What would they be? ;)
The Legendary Saviour Captain Jan 12, 2006 2,194 5 0 34 Out and about Zenny 132 Points 0 Feb 4, 2009 #1 What would they be?
E.V. New member Jul 5, 2006 836 4 0 Miami z10.invisionfree.com Zenny 102 Points 0 Feb 4, 2009 #2 1. The ability to create amazing movies 2. good looks 3. 3 more wishes
DevilsCry New member Oct 11, 2006 152 1 0 In TLS's Room Zenny 100 Points 0 Feb 5, 2009 #3 1 - To get the power to turn back time. I'd give the other 2 wishes to someone else. (who wouldn't wish to take my power away to turn back time )
1 - To get the power to turn back time. I'd give the other 2 wishes to someone else. (who wouldn't wish to take my power away to turn back time )
Sergeant Dreamer First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye May 22, 2006 343 0 0 38 CLASSIFIED Zenny 150 Points 0 Feb 5, 2009 #4 1. Get promoted to Colonel 2. Win a million dollars 3. Become an invincible soldier
E.V. New member Jul 5, 2006 836 4 0 Miami z10.invisionfree.com Zenny 102 Points 0 Feb 5, 2009 #5 The first wish seems a bit wasted. If you were an invincible soldier, you wouldn't need to wish for a promotion.
The first wish seems a bit wasted. If you were an invincible soldier, you wouldn't need to wish for a promotion.
Sergeant Dreamer First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye May 22, 2006 343 0 0 38 CLASSIFIED Zenny 150 Points 0 Feb 5, 2009 #6 True that, but why wouldn't I want to get promoted? Every soldier earns the right to get promoted for what they do and for the time they serve, no body but a superior can say otherwise. Plus being invisible would just be awesome.
True that, but why wouldn't I want to get promoted? Every soldier earns the right to get promoted for what they do and for the time they serve, no body but a superior can say otherwise. Plus being invisible would just be awesome.
Nemesis New member Jan 25, 2006 106 0 0 Zenny 0 Points 0 Feb 14, 2009 #7 1) For 2 friends to pass all their exams this year. 2) Not to be so shy in real life. 3) I guess become richer than bill gates
1) For 2 friends to pass all their exams this year. 2) Not to be so shy in real life. 3) I guess become richer than bill gates