is that even a good thing or bad?I think it's going to be just like South Park said. The minorities will take over, and that's what they meant by the world ending!
is that even a good thing or bad?I think it's going to be just like South Park said. The minorities will take over, and that's what they meant by the world ending!
actually people right now are buying bunkers and spending literally most of their daily paycheck to get it made for 2012...Wouldn't is suck if people went and spend their whole life savings on shit because they thought they were going to die?
I guess they think going under ground and storing food and supplies for X years will help.We don't even know what's going to happen in 2012, so how to bunkers help? For all we know Famine could spread and we'll die of hunger. Or we'll run out of water. Or something.
Ya I guess so... pretty much...So in 2012 we will be playing an IRL version of Fallout?
spoiler alert for those that haven';t played it yetDoes that mean we will randomly have to go beat a black radio announcer with a bat?
even in real life? hmmmm prolly be scary as hellIt was so much fun though!
what about zombies!You never know, some of those huge volcanoes on the ring of fire in the pacific have the power to (as the persians would say) "Blot out the sun", causing a pseudo nuclear winter effect on a global scale. But even if that happened, humanity would find a way to survive. We adapt, that's what we do best. With our current technology, we could survive a nuclear winter in larger numbers than were ever possible before. It's all thanks to technology and things like The Svalbard Global Seed Vault or a System of Underground Vaults built specifically for the apocalypse by Vivos. It's funny how humanity prepares for things that might not even happen. Better safe than sorry i suppose.
hmm could happen!!What if a massive earthquake triggers multiple tsunamis to strike nearby coasts as well as triggering massive volcanic eruptions that "blot out the sun" and destroy entire countries. BUT THEN all the people come back as zombies. Could we survive that?