Neo Tokyo 2074 RP


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
OOC: Lets get this going shall we.

Taeko sat down and ate a piece of cake. "I haven't had one of these in awhile. Its a bit...nostalgic. Malaysia don't have cakes like this." she commented. She finished and looked at her watch. "Its time to go." Taeko said. Taeko called the waiter and order a tea to go. She stretched and smiled. She took a sip. Taeko wanted to get to know these people but she knew that knowing too much would make things harder when it came to the wire. This wasnt the time to get knwo everyone. This was the time to get in, get out and go home.Taeko got up, and paid for her tea. Then she left the shop and went to the car waiting for everyone.


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Jul 9, 2007
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Irene shook her head at Taeko and got a box for the rest of the cake. After wrapping it up she paid for the rest of the order. She hurried up out of the coffee shop and ran up behind Taeko. "I said I'd pay you know." Irene took out some money and pushed it in Taeko's hands. "It's my treat. Think of it as a friendly gesture." she gave Taeko a little playful nudge then smiled at her. Irene wanted to learn about Taeko. Taeko seemed like the serious type. Irene didn't particularly care for the serious type, but Taeko could be different. Irene opened her mouth looked at Taeko and said, "Are we taking my car or yours?"

Sergeant Dreamer

First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye
May 22, 2006
"How about the one I slept in, I left my fictures in there." Erica said and followed Irene outside.
She then opened Taeko's back door and pulled out her two short samurai swords.
"I never leave these." she looked at Irene. "If we plan to go somewhere I'll take my CBR streetbike, I miss the wind in my face."
Erica then pulled her small blackberry out of her left breast pocket and dialed a number.
"Oy, Jonny, I need my bike. Me and some freinds are going to someplace."
Ten minutes later Jonny pulled up and dropped off the bike for Erica. She smiled and handed Jonny some cash. As Jonny walked to the bus stop she pulled on her helmet and pointed her bike in the direction Taeko seemed to be staring.


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
"Why don't we all drive seperately so our car will be in the same area." Taeko suggested. She pulled out a mirror and touched up her makeup. Taeko put on her glasses. Her best friend, Tyleya always said she looked like something that walked out the Matrix.

Right now she was missing Tyleya. Tyleya just got married so they didnt see much of each other. Tyleya always said Taeko worked too much, and she was right. Taeko was always working in some way or another. Never had time to date. Taeko always wanted to find a nice man to settle down with but she couldn't with this blood feud. She waited three years for this job. This was her chance to settle this. She had too. Before Taeko could think back too far the car door closed and Marcus was in the car. She started the ignition and drove off.


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Jul 9, 2007
*points to map* HERE!
Irene sighed as she saw Taeko drive off. "I guess some people just don't have manners." She shook her head and pulled her keys out of her pocket. She couldn't wait to start but she also would like to get to know the people she was working with. She got into her car and started up the car. The radio was playing some J-Pop music. She tore out of the parking lot following Taekos' car. She was singing along with the radio. They always seemed to play the same songs over and over again so by now she knew them. She giggled at herself while driving toward the station. She realized Taeko probably didn't know the way so Irene pulled infront of Taeko and started to lead the way. Irene thought this might Iritate Taeko, but it is for the best. Happy, Irene cruised down the street.


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
"This woman is making me annoyed." Taeko said lowly. She watched as Irene sped pass her. Taeko turned on the radio. It was all those lame Japanese remakes of songs. She turned the radio off. She was going to speed pass Irene, but she decided not to feed into Irene's childishness. She followed her to the office. This was not Taeko's day. From the moment she got off the plane it has been horrible. She was ready for her assignment.

They finally pulled into the office parking lot. Taeko got out the car and walked inside. This wasn't working.


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May 30, 2008
Ft. Lewis, Washington
OOC: I'm confused, so I'm just gonna fast forward this to when Cheif (Erika) and I get to the office.

The front doors of the WHCP headquarters swing open as Marcus marched through. There was a look of anger I his eyes as he speed walked through the hall with the cheif trailing behind him. He was fixed on reaching his destination. With no concern for what was going on around him he carelessly walked through areas where others worked and conversated. The building seemed to pause as he pasted. He was annoyed, no beyond that. He was pissed. He finally got to Major Myamoto's office and swung the door open. Miyamoto was at her desk having a phone conversation when he walked in. Marcus started to speak but before he could Miyamoto held up a finger tellin hito wait a moment.
"I apologize for misinforming you, but this is bigger than you think." She told the angry voice on the phone. The voice continued. "No, that won't be nessessary, I can handle this. Alright, Sir? Okay, good bye." Miyamoto hung up then looked at Marcus.

"I don't need this." Marcus said stern tone of voice. "You think I do?" Miyamoto replied. "I have suporiors up my ass right now because of this." Marcus folded his arms and looked out the window. "What's her deal anyway?" He asked. "Don't know, it could be a number of reasons..." Miyamoto answered. " It could be a reaction from jet lag. Post-tramatic stress, too much fighting exsperience will do that. She's lost a partner before. That could be it. She may be afraid to work as a team again." Miyamoto tried to search for a logical explaination. "Or she could be on her period." She added. Marcus cut his eye at her. Miyamoto giggled a bit. " Loosen up!" She shouted. "Shes just a little homesick is all." This that She pulled out some files. "I just got a letter from the head Cheif of the Department. He's giving us the 'Go'." She said smiling. "Eveything you need just say it, and it is up for grabs. Whatever it takes." Marcus was interested. He smiled at her. "Now, go find her. You guys are a team with the Cheif and Irene. You're the best we have so don't let me down." He said folding her arms trying to act serious. " I exspect to have at least one dead suspect in the morgue by morning." She said joking.
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New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Taeko walked wondered until she finally found Miyamoto's office. She took a deep breath to find Marcus already in there. "Majima," Miyamoto said, "Before you say anything i want to ask what is wrong. You've seemed very upset since you have arrived. Now the Malaysian Branch is asking me what we did to you." Miyamoto said. Taeko closed the door and locked it before Irene and Erica could walk in. "I was lied to. I was told i would only have one partner. I find out, I have, four other ppl to work with. I need the details of everything before i agree to a job. And they bringing it all down on you isn't fair. So if i'm not smashing company, i apologize." Taeko finished.

Miyamoto nodded and gestured for Taeko to walk with his. Taeko walked towards Miyamoto. "Look. I know your story. Its one of the saddest I have ever heard. Your father dying. Your mother killed, and you from a young age being someone play thing. Every job you have done has been exceptional. I know it might be strange with all the personalities. But Taeko you are one of the best women in your field, It would be sad to say you caved because of....change in scenery so to speak. Please try to deal with it and as Harry told you, the situation because worst every moment where we have to send more people on the field. They should have told you exactly what was happening here. They didn't. But let me explain one thing to you. You are a team. If you work on your own your team will fall. If you don't work as a team, i will have to take you off this case and send you back to Malaysia. Do you understand?" Miyamoto said sternly. Taeko started to have respect for this woman. "I understand." Taeko said. Now she felt really stupid. She was being rude to everyone. Her head fell down. "Hey! Everyone makes mistakes, Just as long as we see them and fix right?" Miyamoto asked. "Yes Ma'am." Taeko said. "Beside I would hate to have to kill you." Taeko looked up in alarm and saw that she was joking. Taeko smiled slightly.

Taeko went and took a seat beside Marcus. "I apologize for being rude." she said looking him in the eye.


New member
May 30, 2008
Ft. Lewis, Washington
Marcus sighed. "Don't worry about it. Just make sure you let us know what's wrong before you start throwin hissy fits. We're a team and the last thing we need is communication issues." He said as he stood up. He looked through the window of the office and saw the cheif and Irene sittin out there. "We'd better get started." He said. He threw Majima the car keys "You're driving." He then left the office to let The other two that eveything was alright.

Marcus always wanted everyone he worked dwith to be informed of what's going on.
As an Ex-Soldier, he seen what happens when theres a lack on communication and how it effects the mision. It never ends up pretty.


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
"Before you go. I will give you details of your assignment. Irene knows what she has to do and so does the Erica. But i didnt explain both of your jobs. Two groups of three. Marus, Taeko are Irene. You guys are one team. If any of you find anything, you tell each other.

"Marcus, you will be in the Pleasure District. You will find the goings on there. I always say that the little thugs work for the big guys. You will become friends with Oni Hitsugawa. He is a small time thug but he knows more than he should. Whatever he knows you report to me and your team mates, when you can. Don't blow you're cover for any reason. That mean Marcus, if someone has to die to keep you're know what to do

"Irene will be working in the Uptown District. She will have an apartment up there. She will be an upstanding heiress with the Heroin hookup. She will contact a man named Hitora Tanaka. He is a young busness man who has a piece of the pie as far as the androids are concerned. He also visits ADS 77 aka Android town. She will get to him in anyways she can.

"Taeko. With you connections into the Reikuko Gensei, thats where you will be placed. Tatsuya Akira is the son of the leader. You get to him, you will find what you need. He likes foreign girls. Also its rumored that Tatsuya Kiyoshi the leader of the Reikuko Gensei was friends with your father, so he will probably welcome you with open arms. Find information on the Androids, report to me, and wait for orders. Simple, ain't it. Now you are both dismissed. Send in Erica because she needs specific info regarding what she is going to do. You can start right now. Also you all will drive separate. I don't want you all seem in the same place with each other." Miyamoto ordered.


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Jul 9, 2007
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Before they could leave a man unlocked the door and walked in. He had a pipe in his mouth. He stared at Marcus and Taeko. Then he looked at Miyamoto as she shot him a dirty look. "I know I know. ye hate the pipe smoke." He doused the flame in his pipe and placed it in his pocket. "So are these the ones I'll be working with?" Miyamoto shook her head. "No you have a different team." Edward looked at Taeko and Marcus. "Anyway, I am Edward Relonda. Inspector Edward Relonda to be exact." As he said the Inspector he puffed out his chest. Normally this would put him Higher up than Miyamoto but in this mission he wasn't. "Aye. So Miyamoto who is my group?" All the time when he spoke it was with a heavy Irish Accent.