Recent content by Kadaj

  1. Kadaj

    DX Mafia

    Ok me and nitz are starting a real mafia not some gay fake club that GPMafia have they probably take bath's together those faggot ****s but anywayz our mafia is the real **** we wont take any **** from anyone. Here are the open position Rookie Mafia- Mafia Member- Whacker- Each day we will...
  2. Kadaj


    Hey, I think we should get rid of the shoutbox and add a flashchat, I can give it to nitz and he can add it this is why I think we need a flashchat. 1. The flaming in the SB is gettin kinda boring[/B Resolution-If we add flashchat, we can kick bad people out of the chat, ban them from the chat...
  3. Kadaj

    YU YU Hakusho

    Anyone likes this show? I love it and is very entertaining lol.
  4. Kadaj

    Dear Members :)

    Since this site is kinda bad right now and I havent been good to it I thought I would be kind enough to get it some members and get it really active before I do that the admins here will have to step up big. What I mean by that is forum changes here is some of my suggestions Forums- I just...
  5. Kadaj


    You guys think she's a real celebrity now? lol most people just like her for her hot ass body but is she really a celebrity now?
  6. Kadaj

    Gay people beign married?

    Do you guys think gar marrige is good? Because it's getting kinda annoying lol there's more and more gays getting married now should it end? Also I heard about people getting married to animals, This one lady married her snake lol. What do you guys think about that?
  7. Kadaj

    The Bush Debate

    Ok I wanna get the general discussion forums active :), So what do you guys think of Bush as president so far? I think he's not a good president and should impeached but that's just my opinion what do you guys think.
  8. Kadaj


    Im on the left
  9. Kadaj

    2player Arcade battles!!!

    Some of you asked how to challange someone in the arcade well go to usercp, arcade options and click ALLOW CHALLANGES then go to the person you want to challange post ( find any of his/her posts ) click his profile and it should say challange person NOTE: If you wanna challange someone your...
  10. Kadaj

    Rpg 3.0 Planning Sheet

    All right since rpg inferno alpha 3.0 is almost done I wanted to make this thread so we can get ready and make the story mode for it when it comes right out. What I have planned is pretty big and should be alot of fun. Now on 3.0 there is a map, in each map. In towns there is a NPC ( a guy to...
  11. Kadaj

    DARK RIKU!!!!

    Who in the rpg infernoi is Dark Riku? He will be punished for stealing custom weapons First person to tell me what his forum username is will be rewarded 1mil gil.
  12. Kadaj

    What do you want?

    I noticed we're not that active anymore so im just wondering what you guys want to be on GP? Give us some things that would make GP good for you and possibly others, and I'll talk to Nitz about it ;)
  13. Kadaj

    Custom Weapons Thread

    Okay, here's a little treat for you all. You get to have your own custom weapon. I will explain the conditions: Here's what it is. Basically you get to name your own weapon, give its own description, icon, but the strength values would be decided by the RPG Administration, so no one person's...
  14. Kadaj

    My clan

    I know I know, im not starting my clan until 3.0 comes out, but I forgot all my clan lol, anywayz post here if you wanna join my clan in 3.0 I so far have 4 clan members, the clan name will be The Dark Warriors.
  15. Kadaj

    New Smilies!!!

    All right I have added new smilies since most of you wouldnt shut up about em, so I added the little ones, and if this time you abuse them they will be gone for GOOD! of course some people dont like smilies so I'll add a poll to this so should we keep smilies? Or never ever bring them back? if...