Final Fantasy Sub-Forums Removed; Resident Evil Sub-Forum Added; Other Changes

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The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Okay, since myself and a good handful of members agreed that the Resident Evil series may very well be the most popular series among members here, that it would only be fitting to get its own sub-forum. Its now got its own sub-forum that is located here.

Now, the Square-Enix forum has been taken out, in comes the "Popular Game Titles" forum, where it features the Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, Final Fantasy, and Resident Evil sub-forums.

Speaking of the Final Fantasy forum, all sub-forums of Final Fantasy have been taken out. Reason being many of the sub-forums aren't really posted in and we needed to cut down on the forums and sub-forums as we had nearly 70 prior to the change. :/

Added to that, really to the naked eye, they would get the hint that this is a forum based squarely on Square-Enix (no pun intended) and Final Fantasy. Although it is not. It is a general gaming forum, and if necessary the really popular discussed and talked about video game titles and series may get their own sub-forum if the threads get huge and members feel one being added in is a good idea.

Anyway that is all. Any feedback you can post in the feedback/suggestions area I guess, but yeah hope you all like the change. :)
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