Recent content by The Legendary Saviour

  1. The Legendary Saviour

    PS3 Tekken 6

    Its finally released on thursday :D Already preordered it! Anyone else getting it?!
  2. The Legendary Saviour

    Debate Occupations

    Whats your current one? :D
  3. The Legendary Saviour

    XBOX 360 BioShock 2 Pushed Back To 2010

    BioShock 2 Pushed Back To 2010 Take-Two delays release for more development time. by Jim Reilly US, July 13, 2009 - Take-Two has announced that the highly anticipated BioShock 2 will be given a new release date. The company released a statement this afternoon saying the game will be pushed...
  4. The Legendary Saviour

    Girls VS. Boys

    Alright so boys are +5, girls are -5. We're starting with 100 points, and the boys have to try to reach 200 points and the girls have to try to reach 0 :p No double posts, one poster cannot post twice in a row. They can post every other post, but NOT in a row! 100 - 5 = 95
  5. The Legendary Saviour

    PS3 Sony Stands Firm on PS3 Price

    Sony Stands Firm on PS3 Price Chief Exec Stringer refuses to bow to pressure. by Martin Robinson, IGN UK UK, July 8, 2009 - Sony's head honcho Howard Stringer has further rebutted claims that a PlayStation 3 price cut is in the wings, following a series of rumours and requests from the...
  6. The Legendary Saviour

    PS3 Guitar Hero 5 Official Track List

    Guitar Hero 5 Official Track List The first 24 songs from the game are here. by Erik Brudvig US, July 8, 2009 - Guitar Hero 5 is hitting stores this fall and if we've learned anything by now, it is the set list that makes or breaks a music game. Activision and Neversoft have sent over an...
  7. The Legendary Saviour

    Wii Wii Owners to Upgrade to PS3?

    Wii Owners to Upgrade to PS3? Sony's House sees Nintendo's console as stepping stone for new gamers. by Martin Robinson, IGN UK UK, June 9, 2009 - A significant number of Wii users will eventually upgrade to a PlayStation 3, according to recent comments from Sony Computer Entertainment...
  8. The Legendary Saviour

    PS3 EVO Championship and NAMCO BANDAI Announce the First Console Tekken 6 Tournament

    Sweet, I cant wait till they release the game.
  9. The Legendary Saviour

    Music Last CD you bought?

    Or downloaded? :D
  10. The Legendary Saviour

    PSP PSP go Impressions

    Im loving the design! But I already have a PSP....
  11. The Legendary Saviour

    XBOX 360 360 to Stick Around Until 2015

    Till 2015? They must be joking!
  12. The Legendary Saviour

    PS3 Sony Reveals PS3 Motion Controller

    E3 2009: Sony Reveals PS3 Motion Controller Sony's new controller works hand-in-hand with Playstation Eye. by Jim Reilly US, June 2, 2009 - Sony threw their motion controller hat into the gaming ring this afternoon. To compete with Nintendo's Wii-mote and Microsoft's recently announced "Project...
  13. The Legendary Saviour

    PS3 How many trophies have you won so far?

    Share your success with us! :D
  14. The Legendary Saviour

    PS3 Virtua Tennis 2009

    Anybody else got it? I got it straight on the release date (friday) and have to say it rocks! And its finally a tennis game which gives you trophies! Im currently working my way up on the world tour. Anybody wanna play against me? :biggrin:
  15. The Legendary Saviour

    Debate If you had one last call...

    Yeah so lets pretend you were about to get killed in the next 5 minutes and you were allowed to make one last call, who would you call?