Because we have LIVES! LOL Will I ever meet someone who appreciates me someday?
Sergeant Dreamer First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye May 22, 2006 343 0 0 38 CLASSIFIED Zenny 150 Points 0 Jul 19, 2008 #41 Because we have LIVES! LOL Will I ever meet someone who appreciates me someday?
trance_baby New member Jan 14, 2006 685 0 0 Brisbane, Australia Zenny 151 Points 0 Jul 22, 2008 #42 I will go with yes... one day Is the new Batman Movie rock your socks?
Hyuuga Neji New member Apr 19, 2006 912 0 0 31 over there <^v> Zenny 5 Points 0 Jul 22, 2008 #43 YES it was awesome! oh magic 8-ball, will i ever get off my lazy ass to start running for cross country?
YES it was awesome! oh magic 8-ball, will i ever get off my lazy ass to start running for cross country?
Daesy New member Jan 24, 2006 723 5 0 On a milk carton Zenny 100 Points 0 Jul 22, 2008 #44 No........try again Why am i tired?
Hyuuga Neji New member Apr 19, 2006 912 0 0 31 over there <^v> Zenny 5 Points 0 Jul 22, 2008 #45 cause u didn't sleep enough or u slept too much last night *throws the magic 8-ball against the wall and cuts it in half with a katana* STUPID 8 BALL!!! will i ever figure out the reason i don't try in school?
cause u didn't sleep enough or u slept too much last night *throws the magic 8-ball against the wall and cuts it in half with a katana* STUPID 8 BALL!!! will i ever figure out the reason i don't try in school?
Sergeant Dreamer First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye May 22, 2006 343 0 0 38 CLASSIFIED Zenny 150 Points 0 Jul 29, 2008 #46 Your not MOTIVATED!! Find something that modivates you to do something and focus on doing the stuff you know you can do. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and remember no question is a dumb one! I weigh 130 or so and can bench 85, am I too buff?
Your not MOTIVATED!! Find something that modivates you to do something and focus on doing the stuff you know you can do. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and remember no question is a dumb one! I weigh 130 or so and can bench 85, am I too buff?
IBeatSephiroth New member Jul 25, 2006 693 4 0 28 In your roof.. FEED ME! Zenny 101 Points 0 Aug 22, 2008 #47 No... Should I stay on the PS3/computer when my eyes burn?
E.V. New member Jul 5, 2006 836 4 0 Miami Zenny 102 Points 0 Aug 22, 2008 #48 depends on the game. If my giblets itch in public, should I scratch them or wait til somewhere private?
depends on the game. If my giblets itch in public, should I scratch them or wait til somewhere private?
Daesy New member Jan 24, 2006 723 5 0 On a milk carton Zenny 100 Points 0 Aug 22, 2008 #49 Giblets? Wait till you are only. Thats sick to scratch them on public. If i had a boyfriend and found out he was gay, what should i do?
Giblets? Wait till you are only. Thats sick to scratch them on public. If i had a boyfriend and found out he was gay, what should i do?
E.V. New member Jul 5, 2006 836 4 0 Miami Zenny 102 Points 0 Aug 22, 2008 #50 well, dump him of course, not like there'd be any point in it anymore. Should I become a meatatarien? (like a vegetarian, but for meat and so much more awesome)
well, dump him of course, not like there'd be any point in it anymore. Should I become a meatatarien? (like a vegetarian, but for meat and so much more awesome)
Daesy New member Jan 24, 2006 723 5 0 On a milk carton Zenny 100 Points 0 Aug 22, 2008 #51 You could but you would be missing the nutrients need to live and might die. So no you shouldnt be a meaty...meatre....meato.....whatever. Should i work for gamestop if they offer me a job?
You could but you would be missing the nutrients need to live and might die. So no you shouldnt be a meaty...meatre....meato.....whatever. Should i work for gamestop if they offer me a job?
E.V. New member Jul 5, 2006 836 4 0 Miami Zenny 102 Points 0 Aug 22, 2008 #52 Hellz yeah, video games are awesome! should I go around getting stupid people to believe 2 + 2 = 5?
IBeatSephiroth New member Jul 25, 2006 693 4 0 28 In your roof.. FEED ME! Zenny 101 Points 0 Aug 22, 2008 #53 You could try, but I think you would fail I draw all over my almost 15 year old computer desk with led pencil and pen, should I stop?
You could try, but I think you would fail I draw all over my almost 15 year old computer desk with led pencil and pen, should I stop?
Daesy New member Jan 24, 2006 723 5 0 On a milk carton Zenny 100 Points 0 Aug 22, 2008 #54 No. It might become an artifact. I just bought Tomb Raider: Anniversary. Should i play all night or try for tomorrow.
No. It might become an artifact. I just bought Tomb Raider: Anniversary. Should i play all night or try for tomorrow.
IBeatSephiroth New member Jul 25, 2006 693 4 0 28 In your roof.. FEED ME! Zenny 101 Points 0 Aug 25, 2008 #55 Sleep! As soon as I'm finished school I'm going to learn how to make games, should I make my dream job a game maker?
Sleep! As soon as I'm finished school I'm going to learn how to make games, should I make my dream job a game maker?
Geer High Prophet of Blue Aug 4, 2006 742 3 0 In my own little world where I rule over all Zenny 159 Points 0 Aug 25, 2008 #56 yes. If you enjoy doing it. Should I have put a real question in place of this one?
IBeatSephiroth New member Jul 25, 2006 693 4 0 28 In your roof.. FEED ME! Zenny 101 Points 0 Aug 25, 2008 #57 No Should I lie?
Sergeant Dreamer First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye May 22, 2006 343 0 0 38 CLASSIFIED Zenny 150 Points 0 Nov 4, 2008 #58 No, bad karma. What's up with Prop.2 in CA?
The Legendary Saviour Captain Jan 12, 2006 2,194 5 0 34 Out and about Zenny 132 Points 0 Nov 12, 2008 #59 No idea havent played it. When will I ever stop with being so damn lazy?
Daesy New member Jan 24, 2006 723 5 0 On a milk carton Zenny 100 Points 0 Nov 12, 2008 #60 Yes. When you have children. Will i pass Anatomy and Physiology?