my name comes from a knick name of my last name. my last name is sedlak. and all my life people have been giving me odd renditions of my last name. sedster, sedder, seddy. and for some reason seddy just stayed with me.
Well, my first user, Lalaith, I got it from a book. I'm a Lord of the Rings obsessed *confession* so I wanted to have a name from the books. I chose Lalaith from "The Silmarilion" because it was a very pretty name.
My current user I chose to match my hubby's name, or the one he had before. Cuuuute!!! I know . (I love him much! ♥)
Also, I really like Hinata, I'm a bit like her, I think, lol
Well, when me and my sister first ever got on a forum (khi) we couldn't think of a username. On Neopets we had the username crazy_frog-g-g-g-g-g, which we thought was a tad inapropriate, lol. So we sat there for about 15 minutes brain-storming before my sister started to talk about how she bet Sephiroth in KH1 and when we joined she would brag about it (or it went something like that, lol) and yeah, IBeatSephiroth.
Man, when I first got on here I think I changed my name like 8 times
and I finally decided to stick it two the two things I loved the most, my career and what I do all day.
Sergeant and Dreamer
When i was thinking of a user name for another forum aeons ago... i was such a trance head as well as baby was something i could think up that would make the quoteria for the ammount of digits to much of the paying out from my sister