I usually drink about 7 cans in a normal week. About a can a day, though sometimes I skip a day or drink two cans. I used to drink almost 21 cans a week a few years ago, but I stopped doing that and I started drinking a lot of water.
<span style="colorarkOrchid">I just went through about 30 something Vaults this week...which reminds me, I need to get myself some more...
They need to sell this shit in packs/2 liters becuase I'm starting to get sick of folks staring at my ass running out the Wal-Mart door lugging bags full of the suckers.</span>
Eh caffiene free drinks taste like a$$ though, dude . I personally drink maybe two sodas a week, I used to drink a lot more but I just don't really care for it that much...Great stuff, I just don't fancy it. But if I am drinking soda, it's not gonna be Vault or Mountain Dew or Coke, it's gonna be Royal Crown =| now that's some retro shit right there. Doesn't get any better than a syruppy soda you can't see through