Recent content by Aaura

  1. Aaura

    Random read this posts

    Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it denos't mtater in waht oredr the ltetres in a wrod are, the olny iprnoatmt tihng is taht the...
  2. Aaura

    Who Would you kill for the last poster?

    So yea just as the title says who would you kill for the last poster and how would you do it? feel free to be descriptive :wacko
  3. Aaura

    Debate Questions For Guys And Girls

    If you were seeing someone who liked you for a while, and you hung out and did unspeakable things one night into the early morning. and he asks you out in the morning when your awake, then all of a sudden the next day says he wants to wait till after schools done and doesn't talk to you for a...
  4. Aaura

    Sacred Memory

    So this is an rpg where you find your other half, like a soul mate. you make your character, and you all know how to do it. "I'm Aaura, I died at the age of 18 and i am looking for aubery my lost love. there are no chances that i will find him and im not entirely sure he is my other half. I...
  5. Aaura

    Do You Think That Life Is Worth It?

    I mean look at our economy and the lifestyles people live.... i guess im just asking myself this cuz ive been through alot of crap... and im still in pain. what more is there to look forward to>?:toilet:
  6. Aaura

    Poems (Imput Yours)

    This Boy She Cries Alone At Night For A Man That Might Just See Her For Her And Not Just Another Blur In This World Of Woe Lonelyness Was Our Only Foe She Never Really Gave A **** About All The Punches To The Gut She Recived After Another Heartach There's No More Room For Another Heart Break A...
  7. Aaura

    Growing Up Vampire

    Aaura Walks Around Her Room Wondering Where All Her Clothes Went. " Lio!!! Did You Sweep My Closet Again?" Starts Looking For Clues That Lio And His Misterious Neko Ways Have Been In Her Room. "Ahhh! Lio? Is That My Brush?" Picks Up Brush That Is Full Of Orange Hair. "Ugh, He Is So Lucky That I...
  8. Aaura

    Growing Up Vampire (Registration)

    Name: Age: Rank: ( Assasin, Gaurd Etc) Appearance: Personality: Race: (any Race) weapon: History: Magic: Kin: Who Is Your Family, (Whatever Race You Are Its Your Last Name) (You Dont Have To Have Kin) You Can Start Out As Either A Familiar, Vampire Or Werewolf. (Also A Continuation From...
  9. Aaura

    Immortality was only the begining (Vampires V.s Werewolves) Registration

    Name: Age: Rank: ( Assasin, Gaurd Etc) Appearance: Personality: Race: (any Race) weapon: History: Magic: Kin: Who Is Your Family, (Whatever Race You Are Its Your Last Name) (You Dont Have To Have Kin) And So On And So Forth, Enter Your Character Here, And Play With Us.
  10. Aaura

    Imortality Was Only The Begining (Vampires V.s Wearwolves)

    Name: Aaura Niwa Age: Unkown Rank: Assasin Princess ~Elder In Hiding~ Appearance: Depends On Her Mood Personality: Kills Anyone Who Bugs Her Or Gets In Her Way Is Only Nice To People She Knows, Trys To Be Nice To More "Friends" Race: Vampire Elder In Some Eyes weapon: Any, But Mostly Whip And...
  11. Aaura

    PS2 Shadow Of The Colossis

    Im Stuck Can Anyone Help? Im At The Big Hariy Volcano Air Out Of Ground One
  12. Aaura

    You Life Is In MY Hands

    Well This IS An Rpg, And Yah Its Life Or Death (Until You Create A New Character) So First Make A Character And Rpg Away
  13. Aaura

    New Song I Wrote

    If Only I could Hold You Tonight If only I could hold you tonight Speak to me Why can’t I just hold you? Close your eyes And just lay beside me Cuz baby I’ve been dreamin about this And it gets me by Just to see your smile Oh baby All I wanted was your kiss And as it comes to this I say to...
  14. Aaura

    Chat box (Fun Fun) replacement 4 (*The True Keyblader*)

    Ahhhh I Miss It, But This Will Do. Hey!!!! Waz up??? I Missed you All
  15. Aaura

    newbie Clan

    Join Us, We used to Have One Before But All Of Us Logged Of For A While. Come Back to Us