Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: Quick question, where exactly are you guys in the RP? Me, Perv, and Emopire are in the hidden cloud village.


Rayman gritted his teeth still and Rayex looked at him, "Is there a problem Rayman?" Rayex said with a slightly confused look. He stood knowing he couldn't take his sensei who was only playing with them and making fools of them all at the sametime. "Nothing...geez." Rayman replied. "If thats all, then your officially in my care now, I am your jounin squad leader Kunokai, Rayex. To let you know, the reason you couldn't beat me is because im stronger than most jounin, even greater than Anbu level." Rayex said being honest. Rayman trembled a bit and so did Kurama after hearing that. "Now, if you'll be gracious enough, we have an assignment. You will be accompanying me to a hidden village for an infiltration mission." Rayex said with confidence in his squad. "Your free to come with us Daaku."

Rayex walked over to Ayumi and placed his hand on her chest. He was slowly channeling chakra into her body bit by bit. Sano used to do this with him all the time until he tapped into his other chakra and learned to be conservative. "She should be fine, if its alright with you Daaku, i'll take her into my care." Rayex said as he covered her body in a light layer of sand. She was wrapped snuggly on his back just as Arashi was during the chuunin exams three years ago. "Kurama, Rayman, lets go!" The two nodded and walked behind Rayex sensei. "Get your neccessary stuff all of you." Rayex said setting Ayumi down as she awoke. They went inside their apartments to retrieve their things where Rayex walked inside his own apartment, "Kurenai, where is Sano, we're heading for the hidden village." Rayex said. She nodded, "He went to look for you." He didn't recall seeing Sano at all.

His students returned with their things packed, he pulled out the mission scroll, it was B-rank. He held onto this scroll, this was the next assignment that would follow the Kumokage's decision. "Well if your all ready, let us set off to this hidden village." Rayex said smiling. He and his students leapt off the ledge into the street and walked for the gates. Kurama raced forward holding his backpack and his arms shot up, "Hell yeah! I finally get to leave this place, even if its only for a mission!" Rayman gave him a bland look, "Shut up idiot, if you get attacked by enemy ninja, im not saving your ass." Rayman said coldly. Kurama turned gave him a ticked off expression, "Like i would ever ask for you help, show off!" Kurama said angrily. "Whoa guys, save it for the enemy shinobi." Rayex said admiring their spirits. The strolled outside the gate and in the direction that Naruto specified to Rayex when he was in Konoha.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex and his team began to walk through the underground labyrinth. Each had a cloud village headband protruding off of their forheads, it made Rayex glad to see his student following behind him. "Watch your step now, one wrong turn and you'll get lost walking these caverns." Rayex said. He plotted the switch that triggered the 3-tailed with his own blood last time he was in here. Kurama tried walking in front and his foot triggered a ground switch. The walls spiked for an instant, Rayex's sand whipped forward and grabbed his student before they slammed together and almost crushed him. "I told you to watch your step." Rayex said. Kurama was shaking violently, he didn't expect that in the labyrinth.

"Get up you idiot, getting scared now isn't going to help the team." Rayman said as he sighed and walked forward. The group pressed forward turning down the corridors. Raymen stepped on a switch this time and arrows began to fly down the long halls, "Duck!" Rayex said as they all dropped to the floor letting the darts that came from the walls all pass over them. "Geez! Does your dad always over do with the friggin traps here!?" Rayman said yelling at Kurama. "Shut up, its not my fault if he can't help being overprotective of his village, you remember what that guy criminal did to the Jounin all those years ago." Kurama responded. Ayumi's eyes flickered, she knew they were speaking about her father. Rayex knew this too and he noticed her off balance, "Ok guys stop fighting and get your heads leveled out, we should be out of here in no time at all." Rayex said standing and walking forward.

They came to a second set of steps that led to the outside, they pushed the bottom door up and came out on the otherside. Rayex covered back up the underground maze and locked it with his headband by placing it on the stone seal. "Ok you three we are officially at the edge of hidden cloud territory, when we keep walking you won't be home anymore. Its up to you if you want to stay." Rayex said facing his squad. The three of them took a moment to ponder this question, Kurama looke down and then at Raymen who knew his answer right away Ayumi had her mind made up as well. "I'm not scared to go on! Whatever this mission brings as a challenge, i say bring it on!" Kurama stated. Rayex smiled, Its like looking at a mini Ryoku and Naruto in a sense. Raymen and Ayumi nodded at his response and they stepped forward. "Alright then, time to move on team." Rayex said walking furhter into the forest.
Daaku walked up behind Rayex and tapped him on the shoulder. " Wow kid you are pretty strong, but I think you need to watch your back better. What if I had been an enemy ninja?? I could have killed your genin and seriously injured you already. that's not good for a sensei to show his flaws............." He laughed and walked over to Ayumi. He hoped she wasn't still upset over what Kurama had said before. " Oh hey dad. Man don't mess with Rayex sensei. That's mean I think all those years in hiding after like wiping out the village took it's toll on you."

" Well I did what I had to. They attacked me with the intent of killing me, so I had kill them. It was sad, but it had to be done. I'm sure the kumokage would have done the same. Is it my fault that I'm stronger than him??" Daaku didn't mean to insult the village, but they had lost their strongest ally and protector that day. He had gotten over it though. There was no reason to hide it, or act like he wasn't himself anymore. If they wanted to attack him then they'd end up the same was as before, though with Rayex's power and affiliation with the hidden cloud that might get complicated.............he looked over at Ayumi.

Ayumi sighed. She though it amusing how quickly her two companions were getting scared at almost every turn it was a little sad. " You guys need to train more. Neither of you can beat me. Kurama I could crush you and Rayman your skills are like a joke. Though a genin I have powers equal of a very experienced jounin, so I don't really need a sensei, but Rayex is so cool.............I uh mean Rayex-sensei is awesome." She giggled and walked over to Kurama and put her arm around his shoulders.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex pulled out a scroll that contained a map on it, he marked the area that Naruto had found and came under attack from. Their location presently was a much shorter route than walking all the way from Konoha. The group was a little in front of him, he passed down the way and saw a weird marking on a tree. It was scratched in with a hectagon symbol. Knowing this in advance, their were 4 shinobi in a tree of about chuunin level watching them. "The one in the front and back are both Jounin or higher, take them out first." One said from the trees. The other three nodded and jumped off silently through the trees. Kurama was blushing seeing Ayumi on his arm, he didn't know how to respond. Raymen kept walking, he could hear the stirring around in the trees above them and pulled out a kunai to be safe.

From out of the blue the chuunin jumped out sending twin chains for Rayex and Daaku. Rayex dodged and of course knew Daakur would, but when they touched ground they wrapped the two of them around a tree. Squeezing tightly something and a splatter was heard from the two being bound do the tree with a cloud of smoke around both of them. "Now for the brats! Get'em!" the team of two shinobi with octogon headbands said untangling their chain. They rushed Ayumi and Kurama who was shooken slightly, he moved off of Ayumi sliding a kunai down his finger and blocked the sharp scythe and chain with his kunai. Raymen ran behind Kurama and jumped off his back slamming his foot into the first shinobi and he flew back dragging his chained partner with him.

"Damnit! These brats aren't half bad!" The other two said, "Kill'em!!!" The two rushed Ayumi doing a few handsigns and created two regular clones each. Raymen and Kurama slid to her side in front of her waiting to block the coming attacks as the ninja had all drawn katana blades. We aren't going to loose to these chumps, no way!
An attack was something that Ayumi hadn't been expecting, but she was always prepared for. It was going to be fun doing this by herself. She stepped forward and quickly turned around. " Guys I got this. Just stay back. Maybe you'll learn something. Here goes......" Her 2 team mates nodded and jumped back just as one of the ninja slashed at Ayumi with his blade. She side stepped the blow and swept him off his feet and kicked straight up. Her foot hit him right in the neck. " You idiot. How dare you attack us. We we in the middle of something."

She wasn't even going to bother. " I'll end this quick. I don't have time for losers like you guys." She made a single hand sign and called out " Aurora Jutsu." A ball ball of swirling lights drifted down and floated in front of the ninja and their clones. It shimmered with numerous colors then winked out and exploded in a shock wave of seven colored chakra. The ninja were blown backwards in the blast and most of there clothes we're shredded as well. " See I warned you get out of here now!!!!!!!!" Ayumi shrugged, but then a ninja jumped down from the trees.....................and kicked Ayumi right in her face. She stumbled backwards and landed next to Kurama and Rayman.

" Alright guys. Last one. Let's get him!!!!!!!!"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex stood in the tree next to Daaku, "These kids aren't half bad, your daughter reminds me of Ino and Sakura at the same time for some reason?" Rayex stated. He smirked as they were doing well on their own, rayex wouldn't need to intervene at all if they kept going. When the final shinobi jumped out as she was blown backwards towards the two. Rayex's eyes flinched after seeing the shinobi jump down and stare at the kids. Something isn't right...this one is... Kurama and Raymen drew their kunai and shuriken after hearing what Ayumi said, "Heh, lets take this guy down in one shot Raymen" Kurama said. Raymen, smirked and nodded, both he and Kurama charged the last ninja with a furious intent. This ninja moved fast, and his fist shot into their chest and the two of them slid backwards. He was wearing a Octogon forhead protector and holding a dual bladed katana in his hand.

"You stupid brats, im not so easy to take down like those last fools." the shinobi stated coldly. He started walking forward and vanished and reappeared behind Raymen grabbing him by his neck and tossing him into a tree. He hit it with great force and fell to the ground staring up at the rest of them. He spun his bladed and held it tightly, "So who wants to die first!" he said as his eyes turned to Ayumi, "How about you!" his eyes became malicious and his blade was coming down to stab Ayumi when Kurama ducked in the way with a katana blade. He was drawing closer and closer, then unexpectedly the shinobi's katana was met with a granite enforced black katana blade. Rayex was holding it as he pushed him back from his students. "Sensei!!!" his team said in unison.

"Sorry im late, i took a wrong turn while walking through the forest after getting crushed. You three did better than i was expecting, but this one is different. Let me handle it now." Rayex stated. He twirled his black katana blade he got from Sano all those years ago and held it in his hand. The shinobi was clapping, "Nice speech, I hope its all not it vain when you die right here and now." he said holding his katana over his back. "You know, for some prick that tried to kill my team you talk too much." Rayex said. "Argh! Your insolence is irritating kid." the shinobi said. He took his katana off his shoulders and his chakra was channeling. "Your that same brat from two days ago aren't you? Heh, i would never come unprepared seeing as you gave my brother and the sound ninja a hard time." he stated. Three more appeared and walked behind him, Rayex's eyes widened sensing their level of chakra matching Kakashi's now. Damnit, this is too much for them. I'm actually going to have to fight serious this time.

"Kurama, im trusting you completely now so listen up, take Ayumi and get back next to Raymen. Im not kidding when i say this is way beyond genin level." Rayex said holding his Katana tightly. The air was becoming encased in a dark gloom, the sun was still out yet this spot was dark. "Yo Daaku, you think you could assist me with this?" Rayex said knewing this would grab his interest. Rayex's right arm was glowing a bright yellow as the windmill mark was spinning at an alarming rate under his jacket. He placed his arms inward while he was gathering his chakra, it became visible. Rayex's chakra soon exploded a bright and intense yellow as it fluxuated around him. "Ok boys, when you think this kid is still playing with you, let me know now." Rayex said holding his katana tightly waiting for the first move.
" Geez these bastards seriously are messing with little kids. I just talked about this earlier. I can't stand ninja who would take the life of a child!!!!!!!! Now I'm really mad. You'll be the first one to see my transformation with this addition. The curse mark in it's third stage............" Daaku's 2 seals began to glow a sickly green color and appeared to be rotating. They spread normally across Daaku's body then collected all in one spot in the center of his chest. It looked similar to the mangekyou sharingan. His body shook as his muscle mass expanded and he appeared twice his normal size. His burakkuai was active and turned glowing red, along with his seals and the new seal on his chest. His hair began to spike upward and also turned red. Lastly a dark black chakra erupted from his body.

" I'm not done yet. This is going to be your end if you don't get out of here." He made a series of hands seals. Then clasped his hands together and said, " Celestial Gate Release!!!" His chakra output exploded and turned a pale green. His hair then changed from red to blond and his eyes we're white..................with no pupil that was visible.(omg Broly) A pair of dragonfly like wings formed on his back. " Well shall we begin?? Or shall I just kill you??"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex's body was flowing rapidly with his yellow chakra around his body, "You guys wanna start at anytime now." Rayex said as his body was ready to make a motion. His students watched amazed and shaken at the same time, fighting Jounin for the first time...this much chakra just to perform their attack. Raymen felt a chill from it all, his sensei was being serious and the felt the chakra flow past him at an enourmous rate. He gripped his kunai preparing to stab himself, "Raymen! Calm down! Your life is in my hands and care now, you will not die so long as I am here." Rayex said as he turned smiling. His eyes turned forward and flooded with a crimson glow and three swirling increments appeared. The shinobi shook a bit, "So this brat is an Uchiha...I heard Orochimaru acquired another with sharingan...One Uchiha called Sasuke." he said. Rayex's eye quivered at his remark at his lie.

He whipped out a scroll and pricked his finger, then wipped the scroll open and started twirl it around his head. He stroked his hand with his blood across the scroll and rolled it up then placing it to the ground, "Summon Jutsu! Dragon Summon!" Rayex cried as seals expanded into the ground and smoke errupted covering the area. When it cleared a massive dragon was left in the place of the what he had summoned. He summoned the third most powerful dragon from the otherside, "Kikudo-sama!" Rayex said as he was standing on his back and he looke down at the unknown ninja, he blew a breath of flame to make them scatter into the forest. "Kikudo! Protect the kids, me and Daaku are going to take of these guys!" Rayex said and he nodded while he leapt off of his head and into the trees filled with Darkness. "Lets go Daaku!"

The four of them were fleeing deeper into the woods, and Rayex persued them and managed to tackle one when he wasn't looking. He pushed Rayex off and he landed pressing chakra in his feet watching him from a tree. Rayex ran down the tree doing hand seals towards the one on the branch, "Lightning style, Shining Palms Jutsu!" Rayex said as his finger had a mild electric charge about them. "Gentle fist Art, 64 kunokai strike!" Rayex rushed toward his body and began to strike him relentlessly with a barrage of strikes electrically charged. "I didn't spend that time learning Hyuuga taijutsu for no reason!" Rayex said as he was shutting off his opponents chakra. "The charge given off by my fingers is almost guaranteed to hit a chakra point because the electric finger expands the range of impact!" Rayex finished him off with a swift kick and sent the shinobi flying into his companions. He shouldn't be able to move, but purple chakra was brimming from his body and he got back up slowly, though his movment had slowed. "WHAT!?" rayex said suprised as that move never fails. Damnit! Who are these guys?!

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke looks at Lee and they nod in agreement. Then he closed his eyes, smiling. He drew his katana slowly.

"I'm suprised you'd come upon us like this. Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but you're not getting away."

As he say that last part, he opens his eyes, they are crimson with three swirls increments in them. The ninja knew these eyes and showed slight fear.
At that moment, Lee rushed forward and kicked this man straight up. Sasuke flash steps, kicking him up more. Lee and sasuke lead the guy up into the air, before Sasuke appears above him and slashes, cutting the nin in the shoulder and sendding him down to earth.

"That's it for, huh?"

Sasuke senses someone in the bushes again, this time, not a friend. Five ninja leap out and are about to attack Tripod. Sasuke and Lee are too far to get there, but they don't have to...


A ligth shines from the bushes and flies out of them, hitting one of the ninja with the power burst. Two clones of this do the same thing, then rebound off the nin and kick their friends. The ninja are suprised and jump away, even the ones that were hit recovered and stood.

'"I won't let you hurt any of my friends. I'm Naruto Uzamaki, who is destinied to be Hokage, believe it!'"
Rayex had taken out a scroll and performed a summon. Even before it was completed Daaku could tell it was very powerful because of the chakra in place. Once completed it was a great dragon. Daaku was impressed, but not really. Rayex was capable of such a summon....even though he shouldn't be. He had Kikudo stay and protect the kids and then transport them deeper into the forest. "Well I guess we are actually going to try this time." He wasn't sure what village these ninja were from, or if they were even from a village at all. He was certain however that these ninja posed a threat that needed to be taken care of.

Ayumi, Kurama and Raymen were all safe on the dragon's back and he of course told them so........." It's fine kids. Rayex and Daaku will handle everything, so don't worry." Ayumi wasn't impressed at all. " I know that. I don't need to here such a trivial statement from a dragon..................and you.", she turned to Raymen and slapped him hard across the face. He gasped and shot a piercing glance her way. "What the hell was that for?? I didn't do anything to you!!!" She glared at him. " You idiot. I saw you with that kunai. You were going to kill yourself. How could you not trust in yourself, or Rayex-sensai's power?? You should be ashamed." Kurama didn't know what to say, so he just sighed and laid back.

" I wonder what he'll do to that ninja??" Rayex used a jutsu called the shining palms jutsu and Daaku quickly analyzed it and smiled as Rayex followed it up by calling out, "Gentle fist Art, 64 kunokai strike!" He rushed in and began to strike quickly at his opponents vital spots damaging and sealing their ability to use chakra. It was an excellent tactic..............until after kicking the ninja away he slowly stood up with purple chakra surrounding his body. " You can't be serious. Just what kind of ninja are you?? Is it even possible to move after an attack like that Rayex?? Wait tell me later."

Daaku ran at the ninja who had the purple chakra around his body. The other ninja thinking that someone so big couldn't possibly be fast began to draw their chakra out as well and stepped out of the way, but Daaku had other plans. He appeared above one of the ninja and was already flipping down. His foot smashed into the top of the unknown ninja's head. Daaku continued his downward assault and twisted his body to the left and kicked the ninja away into one the other ones. He began to warp towards them, but suddenly stopped and jumped backwards.................

All the ninja had lined up and were making hand signs that seemed to flow in with the next ninja's. The chakra seemed to be drawing into a spot right in front of them, but they continued with the hand seals. One of them spoke. " This style of jutsu is almost unstoppable. We'll kill you both here and now" Daaku wasn't sure what they were planning, but decided not to rush them because it could be a trap. He began making his own signs. He did them quickly and saw that the ninja's chakra was now all in front of them. He finished the last sign and Daaku and the enemy called out their jutsu..............." Dark Release: Break Sphere jutsu." and " Light Style: Atomic Burst Jutsu!"

The unknown ninja's attack looked like a large sphere of glowing, yet fading energy. It seemed to wink in and out of reality and at the same time maintain extreme power. It made a strange sound that reminded Daaku of something being crushed. Daaku fired a yellow comet like projectile at it. They collided and Daaku thought that would be the end of it, but the 2 jutsu pressed into one another and Daaku had to control his attack and push it back. Their attacked seemed to be getting bigger and the Daaku's jutsu broke. That was the only term that could be used. It simply shattered and yellow chakra blew everywhere. " What?? How is that possible?? That jutsu just canceled out and destroyed my attack..................there's no way!!!!!"

The Break Sphere attack sped towards Daaku and he held it off with his outstretched hands and could feel them burning. He felt his chakra being drained and the ninja were laughing hysterically. " I've got to stop this jutsu" He knew what might work. " Chou Enhenkou Nagashi!!!!" An enormous field of light erupted from Daaku's body, pushing the jutsu all the way back, but it sped towards him again. What happened next was horrendous. The jutsu cracked open and it's collison with Daaku's shield created a cataclysmic explosion.........................the blast rocked the whole forest and the shockwaves flew outwards. It was likely that the cloud of smoke could be seen miles away.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex watched how Daaku's attacks were turned against him. He was amazed that this happened to him who was practically on Sanin level. "Is that even possible, Daaku just got brushed off like nothing." Rayex said. If the situation was this serious, he had no other choice, but to use what he had been saving. He placed his hands together and focused his chakra. Open! Green chakra burst and engulfed the first layer of chakra. "Now to enhance the first layer." Rayex said as the yellow chakra was growin substantially and covering his body into nothing but a yellow glow with green chakra floating about him.

He placed his hands together doing a number of different handseals, "Katon! Gokakyuu no jutsu!" Rayex said blasting the shinobi with a wave of intense flame. They hung tough and brushed it off like it was nothing as the four of them jumped through it. Rayex leapt towards them airborn with his katana drawn, he slashed them one carrying a banryu, but was blown back by his opponent with superior power. Rayex slipped an explosive tag on his body before pushing off and channeled his chakra into it blowing one back. He did a few handsigns and held his arm out charging electricity furiously in his hand. "Chidori!" Rayex said. He rushed down the tree and a blazing speed and jabbed one of the shinobi on the branch, he tried to block with his dual katana blade, but Rayex shattered it with his attack.

It flew through his lower right body and he fell to the ground. I'm glad i didn't have to kill you... Rayex stood over him and was stabbed in the back and he fell to the ground. The smirked watching him hit, but became suprised when they saw a log appear in his place. "Substitution!" the shinobi uttered. "Thanks for pointing out the obvious genious." Rayex said sand teleporting behind him. His right leg slammed into the back of his back and he flew into the tree. Rayex pushed him back and slammed his face into the tree. He left a pretty good impression in the tree when he slid down. Rayex turned to see one more staring as his body was beaming with purple chakra. "No doubt your only this strong because of Orochimaru correct?" Rayex said gripping his katana. His opponent was the same one that greeted the group, "Wow, for a insolent piece of garbage your not half bad." he said licking his blade.

The rest of them kept moving, but eventually stopped. Their chakra was being channeled into the main shinobi, his fingers were placed together and he was taking it all in. "Dark Release: Soul Rejuvination Jutsu!!!" the shinobi said as he was stealing their chakra and transfering it all to himself. "You little fool! Your not going to see the light of day again!!" He said rushing Rayex doing handsigns. "Dark Release: Shadow Containment jutsu!" He said encasing Rayex in a three-dimensional cube of darkness. Rayex was punching the walls, but couldn't see to escape. "Damnit! Im stuck!" Rayex said. He noticed that the shinobi was holding it with one hand. "Now to kill those brats of yours. Darkness Clone jutsu!" He said and he created 5 clones spawn of the dark chakra he had. "Now get those kids and kill them all!!!"
Daaku was just a little off balance. The explosion his attack had created had blown his almost entirely to the other side of the forest and it looked like the blast had gone with it, which was to say the least very weird. The part of the forest he had been in was leveled. There were almost no trees and no life left there, but there was enough. He looked in the distance and could see the ninja fighting Rayex. He was holding his own for now. They used some jutsu that was giving power to the leader of the group. he was draining their chakra. On top of that the ninja used a jutsu that trapped Rayex inside a cube of dimensional darkness.

The situation looked kind of dire, but Daaku had a feeling that in reality these ninja were fairly weak.. It was their chakra and combination style of jutsu that was protecting them. Obviously the leader had powered himself up, but if he was ridiculously strong there wouldn't be a need to quickly contain Rayex. The ninja had said they were going to kill them, but hadn't. " Those idiots probably think I'm dead. This will be the jutsu that takes this guy down...........I should begin." He flew high up into the air and cut off the seals power, returning to his human form, but left his celestial gate open. " I'm not sure how much power I'm going to need for this Genki Dama, but I'll do it regardless."

Almost immediately Daaku began to commune with the life of the trees an animals in the forest to give their chakra to him. wisps of glittering chakra were trailing into the sky and collecting high above Daaku's head. More and more energy was added, but it wasn't even enough to make a small Genki Dama yet. Daaku increased the out reach for chakra to a wider area. He was forefully able to take chakra from anyone to use this move, but they would notice and try and reject it, so he didn't go after the ninja., or Rayex. He just kept absorbing energy. "I've got to do this, or I won't have enough." He began adding his own chakra to the mix. This was a lot of chakra and by now the jutsu was very large in size. A wavering mass of light blue and white chakra had formed in the air. " This isn't the largest, but it will have to do."

Ayumi had her burakkuia active and zoomed in on the sky. She gasped. Up in the air above the forest was a large Genki Dama. " Oh no. Was the battle that bad that he needed to use such a forbidden jutsu?? This is insane!!!!" She tapped Kurama and Rayman. They needed to see this. "Guys look at that in the sky. It's............" Kurama' smouth dropped open. " It's a Genki Dama. I didn't know the jutsu even existed. I though it was.......just.........just a legend. Your father knows it?? That's incredible............"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex began to hammer away at the box consumed by shadows, but he couldn't seem to shatter it no matter how he tried. He panted lightly and focused his chakra again, and this time his body mutated to a full green color to amplify his attacks. He placed his fingers together and uttered a jutsu, "Kage bushin no jutsu!" Rayex said creating a shadow clone. Two saw one possible way to break the barrier from the inside out. Both nodded in unison and began doing handsigns rapidly, "Chidori!" the two of them said holding their hands in mid-air as the chakra became electrified. They slammed both hands together and began to spin each other rapidly fusing the twin attacks with one another. They kept doing this until the reached the optimum speed until the chirping sound stopped, "Go!"

The clone let go of Rayex and whipped him off towards the barrier, "Yakuza Chidori!" Rayex said slamming it into the wall that was slowly beginning to break as he sent the attack crashing into it. "A little longer!" It was cracking bit by bit, and finally shattered, the ninja turned and no one was there when his barrier fell. Rayex reappeared under him and slammed his left let into his body to a bright light in the sky. "Hit him with you attack Daaku!!" Rayex said before he dashed after the clones of darkness that were going after the kids.

Rayex managed to catch up as the clones of darkness, they were racing up the trees to Kikudo who had been flying across the tree tops. The clones lined up on his back were the kids were, Kurama stood along with Raymen and they hurled shurkien and kunai at the clones of darkness. The took the hits, but didnt fade so easily. One however fell off and exploded covering below with a dark explosion. Rayex landed on Kikudo's tail and raced up the dragon's back, "Light Clone jutsu!" Rayex uttered creating 4 clones to match the ones created of darkness as they did combat. Leapt over their heads and towards the kids, "You three alright?" Rayex said with intense eyes. "Don't suprise us like that! We needed you when fighting those ninja from earlier!" Kurama yelled. Raymen struck him across the head once, "Shut up idiot, we handled it on our own didn't we? So stop whining." These kids, their really something. Rayex's light clones did away with the darkness clones rather fast and they all fell of Kikudo's back. "Now all we need is to get Daaku." Rayex said smiling as he sat down on Kaikudo's head.
Daaku looked and saw the ninja flying towards him in the sky. It was all, or nothing now he dropped the attack down on the ninja to destroy him. The ninja reached out and put his hands on the Genki Dama. The Genki Dama was one of the most forbidden jutsu ever created and thus also one of the most powerful yet the unknown ninja was trying to hold it off. The sphere of glittering life chakra slowly dropped to the ground and made a loud bang when it hit. The ninja still wasn't giving it to it. " Just stop trying and give it up. You can't win. This is a jutsu that I probably couldn't even stop for long."

He began to push back with his power and the sphere started to vibrate sending small burst of power out of the sphere that hit the ninja's body. This something that Daaku didn't want to do, but killing was part of th e job sometimes. It was just the new landmark the forest was gonna get that was bothering Daaku. Already there was a large groove running in a straight line from where the jutsu had hit almost to where the others were. daaku was weakening and almost thought he wasn't going to have enough power to finish off the ninja who seemed to have near infinite levels of chakra.................this was looking bad, but there was always a way.

" Ya know this is really starting to tire me out. I already told you. I can't allow you to win this fight. I'll destroy you." He activated his sukkou burakkuai. This gave him a massive power increase which was just what he needed. He teleported right next to the Genki Dama and released all of the jutsu's power. It was overwhelming for the ninja to withstand such forces and his body was subsequently ripped completely apart. At this time the chakra from the jutsu flew apart. Daaku sighed and teleported onto the dragon's back where he collasped. " We did it........."

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex felt uneasy with shinobi like this running around in the forest. These were the same that attacked Naruto and his squad a while ago when heading for the hidden village. He sighed and Kikudo touched down, "You can return home old friend, i need your assistance to help the kids so your to return of your own accord." Rayex said. It was then a massive cloud of smoke appeared around his summoned ally and he vanished. Rayex touched on the ground and looked through the forest, "We're back in the Nation of Fire?" Rayex stated. The forest was looking quite familiar, "Its the beginning of the end, well sort of, if you can hear the water falling."

Rayex and his team continued to walk until they came across the valley of the end. "This is the beginning of the leaf village. Built by the first and second hokage's of the leaf village. Years ago, two shinobi i knew clashed here before one broke his ties to the leaf village." Rayex said. "Thats do you know all this anyway?" Kurama said interested. "Its because 3 years ago i was here to witness it all happen. So i was a Konoha genin." Rayex said before he walked towards the river that was flowing into the bowl. He ooked at the top of the bowl from the trees and leapt from it and onto the head of the second hokage's statue. His students followed and they looked down, "Ok kids, now if im not mistaken they taught you how to climb trees at the academy right?" Rayex said to the three of them. They all nodded, "Well im going to teach you something different and more advanced, how to walk on water." a smile appeared across his face.

"Follow me." Rayex said pushing chakra into his feet and he began to walk down the statue with ease. "Don't worry about falling, i'll catch you." His students nodded, Kurama looked at Raymen and he stared back, at the sametime both raced down the statue past Rayex. They made it all the way to the bottom and attempted to run across the water, the two of them managed to get take a couple steps across it before falling in. "I told you two to stay behind me." Rayex said as he held his face and sat on the statue's feet. Both of them swam back to their sensei and coughed up water, Rayex was just staring with a hopeless sense. "You looser, accept the fact that i won." Raymen said scowling at Kurama. "Hey shut up idiot, you know i kicked your ass in that contest, i got farther." Kurama yelled. Rayex struck his students both across the head, "Stop argueing and get your heads in the game. Time to actually learn how to maintain your balance across the water." Rayex said. "Now, as you learned about climbing trees you had to maintain your chakra in just your feet at a fixed amount. However, for the water since its always moving and shifting, you have to displace chakra in and out to keep your balance with teh water. If you can't exert amounts effectively, you will fall in the water, like what just happened now. Watch closely." Rayex got up and pushed chakra into his feet. He began walking across the water displacing his chakra effectively. Kurama and Raymen watched and tried to break it down and try again.
Ayumi was watching all of this interested. She had never needed to walk on water before, hence had never tried. She thought about what Rayes-sensei said and then stepped out onto the water. She took a few steps and found it simpler than she thought it would be. " Oh this is easy. I thought it would be much more difficult than this. " She had no problem doing it at all. Ayumi had always been one to have a very high level of chakra control, so this was a breeze to her. "This is actually kind of fun. Hey guys wait for me!!" She sprinted across the water and linked her arms through Rayman and Kurama's. " You guys look so cute trying so hard.............."

Daaku was feeling much better and watched the kids learn to walk on the water. It was something that he had always sucked at and trained for the longest time to master. After a lot of practice and training however Daaku was able to move across the water with ease. He flipped out onto the water and began doing an array of vaults and flips on the surface. " This is great. I haven't done this in a long time." He did this for a while longer then sent a bust of light from his feet that propelled him into the air where he stayed. " Too bad Rayex isn't teaching you kids how to fly."

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex sighed, what Daaku was doing was impossible. His sharingan activated to see blue chakra wafting around body all rising upward. More or less it was pushing against gravity to levitate with so much as even the greatest of ease. He sighed as he eyes became normal again and he watched the two clinging to Ayumi, and soon broke off and standing on their own. "Yes we finally did it!" Kurama said. Raymen turned from him like he could do it the entire time, "Whatever, we picked this up fast anyway so stop showing off you clueless moron." Raymen said. Rayex sighed as his two students would bicker senselessly.

His eyes passed to the legs of the hokage statues, they had been fixed, as the previous clash here caused it to become damaged. Kurama and Raymen turned to each other and then to their sensei who wasn't paying attention. "Don't even think about it you two." Rayex said turning his head. "Geez your no fun." Kurama said about to splash him with water. The wind was blowing a foul feeling in the air, Rayex could feel it coming. "Team, I think we should keep going, if we stay here any longer, we'll be open to attack from all sides." Rayex said a little worried. His teamed nodded and took a trip up towards the statue and came out in the forest. They kept walking untill they hit an area that wasn't marked on the map.

"Looks like this was the new territory Naruto was talking about, stay close, shinobi around here have headbands that don't appear."

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke and Lee looked down at the ninja that just saved tripod's head from gettng loss. Sasuke Lands back on the ground, remembering sensing Naruto's chakra a little after Lee's. Naruto sat there with that grin on his face, like he planned it.

"Naruto, you know you only got lucky stop acting tough."

Naruto just shot a glare at Sasuke quickly then jumped away from a shuriken attack, landing next to Tripod. The ninja were far from finished, as was this fight.