Ami got up, "Whew, that thingis rowdier than Aunt Paul's Bull." Siad Ami as she got up and agusted her hat. Ami felt something bad coming and turn to the Bohathm.
The Boatham swung one of its massive claws at Ami. "Crap, I can't move out of the way." Siad Ami as she claw was coming straight at her. Ami closed her eyes and her reflexs took over.
Ami quickly held out her hands and cought the Boahathm's Claw. She was in a power strugle with the Heartless, she was trying to push it back, while the Boahtam was trying to push her down. "Gah, one of y'alls attack the horn while I got it Discated!" Yelled out Ami.
The Boatham swung one of its massive claws at Ami. "Crap, I can't move out of the way." Siad Ami as she claw was coming straight at her. Ami closed her eyes and her reflexs took over.
Ami quickly held out her hands and cought the Boahathm's Claw. She was in a power strugle with the Heartless, she was trying to push it back, while the Boahtam was trying to push her down. "Gah, one of y'alls attack the horn while I got it Discated!" Yelled out Ami.