ya.. what do guys get? nothing? We get all the damn ice cream, chocolates, flowers what not.. what do the guys get??? more like a long list of overdue payments for valentines day!LOL!! What? Why? Tsk tsk, those are just details, gifts aren't really needed, just love and lots of it. And maybe a huge bucket of popcorn or icecream or.. or.. cookies, lol. You guys just stress out over nothing, LOL!!
And to TLS, time does heal, at least I hope so =O !! And if not... we're always here ready for a party and I get the biggest slice of pizzaaa, lol. Weeeee !!
maybe your into a mug and hot choco.. not all girls are like that... some expect flowers or something nice, fancy and expensive.HAHAHAHA!! Nooo, I always have icecream so no need to buy it. ha!! So silly, lol! Well, maybe you've got way demanding girlfriends, you hafta find someone who doesn't ask you for stuff, lol. And... hey, there's always a better idea I just got. A blanket and a nice mug of hot chocolate. No need to spend money. LOL
why do you need a day for that? that happens every day??So truueee!!! Really, some girls may like fancy and expensive stuff, but I believe most will just be happy to have their love around all day long!