One of my cats just died within the past hour or so. He wasn't really MY cat specifically, but he lived here and I live here, so that's good enough. He was an orange cat name Buddha. He was a stray we brought in a long time ago because he kept coming to the door to see us. The second cat we brought in out of five. He's been sick for the past month or so, but he was really bad last night. It could have been a heart attack this time, so at least he doesn't have to suffer anymore. And he lived a long life... he was even older than my brother, who's in 9th grade. I watched him a lot and made sure to say bye before going to bed. I thought maybe he would live until morning so I could say bye again, but that didn't happen. I woke up early and helped bury him next to the garden in a shoebox... I won't let this ruin my day. If I were to do that, then death would win.
RIP Buddah
Picture my aunt took of him in 2004
My brother's goldfish died overnight yesterday too. It was about 5 years old or so.
RIP Buddah

Picture my aunt took of him in 2004
My brother's goldfish died overnight yesterday too. It was about 5 years old or so.