Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke slowly opened his eyes. he looked up to see Tripod above him. He rubbed his head as he sat up. He winced as he felt the pain from the training, but smirked non theless. "I did it, I mastered the move." He tried to stand, but his previous exertions got the better of him, as he collapsed into her arms. "Don't worry, I'm ok, just a little beat, that's all." He closed his eyes in strain as he tried to move on his own again.


New member
"Don't move!" Said Tripod with a tone. "You must be out of alot of energy, since you train that hard." Said Tripod as she held Susake up. "I can carry you to you're home, don't worry, just rest." Said Tripod in a cold voice.

Why did I sound so cold just then......Man, I'm thinking to much, Gray just remeber you're a garuden first and everything else second....
"And its good that you master that new move...I'm...happy for you." Said Tripod as she looked at Susake with her cool pink eyes.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Standing in front of the buildin, Rayex looked it up and down for a moment. It was a hotel of course housing a target he was scheduled to rondevu with. Walking through the main doors he walked up to the desk to talk to the counter clerk. "Hey by anychance are you housing a hidden cloud shinobi at this residence?" said Rayex to the clerk. She began to flip through her guest book and found someone matching that description. "Try floor 7 room 439" said the clerk. "Thanks." said Rayex as he walked passed the counter and headed down the lobby hallway and towards the stairway.

"This bastard....My dad lied to me, she didnt really die b/c of the shukiri genkai." Rayex was whispering under his breath as he climbed the steps. "To think she would get beaten by the irregularity after she managed to control way. Turns out, this guy...he was that much of a badass to best an Uchiha with sharingan on the second level..." Rayex stopped as he hit the fifth floor. He looked back on the katana blade Sano gave him when he was a genin. "Hmmm, i dont think i've used this for quite a while." Rayex's eyes flooded with a destructive look much like the one his sensei had many years ago. He continued to walk up the step and came to the door, he knocked on the door and it opened slowly.

"Step outside Koza kunokai, you've been ordered to return to the hidden cloud village by Ichiru Kunokai the head of the kunokai clan." spoke Rayex boldly. Koza stood to about six feet wearing the trademark Ataksukai cloak of a former member. His eyes were filled with twin sharingan and a gash went through headband of the hidden cloud. "You little punk, hehehehe, what makes you think im going back just like that? You must really want to join the likes of the one before you. So die!!!" shouted Koza as the tackled Rayex flying outside the door and slammed Rayex through the window.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano was in a delay.... in a twisted nether of the explosion. Why is he ignoring me.... The chakra abnormality began to engulf Sano. It twisted and formed in the shape of a dragon around him. The smoke clear and he zoomed off in immense speed. He quickly tracked down Rayex and watched as he clearly flew out of the window. " Rayex...." He glided down quickly and caught him. He looked in the window and saw a man glaring. " You again...." Sano held his hand out and a large orb in the color of dragon flames appeared in his hands.
" DRAGON'S BALISK!" IT flew through the window and quickly flames came out of the window from a massive explosion. People began to run out screaming but he had left before they realized he was there. " He's not dead, I gave him to much time.... Hehe, Rayex I gave him the death stare. So that's gonna be your victim.... We got some work to do." Sano glided into the sky with his chakra wings.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
"Heh, thats one hell of a blast." said Rayex watching it all from his sharingan eyes matching Koza's. "Yo Sano, I got it from here." Rayex placed his hands together and focused his chakra. The yellow marks flew across Rayex's body and poured into his sharingan. It distorted the color and amplified its vision to a little more. As Rayex fell his skin began to turn from his tanish tint to a yellow glow. It began to flicker violently as it shrouded around him like that of Sano's. Ok, once more! Rayex pushed his shukiri genkai further and on his back his chakra formed what looked like a wheel spinning. "Shukiri Windmill!" shouted Rayex and he soared down towards Koza. "You little brat, like thats going to work." said Koza as moved to the side and took out a kunai and leaping after Rayex.

Damnit, he's using the kunokai kunai taijutsu! Rayex could feel him creeping behind him and he turned as he was spinning with two kunai in his hands. He spun rapidly and was met by the katana blade Rayex was carrying. "I see you weren't slacking kid, good to see you werent lousy like you father was." said Koza taunting him. The screaming of the people attracted some Konoha Jounin who saw two shinobi of the hidden cloud village and an airborn Sano. Rayex and Koza raced across the buildings colliding constantly with one another. "You bastard! Your going to die for turning your back on the kunokai clan!" said Rayex swinging his blade to have it stopped with three kunai. "Heh, so want to call me a traitor, im not the only one with a foul past." said Koza speaking like an enigma.

Rayex stared at him, "What are you talking about?" Koza shot a glance at Sano. "He finally came out and revealed himself....what a fool...i wasnt going to come alone!" Koza snapped his fingers and two more figures raced down the building and knocked Rayex over the roof and into the streets. "You, where are you coming from, more importantly who are you after?" said Rayex looking at them from the street.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano stared. " I guess I did linger to long..... THIS IS GONNA BE ONE HELL OF A PARTY!!!" Suddenly, his appearance changed and his stance was no longer serious, but one of a hostile person. The aura began to bend around him like fire, and the wings melted back into the mix. The henchman stepped back and fear rose in the expression of their eyes. " What the hell is going on!!! No one has this much chakra!" Suddenly the one talkings head flew off and the body collasped to the ground. The other stared at the body and then at Sano. " Hey, kid your next...." Sano had his Katana out and the edge had blood dripping from it. The guy stared with dread, with the intensity that he knew what would happen next. Sano jumped fiercly and head butted the other lacky and he flew crashing through the bricks of the building as his body laid waste to a doom of fire. " See this is why I don't join with you Ataksuki punks!!! Koza, right!?"
Sano stared with judgement at the mans eyes.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex watched Sano rip through the enemies as though they were nothing. "Well, looks like sensei's back....oh god." said Rayex clenching his fist. Chakra poured into his hand all at one time. He began to do handsigns and intensified it even greater. "Still think im that weak little brat!" shouted Rayex rushing towards Koza with intense speed. Koza stood firm and began to do handsigns and his fist began to ignite with green fury. "You think you can one up me on thunder jutsu! Think again brat!!!" said Koza as his fist was glowing brighter. The sound echoed from both attacks furiously! until the met one another and slammed furiously into the other. Rayex eyed Koza and shot him a full blast of his sharingan eyes. Mangekyou sharingan! The instant it hit his eyes he was weakened and Rayex went in and slammed his fist into Koza's chest. "Yakuza Chidoiri!" was all you could hear as it flew into Koza surging his up spine as Rayex's fist went through his left shoulder. "Hope you never rise again, stay dead and never get up...." said Rayex coldly as his fist came out and Koza dropped and his headband flew off his head and slid down the roof. Rayex hand was covered in blood, and some was on his face. People stared at him as he was panting and staring down at Koza's lifeless corpse.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano turned and walked up to Rayex. " A little to dramatic... I don't want you to be like me." He clenched his fist and rammed it into Rayex's stomach, knocking him out. He picked him up onto his shoulders and dissapeared into thin air. He walked around on the village and noticed that Rayex wasn't as short as he use to be. " God have you grown. God kid also looks like you tried to dress like me...." Continuing his walk, he finally made it back to Kurenai's apartment. " Took longer than I expected, I'm still back." He smiled and walked through the door. He dropped Rayex on the closest couch and looked at Kurenai. " This kid still drops like a fly from back then doesn't he?" Sano went down and took a seat on the opposite couch. " Kurenai, I hope I didn't worry you...." He smiled and Kurenai walked up, sitting on his lap. " I still owe you something." She went in and lip locked.

ooc: wow, dramatic XD

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: o_o err, awkward way to wake up...

Rayex stood for a moment as he felt the blood run down his hand. He sighed and Sano was in front of him, he spoke angrily and swiftly delivered a shot to his stomach and knocked him out cold. "Sensei....I.........." Rayex dropped to the ground and his thoughts went blank for the moment. He lay their unconscious until Sano picked him up of course and took off. The last thing Rayex could feel as a thump onto something soft, his body began to move a little bit and he was regaining his sense of self. "Huh what....what the hell just happened...?" said Rayex as he woke up on a bed. He look to his right to see Kurenai sitting in Sano's lap and you dont wanna know what else was going on.

The expression on Rayex's face turned red and blood shot from his nose as he fell of the bed and hit his head on the floor pretty hard. "Ahhhh!!! What the hell sensei!? This is like that time i found you two sleeping in my bed in my aparment 3 years ago!!??" shouted Rayex as he had to shout. He sighed and walked out of Kurenai's room and sat on the couch in the living room to gather his thoughts. He made sure not to touch the apholstery with his blood stained hand.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: For those of you who had a problem with my character, it would have been better explained later in the story. Soji does not know every technique and I don't pretend that he does. He is an earth and water elemental which is what I kept him to most of the time. The reason you couldn't beat him is merely because you didn't think enough about how to beat him. I designed his character so he couldn't be beat with brute force, but by a lot of thinking.

Soji looked down on Konoha with a mixture of disgust and pity. It was true that the village had grown weak, but this weak? He shook his head and looked off into the distance. It had been so long since he had visited this place. His ailment had forced him to leave in a hurry without looking back or even getting to tell Tripod what happened to him. His eyes softened for a moment at the thought of his former traveling companion. He had missed her greatly while he was away. Something about the girl brought out his better side. Maybe if she had been with him, he wouldn't have decided to kill all those people...
Soji shook the thought from his mind and began to desend upon the village, floating down gently on an air current. He had no wings and appeared to be standing in midair. He didn't care though. He slowly twisted the small silvery ring on his finger, looking down at it for a moment. A ring of Akatsuki. He had been cornered by them not long after he left. His ailment had made him too weak to fight and they took advantage of that by tricking him into returning to them when his mind wasn't completely whole. Of course, he could just leave again, but their great need for him was interresting and he wanted to see how it would play out.
He landed gently in the main street of Konoha and looked around. There were of course, many eyes on him from the common villagers. It must not have been often a man flew down into their streets. He didn't know where to start in the village, but he knew he wanted to find Tripod and explain to her. Looking over the brim of his staw hat, he saw a bird pass above him as he thought. Last he could remember, he had seen her with that Uchiha child. That was so long ago, but he knew it was the best place to start.
With a huge bound, he lept over several buildings, using an air current to land gently on a rooftop and then springing himself into the air again. It didn't take long to reach his destination. Several bounds later he was looking at the entrance to the Uchiha Clan's old area. He looked up at it and sighed, wondering if he was really ready to see Tripod again. Slowly removing his straw hat, he let his long, silvery hair to fall down along his back.
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Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke looked up at her. 'Must be one of those personalities, She's helping but sounded so cold before.' He Let her support some of his weight as he stood up again. "Oh, and thanks, for the help." Sasuke looked into her pink eyes. They reminded him of Sakura's hair, though only as a remionder that he should go see how she's doing. He thought of her as a friend, even if they had a rocky start. Sasuke was only faintly aware of her attraction to him still, but that's because most of the girls from his graduating class had that same crush on him.

"This place has changed in the past four(I don't know how old they were when the series started) years. I have with it."

He looked out into the clouds thinking of the three people who basically helped him become who he is. Kakashi Sensei, though he usually just called him Kakashi now. Sakura Hino, who helped him in tough times. And the last one, who he would never admit publically to be more than the most Hyperactive Knuckle-headed ninja of Konoha, but in life is someone who challenged his strength time and again to grow. That would be Naruto Uzamaki, his greatest rival, and friend.

(OOC: ooo, deeeep XD)
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New member
Tripod sighed, "I'll get get you home." Said Tripod as she carried Susake as she walked. Tripod glanced over at Susake from time to time to she if he hadn't fall asleep. It looks like he's refelcting on some memoreis.

Tripod had reached the front gate of Susake Home, "Okay, almost there." Said Tripod as she kicked the gate open. She left a dent on the gate due to the fact her boots are 1 tone each.

Tripod walked into one of the rooms and sat Susake down on one of the beds, Tripod went over to the other bed and grabed her book and sat down, Yoki, the little dragon that was sitting on her shoulder the whole time layed beside her. "Susake, are you okay?" Said Tripod as she looked over at Susake.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
((They all were 12 + 3 years=15 lol your math is off <_< i would thought you would have also realized how much Sasuke changed .-. dude...nvm that would be spoiling it for you xD but your far from sasuke's actual self =/))

Staring at the marble table in the center of Kurenai's house Rayex sighed. He walked to the door and thought about leaving, but Sano was just going to catch him and bring him back. This is getting in my nerves -_- His eyes turned to his blood stained arm which dried and stuck impendingly to his clothes. "Great, now i need to change." said Rayex looking back into Kurenai's cracked door. "I'll be back later, i need to change, so see ya." Walking out the door and down the stairwell it was all disturbing to him. "Man, i wish he'd stop punching the hell out of me for stupid ****, thats working on my nerves big time." said Rayex muttering to himself. He walked down the street instead of using the roof, people stared at his dangling right arm covered in blood.

"Mind your business and i wont mind your face." said Rayex to some people staring intensely. They quickly ran off which was to be expected, he laughed a little bit at how fast they ran. He stopped walking as a group of what appeared to be Chunin came from the Ichikaru Ramen shop and stared at the Hidden cloud headband around his neck and the Konoha one on his forehead. "Look here guys, this guy's a double shinobi! Now isn't that rare?" said the idiot sarcastically. Rayex ignored them and walked through the group of three. One of the clods had to be an ass and grab the loose end of Rayex's jacket, in retaliation he slammed his fist into their face and watched as they slid across the dirt. "Now, you wanna stop being an idiot and let me go? I hate having blood on my shirt." said Rayex calmly as he walked still and ignored them. "Kill'em..." mumbled one of the chunin as all three rushed Rayex, he vanished in a cloud of smoke right before their eyes. "Idiots, whats happened to Konoha over the years...?" said Rayex sitting on the rooftop.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano and Kurenai got up and began to laugh to Rayex's reaction. " Hey, Rayex...." He heard Rayex's words and the door closed. " Man, time to whip that kid, or should I say young man, to shape." He began to stomp towards the door but stopped to the touch of Kurenai's hands on his shoulder. " Why don't you cool off and make some food for when he gets back." With a sigh, he decided to go ahead and make rice and finish what else he was making. Kurenai smiled and went into her room. As Sano cooked he couldn't help but wonder what Rayex had done these last years. Isolation had changed me for sometime but being back with others brought me back. He stared in to blank space and the smell of smoke passed by his nose. " What the hell! My Ramen!"
Quickly, he tended to it and without delay burned it out. Hopefully, Rayex will get here before I burn down the house. He moved on to making barbecue beef and Kurenai walked out. " Wow, you can cook!?" Sano stared with disbelief. " No, I'm just really lucky...." He said in a sarcastic voice and he continued on, while they both waited for Rayex.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex got up off of his feet and dusted himself off. He sighed for a moment as he stared over at the apartment complex. "Man i gotta go check in again and switch clothes." said Rayex racing across the roof tops. He made it to his house and opened the door. Staring at the room brought back a dormant memory of his very room. He encountered a former student of Sano's and a devastating one at that. Rayex mind took him back in time to recollect what had happened that day.

The doorbell rang, and Rayex went to reach for door and was blown back from a mass explosion. His body was already weakened from extensive use of the shukiri genkai and he knocked him out temporarily. Orion and his sensei Sano began to clash and he woke up in the middle of it all. Even his sharingan couldnt seem to keep up with their movements since it was samurai speed. He was amazed, but his friend Ditoke...Rayex snapped out of it after seeing an old ally appear in his mind.

That image, i can never forget... Rayex walked to the bathroom and situated him self. He took a quick shower and then headed to his wardrobe to get a change of clothes. He decided to wear his normal type of attire and not like Sano's. He had picked up some perverted aspects, but he wasnt completely like Sano. Afterward he laid on the bed for a moment, still thinking about the past his body shot up thinking about when he found his senesei and Kurenai using his bad after he came from chasing his step uncle.

Rayex remembered walking through the door and seeing Sano and Kurenai leing on his bed. He flipped out on the two of them, Rayex was twelve and curious to know why the hell they were using his bed when he left them going after his uncle. "HEY SANO, TAKE THAT TO YOUR PLACE AND NOT HERE!!!" boomed Rayex's voice as he woke the two of them up. Kurenai was blushing and her shirt was a little more open than usual. Sano responded accordingly, "Huh, nothing happpend and even if it did im a grown man!" Rayex's eyes caught something white on the sheets of his bed, "YEAH, THEN WHATS THAT!!!???" screamed Rayex pointing at a white spot on his sheet. Kurenai was glowing red, Sano then made up some excuse about it being whip cream he made. "Go on try it." said Sano. "Ehh, if thats what i think i is, i think i'll pass." said Rayex backing up as he got an eye twitch. He continued with a series of question pertaining to the two of them.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano sat down on the couch with the float smell of fresh food. He stared at Kurenai who was sitting next to him and remembered back to what happened when Rayex was still a little boy. " Sensai, your trying to convince me that you did nothing. I see this very unlikely." Rayex stared at Sano with doubt, only thinking a certain thing would always happen for his sensei. Kurenai was sitting there blushing, obviously going through a state of privacy and timidness. She was quiet the whole time. " Rayex, damn kids always have to ask about every little thing! You got my story and that will be that!" Rayex looked obviously wishing to know more but he wouldn't get what he wished and quickly after Kurenai left embarrased. Rayex went up and got knocked out in oblivion by an explosion and one of Sano's most unexpected fights happened. " Sanoske? Are you ok?" She looked at him while he was in his daze. " What.... Oh.... remember that one time when I trained Rayex hard and then we came back to his house and accidently fell asleep on his bed." She smiled and briefly laughed.
" That was akward. Not very fun to have kids jumping to conclusions so quickly."
Sano began to gaze at her and she did the same. " Well.... ummmm.....I guess...." She said and quickly he picked her up and smiled. " But what about Rayex?" Sano smiled. " Knowing him, he shouldn't be back that quickly..." He turned and went into the bedroom closing the door.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex sooned snapped back to reality and turned to the door. He closed the door behind him and strolled out, then locking the door behind him. All the memories came to him of the hidden leaf village Konoha. Staring vacantly he soon began to realize he needed to go back to Sano and Kurenai. He set off across the building tops and arrived in front of the Ichikaru Ramen shop. The smell lingered and taunted him as he grew hungry yet again. he laughed at the thought of giving in so easily and then continued pass it.

He looked down and began to stroll not paying attention he bumped into two people and hit the ground with them. "Hey buddy watch were your walking!" said a voice that sounded all too familiar. Rayex looked up at the kid, having a hoodless appearance and a protruding headband. "Kiba? Kiba Inuzuka?" said Rayex catching a glimpse of his face. "Hey, is that you Rayex! Man its been forever. Look Shino its Rayex." said Kiba. "I noticed." said Shino rising to his feet. Rayex caught a chill from shino as he always did, "Man its been three years...and he still creeps me out." said Rayex to Kiba quietly. "Yeah, i know what you mean." said Kiba. "Crap, sorry guys i gotta be somewhere, see ya later." Rayex took off and headed back as he had promised. He arrived back at Kurenai's apartment and knocked on the door. Suprisingly, no one answered...i wonder why?

"Geez...he's being an ass again isn't he. Changed my ass -_-" he's the same Sano no matter how many years go by." said Rayex taking out a kunai. He took out a paper parchment and wrote something on it and stabbed it in the door. When you two get finished with whatever it is that your doing (hopefully nothing retarded) i'll be tracking down my old associates. PS. That constantly hitting me sh** is getting old Sano, so stop it -_-. -Rayex K. Rayex sighed and looked over the ledge once more, he missed Kurute Sensei the most, its been a while since he last saw him. He vanished in a swirl of sand, hopefully they would get his note.