Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano stared infront of himself, the dust from the remaining sand flew in the room.
" Rayex, damnit...." he clasped his hands together with his index fingers only pointing out. Kurenai sat down next to Sano, on the arm of the chair. " Sano, whats the matter, I hate to see you like this..." Kurenai said. Sano didn't bother looking up. " I have to hear out Rayex, what he said has some truth to it. Let's go find him and let Daaku handle his tempermental problems." Sano grabbed Kurenai. Quickly, Sand surrounded the 2 and they disappeared into a quick tornado with sand, hopefully catching up to his pupil.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke looks ahead to see the bridge ahead of them. He looks to See Tsunade on the bridge, talk with the bridge builder. He steps over and she turns around, feeling his prescense, turned and greeted him, before looking back at tripod.

'Welcome, and I see you brought the Kunoichi with you'

"Yeah, we had some trouble with Jaraiya, but it's fine now"

'yes well he can be a bother, just wait a moment and I'll talk with you, on whatever it is you need'

She turns to the bridge builder and continues to talk. Sasuke seats against the side and sees a snowflake fall down. He remembers when he first came here. "I wonder..." He looks up, waiting for her to be done.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex out of the sand spry as ever dashed across the rooftop in the direction of the massive arena. His head was thinking about the Kumokage and his decision to help Konoha from the inevitable ordeal. The arena was massive and he came to the outside gates that were surrounded by guards. He noticed that it was Rayex and opened the gate and shut it as he went in. He had a scheduled match today against what happened to be the Kumokage's son. He was on genin level and teamed with Rayex, he was soon to be their squad leader. He approached the outside to hear the crowd roar.

The squad of three genin standing on the opposite side made him smile. Two male shinobi. The names Kurama Shinobu, Rayman Tazuna, and a missing female kunoichi that had yet to arrive. They all stared at Rayex with an uncertain look, "This guy is our sensei? He barely looks older than we are!?" Kurama said. He drew a kunai and spun it in his hand. "I am to be your instructor, Rayex Kunokai. Now to see if your worthy enough to go against a jounin, then take these two bells away from me." Rayex said smiling. "Two bells? Why are there only two?" Rayman said scratching his head. "Thats because only two of you will pass this test. We are waiting on your third teamate. " Rayex said putting the bells on his hips.
Daaku felt himself suddenly encased in light and dropped to the ground. he looked up and saw Ayumi standing there. She didn't look to happy. She rolled her eyes. " Dad just calm down. I swear mom was right about everything. You are so over dramatic sometimes. Tsunade-Sama .....................I just think it's weird to have the Hokage as a mother. Anyway get up. I have to get to the arena." Daaku gave her an annoyed look. " I have training with my sensei!!!"

" Oh I see. Well I'll go there with you. I'd love to see who is training my beloved daughter." He smiled. " What ever Dad, let's just hurry up. I can do this another way You just get there and watch me." She vanished in a flash of light she sped through the village. There was another flash as Ayumi dropped down next to her 2 team mates. She sighed and ran her hand through her long red hair. " I'm here. Sorry I'm late sensei. Ayumui Raito's the name...................."

Else where, Daaku had also arrived and as he looked to see what was going on his mouth dropped open. Rayex was there along with three genin. To of them were boys and the other was Ayumi......................" What the hell?? RAYEX????!!!........"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex's eyes widened slightly to see that Daaku had arrived and brought the final genin with him. She introduced herself as Ayumi Raito, OMG she is his daughter!!?? Rayex shook it off and soon turned his attention to the lot of them all. "So nice of you to join the rest of us Ayumi, this is day one for you genin and your first excercise is to get these two bells away from me. If that sounds hard? The one that doesn't get it will fail on the spot." Rayex said yet again. "Hey Daaku, you mind taking a seat on the side for a moment?"

Rayex then removed his gourd of sand and threw it to the side. He yawned and pulled out a book written by Jiraiya, the one he resembled alot because of his hair. The two boys Kurama and Rayman were struck in shock. "Hey what the hell are you doing readin that book?!" Kurama protested. "Lets see, one its my favorite novel written by Ero Sanin, and two to find out what comes next. Is their anything else you want to ask me? If not....Begin!" Rayex said and the two seperated concealing themselves when he wasn't looking. His head was in his book reading the chapters with a muse.

From the corner of his eye stood Kurama out in the open while Rayman was concealed along with Ayumi. "Hey sensei! I'm going to get one of those bells from you right now!" Kurama boasted. "Yeah yeah, talk big until you can snatch it from me squirt." Rayex said flipping through the pages ignoring him. Kurama growled and charged forward with a kunai in his hand, he tried to slice Rayex across the face, but Rayex moved left and held out his leg making him trip and fall on his face. Rayex gave him some advice, "Your weak attacks aren't going to do you much good against me."

He looked down at his body to see it go up in smoke to become a log. Substitution! He soon realized a phase of chakra teleported behind him and launched a powerful kick that he caught just barely. "Heh, you were saying!" Kurama said following up with his fist that Rayex ducked from. Seeing that he was open a wave of kunai and shuriken came out of the blue from Rayman apparently and jumped right and threw Kurama to the ground. Damn, these kids aren't half bad. I won't get to finish reading Ichi Ichi.
Daaku stood way off to the side and watched as the kids tried to get a bell. He remembered this exercise. He didn't have to take place in it, but Tsunade had told him all about it. This was going to be more than interesting to watch. " Ayumi better not make me look bad................." He doubted this and had a feeling that Rayex was in for a little surprise. Ayumi has just like him at a young age. Fast and deadly.

" You idiots. you're attacking from the wrong angle. If you do it that way, he'll counter it almost every time. I learned this from a master to never underestimate an opponent..........." Aymui rushed forward and ran for the right , then the left. She jumped up and flipped over Rayex and jumped above him. She laughed, " It's all about the senses man!!!! Take this..........." She flicked her hands down and make a quick hand sign and called out " Light Style: Corona Flare Jutsu!!!" Her hands emitted a amazingly bright flash that most definitely would blind Rayex.

" This bell is mine!!! " She swooped down reaching for the bell on his hip.................

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex could see that Ayumi was rushing out from the side moving side to side trying to confuse Rayex. His eyes were already interpretting her movements and he dashed forward and slid into her leg to trip her up. He missed when a kunai planted in the ground by Rayman from his earlier attack stopped him. What the! Ayumi was soon over his head doing a jutsu, rolled backward and closed his eyes while a light was unleashed. Noticing this was the perfect chance to take the bell, Kurama grabbed Rayex from behind while Ayumi was reaching for a bell.

" This bell is mine!!! "

Rayex forsaw this at some point and let himself caught. He immediately switched his body with his gourd that was nearby, so Ayumi was really grabbing the strap. Kurama was shocked to see that he had grabbed something besides Rayex. "Huh!? Where did he go!?" Kurama yelled in confusion. He began looking around, from up and down and around the area. "Right where you least expect it!" Rayex said as his hand emerged from the ground and pulled down both Ayumi and Kurama. He sat down and looked at the two of them, "Earth style, head hunters jutsu. Ah dont you just love the classics?" Rayex said with a smile.
Ayumi had immediately switched on her burakkuai after her jutsu. She had figured this wasn't going to be easy. Rayex had closed his eyes to avoid the jutsu. Normally he should have still been blinded by it even with his eyes closed, but his body was out putting chakra to protect him. She went for the bell, but grabbed the strap as he switched himself with his gourd.

"Huh!? Where did he go!?" Ayumi looked down and saw that Rayex was preparing to swap places with them underground. She quickly made a clone and let it get pulled down with Kurama. Back on the othe side of the arena she thought about this carefully. they would get know where with out teamwork. " Hey Rayex-Sensei you are pretty good, but I'm not the daughter of the 5th hokage and feared White Shadow for nothing............"
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex wasn't suprised to see that Ayumi escaped, she was Daaku's and Tsunade's daughter afterall. He picked up his gourd and placed it on his back, he ruffed Kurama's head. "Well, your going to be there a with no help, enjoy." Rayex said walking forward while Kurama was struggling to get out. "Hey come back sensei!" he yelled squirming. Rayman was rather quiet but he soon came out and about standing in front of Rayex. "Well its about time you came out of hiding. We should put a bell on you for being so quiet." Rayex said looking at Rayman. He had a bit of a serious look on his face, "Unlike these two, im taking you seriously." Rayman said reaching down to his sides getting ready.

"Talk all you want, it doesn't mean your going to get a bell." Rayex said watching him closely. He whirled kunai and shuriken at Rayex for a second time, sand shot of his gourd catching them instantly. "Normal attacks are useless." Rayex said yet again. Raymen smiled tossing a kunai to cut a rope which set of a trap of ninja tools springing from above him. A trap! The sand hovered over his head high to sheild him and Kurama. Raymen took teleported and reappeared infront of Rayex crescent kicking him from below sending him backwards. He then pressed forward and began reaching for the bell Rayex had on his hip, he touched it barely as it jingled once. Who the hell is this kid? Rayex slammed his knee into his torso and caught himself to break his fall. Raymen did the same, "heh, not bad still it could be better if you had Kurama or Ayumi help you." Rayex said rubbing his chin from his kick.

"Those thanks." Raymen said doing a few handsigns similar to the one Ichiru showed Rayex. "Gi-gai! Shikaze no jutsu!" Rayman cried, "What!? Genin can't use direct lightning jutsu! Takes way too much chakra!'' Rayex said startled. A stream of blue lightning shot from Rayman's mouth and covered the area Rayex was standing in. It was flaring wildly and Rayman had a confident smile, but the smoke cleared and a sand clone left by Rayex was left slowly fading away. "What!? Where is he now!?" Rayman said looking around. Rayex was in his shadow, "Man you shouldn't let your opponent get behind you, it could be dangerous." Rayex said crafting his fingers in the seal of the tiger. "Revealing secret finger jutsu! One thousand years of death!" He slammed his fingers into Rayman's posterior and sent him flying up into the air, he landed somewhere next to Ayumi where Kurama had finally got out and ran over to the others.

"Any time you want to make a stratedgy, be my guest." Rayex said as he took out his Ichi Ichi and began to read it yet again. Kurama was truely pissed that Rayex was this strong and only a few years older than him. Rayman was embarrassed from that last attack and didn't say much. "Gah! Why can't we take this guy out!? You two got any ideas!?" Kurama said to Ayumi and Rayman.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
"Dunno, and I wouldn't worry about her being mad, she always acts like that."

Sasuke looks toward he, seeing it'll take a while, so he goes and sets up camp fire logs. He stands and does a couple hand signs (forgot which ones except the last two.

"Katon! Gongekkyo no jutsu!"

He breathes out a fireball and ignites the campire fire. Then he looks at Tripod.

"It'll get cold if you stay away from heat, get close to the flames.[/i]


New member
"A-aye." Siad Tripod as she got closer to the fire. Tripod staired into the fire, Its strange being in this land. But yet its almost like home.

Tripod Sighed and petted Yoki in her arm, trying not to get Yoki cold was first in her mind. Tripod then looked over at Susake, "Hey, What do you do around here. I mean in your village, what do you do?" Siad Tripod.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
"Well, though it's been a few years, I guess my job hasn't changed. I'm a jounin now, so I lead groups usually, though this time I was lead because of his strategy ability by Luca. Well, if anything we may find something to do while we're here. A ninja comes up or something. I wonder where Naruto went anyway, he'd itch for this."

Sasuke looks toward Tsunade, she seemingly be done. As she turned, Sasuke felt someone in the bushes behind them. He drew Kunai but found the presense friendly.

" it's you" Sasuke said this as he straightened out and looked into the bushes.
Ayumi was getting annoyed. This was taking too long and she wanted one of those bells. She had an idea. This was going to take exact timing, but it would work if the othrs listened to her., " Guys I have an idea. Come closer. This is a jutsu that................." her voice cut off as they all huddled making a plan. It was tough, but Ayumi was going to prove how good she could be. The others would definitely prove something by using such a jutsu. They all spread apart and Karama and Rayman pulled their arms back.

Ayumi sighed. " This is it. all or nothing. You guys ready?? I can only last for so long in this state." She made a few handsigns and there was a bright flash that radiated out from her body. Her eyes were glowing green. She'd activated the sukkou burakkuai. The sky began to get dark as the light sucked into her body and powered her up. Now she would be able to move amazingly fast. It was time now...........

Daaku watched form the stands. " That's my girl. Trying her best to use her powers correctly. I can't wait to see what she'll do next. He was wondering what she had told the others. It was much darker now and he could only see because he'd also activated his own burakkuai. He gasped. All three genin were charging kamehameha's and Ayumi was cloaking their light and chakra. "Kamehameha!!!!!!!!!!!" all three genin called out. Huge beams of chakra erupted from all of their hands and combined into an even larger one that flew towards Rayex.

Of ocurse it was still practically invisible. Ayumi used her speed to run along the top of her own jutsu faster than it was actually moving. She appeared right in front of Rayex and smiled at him then disappeared and showed up behind him. She drop kicked him in the back to send him flying into the blast and then sped behind him and dropped down to grab a bell. " I'll get it for sure this time." Clones grabbed Rayex's arms and held him in place as the blast was still coming. Ayumi had been moving extremely fast and only about a second had passed.................

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex could see that they were formulating a plan, "what do they have going on now." Rayex said flipping through his book. The sky grew dark from what appeared to be Ayumi's doing. This was gathering to be interesting, Rayex smiled and put his book away and placed his fingers togthers. His thoughts to use his sharingan in the dark would prove useless, Daaku's kekkai genkai was Ayumi's as well, so she could control the light with darkness alone. Kage Bushin no Jutsu! The clones spread all around the darkness and moved scattered out all across the field, Rayex pulled a false substitution early on in when the footsteps masked his own.

7 clones were running across the field and stopped when they heared a noise. Rayex then stood and was reading Ichi Ichi. The blast from the team of three didn't suprise their sense as he moved out of the way with the other clones. The one reading the book could hear it and he moved out of the way as well, only to get blindsided by Ayumi and clones of her own grabbed his body. The real one was moving faster than his normal eyes could detect. The clones gripped his arms as she was approaching his waist only to touch the side of one of her clones. Shuriken came hurdling from above her and her clones in the dark arena that fell silent with no light.
Ayumi realized that her plan had failed. Her own jutsu hit her clone and she began to quickly reabsorb the chakra, but then she flipped to the left. Shuriken shot down and hit her clones. They exploded and Ayumi screamed and had to outrun the blast. She was still caught in it and flew sideways onto the ground. " Hmm he is good. Really good. I didn't think that dad was serious about Rayex having this much power." Something hit her. " Oh no!!!!!!!! The clones..............." Ayumi no longer needed to keep the area dark and her friends could be in danger.

She lit the area back up again and saw clones speeding towards her team mates who were rushing towards them. " Geez I'll have to do this the hard way." She shot forward and spin kicked one clone into another one. They collided and stood back up, but Ayumi had already shot a sphere of chakra at them. Of course it hit and they dispersed. She began to charge up for another jutsu, but fell forward and cried out. Her body was wracked with agony. The sukkou was reversing her chakra flow.

Daaku sighed. He knew what was happening. The sukkou always reversed chakra flow in one's body after time was up. The more control and power you had over it the longer. Daaku himself could keep it active for an entire day, but it she used to much chakra and was done for. " Rayex you bastard!!!!!!!!!!!! Look what you've done to my Ayumi. She's tried so hard to impress you, but you are toying with these kids!!!!" He began to scream and curse, but eventually calmed down.

Ayumi dragged herself along the ground and turned to the stands. She noticed Rayex in the stands...................eating popcorn. She blacked out, but not before saying, " Wow that power he has is amazing.............he'"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
"Keep your headband on Dad, your familiar with this excercise, and they've done well." Rayex said as he stood up. The people in the crowd cheered as he walked down the aisle and vanished in a flutter of sand and down by Ayumi. She had passed out, her attempt thus far was and excellent utilization of teamwork. He knelt down and stroked her head once. Daaku was going to get pissed, but he really didn't worry about him. His eyes moved down to the opposite side of the arena. Rayman and Kurama were nowhere to be seen, Huh? They moved...

Shuriken flew mid-air to Rayex's height making sure not to hit Ayumi. Rayex drew a kunai fast and blocked them as they came in. From the side slid Kurama, his hand touched the ground as he stopped to kick Rayex airborn. Damn i wasn't expecting this! Rayex continued to gain alititude, from his shadow appeared Rayamn, he slammed his left fist that Rayex blocked and he fell downward. Rayman followed up with a few hand signs that rayex had seen before, "Gi-Gai! Shikaze no jutsu!" He blew a stream of blew lightning at Rayex. Sand shot out of his gourd to block the attack as he was falling.

Kurama smirked and jumped up to rayex sensei as his back was off guard. He grabbed his legs with one leg and sliced off the bells with a kunai knife. Rayex couldn't do anything until he held off Rayaman's attack that was still going on. Kurama pushed off rayex and jumped after both of the bells. Rayex diverted some sand to grab Kurama and stopped him from falling. Rayman's attack gave subsided and the sand grabbed him too. "Not bad guys, so much for looser comment you made earlier Rayman." Rayex said as he landed keeping both of them in a sand bind. He picked up the bells and held them in his hands, all three of them were on the ground.

"You failed to get a bell, all of you. You came at me with the intention of taking me down and formulated strategies accordingly....You three all pass." Rayex said with a smile on his face. Kurama looked confused, "Hey but we didn't get a bell." Rayex's head turned to him, "The point was to use teamwork, you did that even with your rival." Rayex added. Kurama looked at Rayman and they shot each other looks and turned away. The sand faded off their bodies and they got up. Kurama ran over to Ayumi's side, Rayman stared at his sensei. So this is a jounin. Barely older than us and already this tough.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
While Sasuke and Tripod were distracted, the true enemy came up behind them from seemingly nowhere. He didn't show his form, just a shimmer in the air. Sasuke felkt the precense at the ;ast moment and turned too late. Then the figure in the bushes leaped out and struck the enemy...

Leaf Hurricane!

The shadow shiftly kicked the opponent and then landed with his feet spread. The enemy shimmered into visiblity, the head band on his forehead blank. "Another one? Looks like he saved me this time." There stood there rescuer, defiant as the day he fought Gaara of the Desert.

My name is Rock Lee, the Handsome Devil of the Village hidden in the Leaves. You are not welcome here in the land of waves.

Lee stood with one hand behind his back, his other poised in it's attack position.

You're attacks cannot escape my high speed Taijutsu.

"This is not the normal ninja, better be careful." Sasuke also got ready, cause this guy couldn't be the only ninja.
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