

One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
I am doing what DON asked me to describe every single problem that I seem to encounter. Well, this should be fairly simple, considering most of the stuff gives an overall effect to the site.


The new groups section
- This is horrendous. You segment off an entire forum just for people to join a group they wish to enter? And DON's reason for this is, "It makes use of the group section." I mean, what the hell? When a new person signs up to the forum to see only two main categories to post in, they would rather be turned off. DON also said, "It is to prevent from people from joining, posting ten times, then leaving." This is also annoying, considering people should have a right to go where they please. If they feel the forum is not for them, then they can go somewhere else. Nothing can stop them. I mean, seriously, you are trying to increase the forum yet you seem to not think about it in the long run.

The groups section should only be used for fanclubs / special sections (GP Mafia, etc.) This would enable the users to have a "secret" thread that only die-hard people can go to; it should not be used to restrict the forum to certain groups.

The forgotten things - There is some glitches that seem to be annoying as well, such as the shoutbox one (Given that it is sort of my fault. xD). We can't post quotations or >, <. I believe if you re-upload the SB without the plugin, it should work. the skins also need major changing. DON said he may want to get a new skin in one of the threads, yet why don't we clean the old ones up? The white skin has two top stat boxes and no gender affiliation in threads. The Greenfox skin has no link to new posts. The dark skin has who knows what problems on it, considering I don't use it.

That is about it as of right now. I mean, I am sure there is some other things that members find problems with. If you are one of those, post it here.
Jan 12, 2006
Out and about
Thanks for your support and suggestions I'm sure Don will consider them.

I can only say that I use the dark skin and dont have a problem with it so far.
And about the group thing, you could have a point there, I dunno how new members will react on it, its worth a try though.


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
Well, I'm gonna guess and say there's gonna be a default thread somewhere saying "Where are all the forums? Read this!" or something like that. And well, this idea was sorta acknowledged by all staff really. If it desn't help the site any, then we can just as easily get rid of it to. Don't worry, we'll come up with idea's to help the site, and doing this SV, well it doesn't hurt to have your opinions on things i guess...

Radical Dreamer

Gothic Heartless
Apr 22, 2006
In the shadows
IBeatSephiroth said:
*croses arms* IBS-chan dosent like how the forums are now.. IBS-chan wants them back how they were...
lol it's true and SV had a point if a person wants to leave that's them and wtf maybe Cloud was right about Don sadly.


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
Cat-sama said:
Well, I'm gonna guess and say there's gonna be a default thread somewhere saying "Where are all the forums? Read this!" or something like that. And well, this idea was sorta acknowledged by all staff really. If it desn't help the site any, then we can just as easily get rid of it to. Don't worry, we'll come up with idea's to help the site, and doing this SV, well it doesn't hurt to have your opinions on things i guess...

Define we. I mean, if you're talking about the staff just giving ideas out, then no. Just stop. You guys think you know what best, but have you actually ever considered a member's opinion to fix the site up? Maybe what to add, etc. I know the gender hack was, but nothing else. I mean, this site is suppose to be for the members, but I rarely see any of their ideas put into action. It is either a staff's idea, or nothing at all. Have you actually cared to realize that? there's a perfectly good idea thread I created awhile ago, but yep, sure enough, it got ignored yet again. I do give you that it is a bit...short on ideas, but still, thats not the point.
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Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
T_T I try my best to help, honestly. And right now schools playing a major factor in me not being able to help. I created a thread in the announcement forums for you guys to put your opinion there. As for staff who weren't informed, well if you didn't make the effort to check the staff forums for the meeting we had like two months ago, that just shows how lazy you are, or you just don't have the time for staff. I'm sorry if i sound horrible, but it's the truth. Everyone else seemed to have saw that thread in the staff section, and we even asked them about it....


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
T_T But the meeting was like 2 months ago, and the thread was made a week before that. How did you not know if you checked the staff section everyday? And yes, i know it doesn't make you lazy, i don't know why i said that...


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Tsukasa said:
I just never noticed it.... why would you call us lazy?
I'm going to make a few posts.. just because my PC freezes and I lose w.e I wrote on commenting ALL posts here..

anyways tsukasa.. that still not a good excuse... Latly a lot of the staff HASN't been reading the staff forums... which isn't a good sign... at all...
---------------------------Double Post---------------------------
Splintered Visions said:
I am doing what DON asked me to describe every single problem that I seem to encounter. Well, this should be fairly simple, considering most of the stuff gives an overall effect to the site.


The new groups section
- This is horrendous. You segment off an entire forum just for people to join a group they wish to enter? And DON's reason for this is, "It makes use of the group section." I mean, what the hell? When a new person signs up to the forum to see only two main categories to post in, they would rather be turned off. DON also said, "It is to prevent from people from joining, posting ten times, then leaving." This is also annoying, considering people should have a right to go where they please. If they feel the forum is not for them, then they can go somewhere else. Nothing can stop them. I mean, seriously, you are trying to increase the forum yet you seem to not think about it in the long run.

The groups section should only be used for fanclubs / special sections (GP Mafia, etc.) This would enable the users to have a "secret" thread that only die-hard people can go to; it should not be used to restrict the forum to certain groups.

The forgotten things - There is some glitches that seem to be annoying as well, such as the shoutbox one (Given that it is sort of my fault. xD). We can't post quotations or >, <. I believe if you re-upload the SB without the plugin, it should work. the skins also need major changing. DON said he may want to get a new skin in one of the threads, yet why don't we clean the old ones up? The white skin has two top stat boxes and no gender affiliation in threads. The Greenfox skin has no link to new posts. The dark skin has who knows what problems on it, considering I don't use it.

That is about it as of right now. I mean, I am sure there is some other things that members find problems with. If you are one of those, post it here.
I see where your coming from, yet I can't say your wrong or right. People NEED to understand if your going to register and come by.. ATLEAST be decent enough to participate.. the staff works hard to make this place what it is for the MEMBERS! We don't get paid or get anything out of it.... heck.. you should be happy I haven't put ads on the forums!!

As for the left over things, you have to realize.. there is a SHORTAGE of staff ability... meaning I CAN'T DO ALL THE WORK MYSELF! I have a life... a 8-10 hr shift job...daily, I don't have the time I used too.

Therefore either we need to find someone who can do the jobs, or a staff member has to step up. As for the new skin, that would mean none of the other skins will be up. As it would be a total rebuild of vbulletin and the forums to the next level.

So this change isn't permanent, but I need input from you all, AT THE SAME TIME.. looking at staff's perspective too.
---------------------------Double Post---------------------------
The Enigma said:
lol it's true and SV had a point if a person wants to leave that's them and wtf maybe Cloud was right about Don sadly.
I never said people HAVE to stay.. BUT if your gonna put the time in to REGISTER... and VISIT almost everyday... ATLEAST put in the time to post... or join in on stuff... and if there ISN'T anything you like, or WANT a section for something.. suggest it!

We haven't been getting member input, latly at all. If we have, it;s by the same people over and over. We need some NEW people or people who don't input much, to let us know what they hate/like/want so see etc...

BTW Enigma.. mabye I should take away your VIP status? You don't seem to be using the VIP forums much latly...
---------------------------Double Post---------------------------
Tsukasa said:
you know I am part of staff and according to Don and Cat almost all the staff agreed to the new forums... I was not even informed about them... I really don't like it.. it makes things harder for everyone
well next time you might want to stay in the staff meeting... leaving = your loss in decisions and suggestions of the meeting...
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Jan 12, 2006
Out and about
Tsukasa wasnt at the staff meeting because he wasnt a staff member back then. And I think apart of me all other staff members were there, so I dont understand your problem.
I just seriously hate it to be called lazy, I had a week holidays this week but apart of that Im always around.

And at least DON does something, even though you may not like it.

Rome wasnt built on one day either.
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Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
Well, im sorry then! Gosh, i didn't know what else to say. If staff don't take the time to check the staff forum for updates and meetings, then they certainly have NO right to complain that they had no decision in something, when they weren't even a part of it...
And you know what? I actually consider myself somewhat LAZY because i don't have that much to do. Im supposed to be working on the rpg, but theres no point in doing so because 3.0 is going to be out soon (Full version...), so that doesn't leave me with much to do right now. You aren't doing something by just being ON the forums...


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
DON said:

Therefore either we need to find someone who can do the jobs, or a staff member has to step up. As for the new skin, that would mean none of the other skins will be up. As it would be a total rebuild of vbulletin and the forums to the next level.

So this change isn't permanent, but I need input from you all, AT THE SAME TIME.. looking at staff's perspective too.
---------------------------Double Post---------------------------

I never said people HAVE to stay.. BUT if your gonna put the time in to REGISTER... and VISIT almost everyday... ATLEAST put in the time to post... or join in on stuff... and if there ISN'T anything you like, or WANT a section for something.. suggest it!

We haven't been getting member input, lately at all. If we have, it;s by the same people over and over. We need some NEW people or people who don't input much, to let us know what they hate/like/want so see etc...

I am sorry, I really am. I guess you never took the time to read my staff application did you? Heh. Oh, well.

Anyways, I have told you this once before, I ask everyone that leaves this forum what they hate about it, and I get the same response every single time. "It's just lacking something." That is what I receive from everyone. And to tell you the truth, I can see where they are coming from. This place lacks motivation to get people here. Also, it lacks member helpfulness in which they think the Admins should do everything, not them. Look, man, To achieve a good forum, it needs to have a good flow to it. Right now, we are just scattering the forum. Everything is just spontaneous. There is nothing new here that other forums do not offer, except this site really relies too much on hacks in general.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Splintered Visions said:
I am sorry, I really am. I guess you never took the time to read my staff application did you? Heh. Oh, well.

Anyways, I have told you this once before, I ask everyone that leaves this forum what they hate about it, and I get the same response every single time. "It's just lacking something." That is what I receive from everyone. And to tell you the truth, I can see where they are coming from. This place lacks motivation to get people here. Also, it lacks member helpfulness in which they think the Admins should do everything, not them. Look, man, To achieve a good forum, it needs to have a good flow to it. Right now, we are just scattering the forum. Everything is just spontaneous. There is nothing new here that other forums do not offer, except this site really relies too much on hacks in general.
Actually the staff took the time to read ur app. Atleast the admins did as far as I know.

The thing is... WHAT is missing.. or lacking.. and you shouldn't be addressing your post to JUST ME... because like I said, I can do ONLY SO MUCH... Yeah we have a lot of hacks.. but that's what the staff has discusses about. Having less vb hacks usage and more things like competitions etc.. then again.. same problem WHO will run them...and WHAT kind of competitions.

Also YOUR more of the member posting suggestions.. which doesn't help. We need to hear it from OTHERS.. not just you. This is a good chance for members to speak up... now is the time to let us know about stuff.


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
DON said:
Actually the staff took the time to read ur app. Atleast the admins did as far as I know.

The thing is... WHAT is missing.. or lacking.. and you shouldn't be addressing your post to JUST ME... because like I said, I can do ONLY SO MUCH... Yeah we have a lot of hacks.. but that's what the staff has discusses about. Having less vb hacks usage and more things like competitions etc.. then again.. same problem WHO will run them...and WHAT kind of competitions.

Also YOUR more of the member posting suggestions.. which doesn't help. We need to hear it from OTHERS.. not just you. This is a good chance for members to speak up... now is the time to let us know about stuff.

It wasn't really directed at you. -.-'' If it is posted in a thread, it is mot likely towards everyone. It was to answer your question for the most part, though. I do talk to everyone about it once in awhile in the SB. As for posting suggestions, yes, I do. I did summarize everyone's thoughts when I discussed it with them, though. People do tend to agree with me in a lot of situations, however. So, in turn, it summarizes their thoughts and mine.

As for your competitions, I am currently running most of them besides the RPG. And yes, all I need are some prizes, but that is really simple to achieve in essence. I have already devised most of the prizes, given you submitted to them.


The King Of Bandits
Splintered Visions said:
I do talk to everyone about it once in awhile in the SB. As for posting suggestions, yes, I do. I did summarize everyone's thoughts when I discussed it with them, though. People do tend to agree with me in a lot of situations, however. So, in turn, it summarizes their thoughts and mine.

Ok lets rephrase this. We want to see members post their ideas rather then telling them to someone else to post for them. That is true laziness XD. so what if they agree with you, they should post their idea in their own words, not yours.

We have competitions, and while i will admit that this is a big step Competitions are not going to keep members coming in forever. We dont need to make temporary plans, we need to be making plans that will evolve as time goes on, we need more then just competitions obviously, other wise people would be participating in them instead of leaving.

Also on a side note, about people becoming less active. I understand sometimes people have to go, and their are certain days where people can't get on much. But im just saying if you had enough time to sign up and look at other peoples posts, you have enough time to post. Like Don said there are people who get on and just look at the forums. While it is good that they are getting on the forums, we feel they could be doing more.

And on a final note, i believe most members think that the staff should do everything, and they shouldn't have to do anything. I'm gonna say this, we are a limited amount of people, and if you are gonna complain and gripe about work not getting done and how much the forums suck when you dont even bother to post your idea's on what would make the site better or what is wrong with it, then i really feel like you need to come back to reality. sure the forum is fun, but we have to do a certain amount of work to bring that fun to all the members. Without input from the members (Please notice the "s" there signifying a plural tense, meaning more then one person posting their input) we will get nowhere and the forum will become boring and not fun. If you really care about the forums, and dont want them to get boring and end up shutting down, then please give us your input. Dont be afraid to give us an idea, the worst we can do is say no.

Look at the way the forums are now. No input from members + the members leaving everything up to the staff = a forum without any member input. In other words a forum pretty much occupied by the staff. Meaning it benifits the staff mostly while the regular and VIP members get shafted with a forum they hate.
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