Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano stared at the now accomplished jutsu. " Yes, good Rayex, just pay attention to what your doing..... now just...." Suddenly, he was swatted down by the 3 tailed demon, and the cement below shattered. " Damn...... that was unexpected." Another paw came flying down at him and he dodge rolled out of the way. Sano turned to see that Kurenai was already coming to save him. " No, I need both of you guys to stay back.... just incase....." Again the foot of the beast was hurled down on him and in quick reaction his chakra formed in a hand and block it. " I can hold off, Kurenai, Don't worry." Sano retreat backwards and the foot came crashing into the ground. Suddenly the three tail began to whip the ground and debree came crashing foward at him. Now of all times i wish I had my Katana.... " Thunder Style; Dragon Missile jutsu!!!" A dragon of the element of lightning appear and using his hands to control the chakra movement, he crushed the debrees. " Haha, not bad. I like this move I developed. I need to teach it to you Rayex, it belongs in your move list."

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex concentrating, this move had even more advance steps too then when he first used it as a genin on Marx and Ryoku. He would have to compress the energy and divide it into a tri seal division. It used to only be a an orb similar to the rasengan, but its alterations since then have proven frivolous. "Hey Kurenai, take the katana from my back and give it to sensei. Thats like his signature weapon, besides, i need a few more minutes before the seal is divided." said Rayex to Kurenai. She nodded and unsheathed the blade from his back and turned to Sano. "Sano, catch!" Kurenai shouted as she hurled the circulating blades ever closer towards him.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano heard Kurenai's voice and suddenly a Katana hit him on the head. " Ow! What the hell! That...." A huge paw came down on Sano and it seemed as if he was crushed. From the other side of the beast near it's tails Sano blasted out from underneath the ground and smiled. " Haha! I don't think we should call it the 3 tailed demon anymore." In a quick slash, on of it's tails it the ground totally removed from the stub that was there now and blood hit the ground and began to flood. " Not much longer..." The Demon turned around angerily and chased Sano. " Hurry up with this Rayex!" And he went on with a Lightning Speed jutsu so he would atleast not get caught by the beast.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
It came back to him quickly. He was suprised at how he had used so much of his energy in training. He felt fine now so he slid out of his bed, and testing slightly, stood up and looked around. They weren't in his bedroom, matter of fact they were in Itachi's old room. Hiding his disgust, he just walked to the door. He looked back at Tripod with his same old look. "Hey, you coming or what?" He kept walking, but just a bit slower than normally to wait for her.


New member
"Eh?" Siad Tripod as she looked back at the room. "Hmmm, just like my older brother's room." Siad Tripod with a smile. Then she cought on to what she said, "Ooops, I mean. I'll be more careful." Siad Tripod as she smiled. Yoki purred as he rubbed up agaist Tripod's leg.

"Oh, Yoki." Said Tripod as she picked Yoki up into her arms.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke walked to outside the mansion, ready to go see Tsunade. He reached the gate to find Jariya standing outside waiting for him. He slowed down and put a hand out to halt Tripod, because Jariya looked at her funny for a minute.

"You need something?"

'I just came to tell you, you won't find the Hokage at the Castle right, she's at the Naruto bridge, talking to the bridge builder.'

"Fine, I'll just go there, is that all?"

'Not...really..also' Jariya got a look on his face as he gazed at Tripod 'I waanted to get to know her!' He jumped for her, pervyness at full. "Oh crap, he had to be attracted to her, how do I stop a sannin?" Sasuke thought, and the answer disgusted him. "Well, he'd never think of it, glad I saw Naruto did this for once." He made the hand signs and transforms. As the smoke disappaited, Sasuke stood there, but he was very little clothed, none actually, and was of more of a female form.

"Oh mister Jariya, please don't bother her"

And that did it, usually Jariya wouldn't be harshly affected like others. This time though, he wasn't ready for a suprise sexy jutsu and was sent flying via nosebleed rocket. "That was embarrassing, but it worked" sasuke changed back, and without looking at Tripod, kept walking in the direction of the bridge


New member
Tripod was walking behind Susake and stopped when he stopped. She the saw Jariya. Tripod frozed up, ACK! ITS THAT GUY WHO TOUCHED MY BUTT! Tripod saw Jariya came at her but Susake send him flying with the Sexy Justu.

Tripod covered Yoki's eyes before he could see anything, "Oh my blarg." Sighed Tripod as she looked down. Susake changed back and walked off. Tripod uncovered Yoki's eyes and followed Susake with a blushing face.

"Yoki when you get older don't you ever be that perverted!" Siad Tripod as she looked at Yoki who is resting on her shoulder.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
"Man, I hate that jutsu, but I guess Chidori would've been too much."

"Or the new move I learned" Sasuke thought as they got into the forest more. The bridge was at the edge of the fire nation, so it'd be a long walk. He looked back to see Tripod was still following him. He just looked forward without caring but just thought of what he was going to the Hokage for. "I meant to do this alone, but I guess she'll have to come to." he moved his eyes towards her direction, though she was behind him.

"Hey. We're gonna be out of the village for a while. Also...don't tell anyone you saw me use that Jutsu, if Naruto found out, he would never let me live it down."

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex completed his spiraling orb that emitted five lights. He rushed forward and slammed into the three-tailed beast. "Youkai Giin!" Rayex cried as his finger forced the orb deeper into the beast and his fingers began to glow with an intensity. The lights graphted a seal and he was being pulled into Rayex's hand furiously. Rayex was enduring the pain of the transaction until he finally took him whole. "AHHH!!!! Damnit i gotta make this quick!" Rayex cried rushing down the labyrinth's halls and slammed his onto the gate that was shut.

He imprinted the five way seal on the gate and the imprisoned beast fled from his hand and behind the gates. His power was suppressed a great deal and he lay unconscious. Rayex was panting violently, the marks from his Sebun Daido Chikara faded and he regained his normal blue chakra. His hand fell limp and he turned back to his sensei and Kurenai whom had been standing there. "Ok you two, the entrance is to the left of the gate the three-tailed is locked in, lets move on." Rayex said not worrying about his arm. He rushed down the left side of the labyrinth and headed up a flight of stairs.

They were standing on the outside of the hidden cloud village. Its gates were enourmous, and breath taking. "Welcome to my second home. Lets go see it shall we." Rayex said walking further into it. The gates were guarded by two shinobi that wouldn't let them pass. Rayex pointed at his father's headband, "These two are with me." he said and they let them pass into the village.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano stood before the gate with Kurenai at his side. " This place is quite gloomy, it seems like its gonna rain soon..." Kurenai was shivering, new to the lighter temperature of the area. He took quick notice to this and put his shirt over Kurenai. All he had now over his upper body was a fish net shirt. The guard stared at Sano's great build. " This place doesn't have many Jonin, right?" He asked and slammed his head into the back of the gate, knocking him unconcious.

He got a warning from the other guard and they walked in. " Hey, Rayex, so this is the place I let you stay at. Pretty nice pla...." His eyes dropped and he began to fall unconscious from chakra deprivation. " Sanoske..." Kurenai dropped to her knees quickly and caught him. " Rayex, I'm sure you have a place out here, we need to stop by there." Kurenai ordered Rayex, knowing Sano most likely had had an overdone training before even coming on the trip.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex wasn't the least bit suprised to see the guard get knocked out by Sano. "I guess thats what he gets for staring, It happened to me so don't be suprised." Rayex said with a sigh. His gaze stared into the clouds that looked like they wanted to cry sometime soon.

" Hey, Rayex, so this is the place I let you stay at. Pretty nice pla...."

Sano had collapsed, but Kurenai caught him. Rayex felt relieved, but he had used quite alot of chakra with the three-tailed beast. Thats sensei for you, always with the dramatics, even when he falls faint. I shouldn't try to mess with him anymore, at least not until tomorrow. I need to inform Kumokage-sama as soon as possible about the situation.

" Rayex, I'm sure you have a place out here, we need to stop by there."

Kurenai had demanded Rayex to take them to his place to rest. He couldn't argue, so he scratched his head and smiled. He walked over to the two of them and sand shifted around him and he teleported with the both of them with him. They appeared outside his house, it was more of an extension apartment. He lived nearby the Kumokage's mansion being one of his most gifted jounin. Rayex opened the door and walked in while Kurenai followed. "Let me take him into the next room, thats were you two will be staying while we are here." Rayex said taking Sano to the next room. He placed him on the bed and walked back out.

He sat on the couch were Kurenai had sat and began to ask her stuff he didnt when he was younger. "So Kurenai, you love Sano don't you?" Rayex said having that feeling that he was correct. She blushed and turned for a moment, "Rayex, what would make you ask such a thing." She said. "Well, three years ago during the exams you guys suddenly got closer? What happened?" Rayex said as he waited for a response.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Rayex was suddenly talking more maturely than Kurenai had remembered.
" Well, he and I..." She couldn't get the words out, it was a personal thing that she was embarrased to talk about. " We clicked I guess, he did something around me, unlike you and the others. He opened up, I saw a different side to him..." She blushed remembering everything she had been through with him.
" He is a truly amazing person, Rayex, I could spend every moment with him." She smiled. " So, how have things been for you?"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex caught Kurenai trying to switch up the conversation. His eyes filled with scarlet intensity and were as Kurenai's were. Crimson with a mezmorizing gaze, he tried to keep the topic straight forward. "To tell you the truth i have never been better but i really want to know what happened?" Rayex said staringing intently. "I know this is alot to ask, but Sano is out cold and probably wouldn't tell me anyway. Was there like something that happened to him, he used to be such a loner at times. Then you changed him in a way that undescribable. Please tell me, what really went on?" Rayex said waiting her reply.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
" Well, I was one of the few people that actually wants to listen to him, he explained everything to me, his past, and yet I wasn't scared of him. I think he really liked that in me. He doesn't want others to be afraid of him..." She looked down at the the ground. " I still remember, when you guys were in the chunin exams, we were in the most romantic place, and he got attacked. He wouldn't stop, and he didn't want me to do anything. He wanted only to protect me, I think me allowing him to be himself around me brought him to that." Kurenai had a tear run down. " And when that day, on the finals happened. He came close to dying.... I didn't want that to happen again. I became attached to him." She looked up back at Rayex. " I allowed him to open up, and now we know everything about eachother. I have very deep feelings for your sensei..." She smiled, actually telling Rayex made her feel even more for Sano.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex nodded and took into consideration that Sano had went through an ordeal of his own. Him opening up...not very much so that Rayex knew this, the sensible fact that he was a softie. "So i see, thats why he slammed nevermind. You should go tend to him, i have to go report to kumokage-sama about that disturbance in caused by a A-rank missing nin in Konoha. Tell Sano i'll be back soon, also i need to tell him about something when i get back. Til then." Rayex said closing his door behind him.

He leapt of the balcony and into the street, this village resided on a mountainside so the climate was mildly cold. Rayex flipped up his hood expecting rain to come down pretty soon. He dashed to the Kumokage's mansion and was greeted by the guards. "State your business young one." they both said. Rayex pulled out his A-rank mission scroll and written review of the suspect confirmed to be dead. The stepped aside to let him pass and he ventured into the Kumokage's estate. "He should be joyous to know that he is gone, that fugitive joined the ataksuki and died in the process." Rayex said silently standing outside the massive doors.
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