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  1. Sergeant Dreamer

    Tour of Duty

    Hello everyone. I'm posting my final, hopefully not, post to say that I'm going on another 13 month tour to Afghanistan. I want to thank everyone for their friendship and the fun time we had. :D I hope to return to the site soon. First Lieutenant Elizabeth Dawson
  2. Sergeant Dreamer

    Obama and Europe

    "WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama left for Europe Tuesday, packing a weighty agenda as he heads for critical economic and political talks in his first journey across the Atlantic since taking office two months ago. Obama's focus: a G-20 meeting of the world's major economic powers and a...
  3. Sergeant Dreamer

    Britain leaving the U.S in the dust

    Britain's prime minister announced Wednesday that his country's soldiers will leave Iraq by the end of May, a move that will force the U.S. to send troops into the Shiite south to secure supply lines to the much larger American force. Britain, with some 4,000 troops currently in Iraq, is the...
  4. Sergeant Dreamer


    Okay, we all know your into laughs, so Criminal Territory and I have decided to put up a joke thread. RULES: Post a joke, allow two posts for guesses, and if the answer is not posted then quote the joke and post the answer. IF the answer is posted among the two posts, ie; keep note of your...
  5. Sergeant Dreamer

    I've Never (Game)

    The game: I've never! (lol. learned this through a fanfic. how sad XD). I'll start: I've never have had a brainfreeze.
  6. Sergeant Dreamer

    Word Relations

    Rules: Okay, you start off and post a word that relates to the ONE word in the previous post. Remember: only one! I'll start us off: Final Fantasy.
  7. Sergeant Dreamer

    What would you. . . .

    Ello! This my friends is known as the WHAT WOULD YOU game. You start out each sentance with, WHAT WOULD YOU, and then you reply and start over. EX: What would you do if. . .a mad scientist became you new chemistry teacher? And then respond. Got it? Well ENJOY!
  8. Sergeant Dreamer

    Cognoscenti NINE SOULdiers

    Ello! Welcome to Gamerz-Place. I believe that all clans are equal, even if they are intensly elaborate on recruiting details and such, but I hope you enjoy you time. I am a Soldier of the US Army and am a Second Lieutenant of the 110th MP division and looking to recruit clan members. Ranks~...
  9. Sergeant Dreamer

    Fable 2

    Does anybody know when it comes out? I just brought my Xbox 360 over from the US to my post here in Germany and I don't know when it comes out in the US so my sis can send it to me. . .
  10. Sergeant Dreamer


    Hi I'm new..and I have some relatives on the site. Reska and Aaura.
  11. Sergeant Dreamer

    The Latest New of MY Life