Anybody else here go though insomnia currently or at some point in their life? I've always been an insomniac, I've handled some nights better then others. But ever since I was a really young child, I would never be able to go to sleep till 11-12, which for ages 4-10 is pretty late. Then during my early teens it was like 2-3 AM. Now I seriously cannot go to sleep until like 8-9 AM most nights, I always toss and turn and never seem to be able to go to sleep, even though I've tried several sleeping methods. 
I swear I'm like an owl, and to be honest it ****ing sucks.
Anybody else here an insomniac or go through stages of insomnia at some point in their life?
I swear I'm like an owl, and to be honest it ****ing sucks.
Anybody else here an insomniac or go through stages of insomnia at some point in their life?