if i were a lumberjack id do butt sechs all day
cause everyone knows lumberjacks are gay
if i was a nerd id cyber sex my buddy list
and wen they reject me ill go out and get pissed
if i was a porn star id get payed for fun
but not if its gay i dont want no bumcum
if i was a graff artist id hit up the city
and go over toys tags because there so shitty
if i was a gangsta id roll round my hood
blast the fuck outta anyone on my turf , crips or blood
if i was a gangster id become a coke barron
and snort myshit and crash a maclaren
if i was chuck norris id blow my own balls up
so all these chuck norris fuckheads shut the fuck up
if i was an alien uranus would be my place
but if its not cleaned properly it would look a disgrace
if i was a doctor id clean out agamo`s intestines
and get a sexy supermodel to eat his sperm for din dins