always feel like sunshine to you felt a lot like sunshine to me...
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System Of A Down

New member
May 17, 2006
i miss my childhood! i was realli pretty now im ugly... i was happy then... now im weird... be4 i was realli annoyin though... i think wen u grow up n find out information bout other things u kinda get ****ed up!

thats wat i think anyway


Prince Kadaj
Apr 17, 2006
Everyone's childhood suck's I think, but for me Im expected to be what my parents, cousins, friends want me to be and that is play pro soccer, Im 16 now and all my parents talk about is if I played soccer lately, Of course my dad always wakes me up at 6 so we can go and run some laps, work out to just stay fit, so when I graduate there will be a team waiting for me, my dad was a great soccer player in europe so everyone expects me to be so too which kinds sucks, but anywayz when I graduate my dad is putting me in a soccer clun in europe he has everything set up, but w/e playing soccer get's me easy money.