Guardians of the Elements

Radical Dreamer

Gothic Heartless
Apr 22, 2006
In the shadows
Jin felt as if this land was familiar. The air ,aroma,landscapes, "I've been here before,"he muttered to himself. I think I should go and see the people here make some friends. Not even a mile and I think I made an enemy I thought to myself. "Jin Henrei?" "Yes?!" "It can't"
"What is it ?" said Jin in an eager goloss. "Your home" said the man in a steady excited tone. " I know....." said Jin in a very quiet manner.
"When did you find out that you were a homonculi?" "When I got here all the memories came back no love not anything except for you rebels........" The two talked over a meal and a feeling of love. Jin pulled out a cancer and started to smoke long hard and filterless. "A woman brought me here" "That's odd?"Said Kain. "I wish to kill those other children who came here I am yearning to for it!"
"Kid you see that medallion around your neck that's what is protecting you from being killed. It also increases your powers and allows you to summon out monsters." Said old man Kain. " Is that it ,"said Jin in a sarcastic way. "I want to join the rebels!" Said Jin in a realistic way. "If you must.........." Said Kain "I give you my blessing." "Thank you"

OOC-These are my summons
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The King Of Bandits
Luca suddenly perked up, the sudden person speaking to him out of nowhere. He was already starting to tense up before someone else came along." great" he thought" another person i have to lie to right now" He pushed a fake smile with a sad attempt and stareed down at the girl. "Ayslin... Dont tell me. your here to bug me about finding a way home too right?" Luca let his smile drop and sighed" You ever wonder what it would be like, if you were stuck in a world where you could never return to see your family? Do you ever think about know..if anyone would care that you couldn't come home?" Luca let his arms down from their crossed position. It was starting to get late already." ..Look...the sun is setting. We should probably go get a fire started and set up a camp or should probably go tell all the others to do that. I doubt in all the comotion they will neglect to even think about their physical needs like heat and sleep. I'm gonna sleep here tonight i guess." Luca lay against the the trunk of the tree, more then 10 feet off the ground, Still looking as calm as always.

He slowly closed his eyes and started thinking. He had a lot on his shoulders at the moment, and everyone bothering him about going home, everyone being so scared...It was all on his shoulder's now. He was the only calm one in the situation or so it seemed. he opened his eyes yet again, staring off into the now setting sun and thinking about everything, and everyone. He just kept on thinking about them. They had been shaking when they first set down beside him, and even then he had totaly ignored them, Saying as few words as he possibly could. " I'm sorry ayslin...i wasnt trying to be mean. But really please go tell the others to set something up if they want to survive through the night. Moving right now would be the worst possible move to make, we would be risking not only our own lives, becuase they are still in shock from everything, and we still have a couple kids who have not even woke up yet." Yet again Luca sighed, feeling everything on his shoulders" oh and you..Make sure you stay warm tonight and get some sleep. We need to be well rested and ready to move tommorow if neccesary." Luca closed his eyes for a second and whispered something, hoping she couldn't hear it" ..Good night ayslin.."
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Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Rintro awoke in the middle of the night. He looked around to find the others either asleep, or close to it. He didn't get up and ask about what was going on, he just looked around and figured for himself. They were on an uncharted land, or at least, a place that was never even seen in the maps back at school. He looked down at himself to find that he looked different as well, and had weapons by his sides. He took this all in and wonder one thing. 'How did I get into all this.' He looked up into the sky, seeing the night littered with stars. 'Well, at least they're still the same.' He smiled a little as he breathed in the peace of the night, knowing that it wouldn't last forever.