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  1. Daesy


    I love this guy. My favorite song is Time. I also like, Mirror and When your mad. Does anyone else like him?
  2. Daesy


    Tyleya Authors note: I am new at this so please not so hard on the criticism. Feel free to comment if you want. I'm taking this story from some RPs that Ive been in. This is rated 17 for violence, dramatic themes, and some sexual content Chapter 1: The last Straw Nine year old Tyleya woke up...
  3. Daesy

    FFX-3: Rebirth of Sin...RP

    Final Fantasy X-3:Rebirth of Sin Note:We might run into old characters like Seymour, since the Fayth is getting active. It has been over 200 hundred years that Yuna's calm began. The Generation of her calm lived peacefully. They began to build cities that where destroyed by Sin. The cities was...
  4. Daesy

    FFX-3 Rp Registration

    It has been over 200 hundred years that Yuna's calm began. The Generation of her calm lived peacefully. They began to build cities that where destroyed by Sin. The cities was the Moonflow city that was sunken was raise up, Bikanal the city that Al Bhed called home, and of course New Zanarkand...
  5. Daesy

    Run!!!! Im Ugly!!! Arghhhhh!!!

    Well here is me. Pray you screen doesnt break.
  6. Daesy

    Chello chum

    Hello all. I signed up awhile ago. But im going to try to be active. I like to RP so i hope RPing is the thing. I am known Dae on a few forums. Hope this is fun. ^_^
  7. Daesy

    Educated Ignorance? Part IV

  8. Daesy

    no internet

  9. Daesy

    I'm back!!